Support for the Developpement of a 5 years strategic country plan for CBM-Haiti pourChristian Blind Mission|

CBM is an international Christian development organization committed to help improve the quality of life for people with disabilities in the world's poorest countries. With more than 100 years of professional experience, CBM works with 354 local, national and international partner organizations in the areas of health, education, rehabilitation and livelihood development, reaching approximately 52 million people per year in 54 countries.
CBM has been operational in Haiti for over 30 years aiming to contribute to building an inclusive Haitian society where people with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential.
With the devastating Earthquake in 2010, the population of persons with disabilities increased drastically and more services were needed which immediately expanded CBM portfolio in Haiti. A great deal of activities have been implemented in the emergency phase that eventually led to a more development stage that started in 2014 from which derived the first Country plan ( 2014-2018) that has been guiding CBM-Haiti and the different key stakeholders in their implementation.
CBM-Haiti actual portfolio includes different projects on: Health, Inclusive Education, Accessibility and Capacity Reinforcement that are executed through a various local organizations and key government institutions.
As the current country plan is coming to an end on December 31st 2018 and has been reviewed recently; CBM-Haiti is seeking for a consultant to help elaborate its next multiyear country plan

Description de taches

The Overall purpose of the country planning process is to develop a clear strategic and operational 5-year plan for the Country Office (CO) that aligns with CBM’s Federation Strategy 2021 and upholds the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The plan will set the country level direction for CBM’s Country Office to enable it to become a relevant Disability-Inclusive Development (DID) agency and effectively contribute towards achieving national level outcomes that improve the quality of life for people with disability in the country.
The country planning process itself is an opportunity for the Country Office team to reflect on its work to date and to engage with key internal and external stakeholders (most notably, persons with disabilities) as it determines what the priority areas of focus should be, based on an analysis of the situation in the country.

A learning and support team (LST) will be established to help monitor the deliverables of the country plan process

In order to facilitate a better understanding the interested parties, the deliverables are distributed in 4 axes:

Axes Consultant Deliverables CBM Deliverables
Country Planning Initiation • Determine required support and resources needed
• Key Stakeholders mapping
• Kick off orientation meeting with internal and external stakeholders

• Conduct an initial Meeting with Consultant to go over the process and agreed on an action plan
• Established a learning and support team
• Coordinate LST meeting
• Provide List of all CBM current Stakeholders
Country Analysis • Examine previous country situation Analysis
• Examine last country plan evaluation
• Conduct a current country situation analysis including:
1. Partnership and project portfolio
2. CBM-Haiti office capacity assessment
3. Stakeholders capacity assessment
4. Gap analysis
• Conduct different Stakeholders consultations
• Provide previous country plan
• Provide Previous country plan evaluation
• Provide current CBM Stakeholder list
• Provide Current/past CBM-Haiti project portfolio information as needed
Country Strategic Plan • Get informed of the key agreed priorities for CBM
• Conduct strategic planning workshop involving key internal and external stakeholders to develop a theory of chancge and formulate high-level key strategic priorities for the next 5 years

• Provide CBM key priorities
• Provide contact list of key internal and external stakeholders
• Provide all Key CBM tools/documentation necessary to the development of the country plan
Country Operational Plan • Develop country operational Plan including:
1. Budget
2. Country office Capacity needs
3. Risk registered
4. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
5. Final product to be submitted both in French and English
• CBM-Haiti Finance/logistic and programmatic departments to be available to work closely with Consultant as needed
• Help revise and validate final plan
This consultancy should not exceed a 2 months period of time starting at the contract signature. A detailed Implementation plan with a specific calendar need to be provided.
It’s important to note that all documentation produced during this consultancy is only for the use of CBM and cannot be duplicated without CBM written approval.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Required Qualifications
• Proven past experiences in similar tasks
• Understanding disability and the reality of the sector (is preferred)
• Demonstrated experiences in High-level report-writing, and/or publications
(documents sample to be provided)
• Professional verbal and written level in both in French and English

How to Apply
• A CV including specific experiences related to this offer
• A technical and financial proposal highlighting the approach, the methodology and the tools that will be used to do the work
• References of work and / or consultations of the same kind.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Autres remarques

CBM encourages applications from people with disabilities.

The future job holder adheres to CBM’s values and commits to CBM’s Child Safeguarding Policy