Baseline Assessments for the SGF/Reforestation Activity Project (RGF)pourPan American Development Foundation /Haiti|

PADF is seeking a firm to conduct the baseline assessments for the USAID-funded Small Grant Facility (SGF) / Reforestation Activity Project (RGF) which aims to achieve sustainable management of natural resources in targeted watersheds of Haiti through reduced deforestation threats and increased tree cover. The baseline assessments will provide PADF with information to orient the calls for proposals and the initial data they need to measure the performance and impact of the project over time. The study will be implemented in targeted zones near the protected areas, namely the Macaya, La Visite, and Forêt des Pins national parks, respectively in the South, Southeast and the West regions of Haiti. This baseline is designed to be quick, with questions soliciting largely categorical or classificatory data, entered in check-box formats.
The RGF Baseline Assessments will address the following objectives:
1. Descriptions of varied environmental and agro-ecological ecosystems including tree species, agroforestry types etc., prevailing land tenure conditions and other geo-physical data using GIS and satellite imagery for landscape analysis (forest cover, topography, soil types) in targeted zones of intervention;
2. Classifications of the overarching socio-economic conditions in the zones of intervention;
3. Collection of baseline data for activity indicators that measure project targets;
4. Identification of PVOs, CBOs, NGOs, service providers, and other potential partners;
5. Identification of each area’s priorities as they pertain to RGF capacities;
6. Establishment of important contextual information to ground the various ‘calls for proposal’ in different locations.

Description de taches

Specific Activities:

Under the guidance of the Project Director and in collaboration with the PADF’s M&E Manager, the firm will be responsible for the following tasks:

• Review relevant SGF/RGF documents;

• Conduct a geospatial analysis of the landscape of targeted zones tampon of the Parks Macaya, La Visite et Forêt des Pins (from available datasets and/or additional data collected as necessary). This analysis will address forest cover, forest categories, topography, soil erosion potential, potential drivers of deforestation, etc., using maps, GIS data and satellite imagery;

• Review with the Project team the assessment methodology and finalize the research instruments. A draft questionnaire will be provided by PADF; the Firm will incorporate any necessary changes resulting from discussions with the Project team;

• Establish the sample selection;

• Recruit, hire and train Surveyors;

• Define field procedures and give enumerators information on the instrument and on field procedures such as selection of households and respondents;

• Conduct and supervise the overall implementation of the assessments;

• Assume responsibility for overall quality of the fieldwork;

• Ensure that the baseline assessment is successfully completed within the schedule laid out in the scope of work;


• All data collected during the baseline assessment including: maps, aerial photographs, GIS data, satellite data, etc.

• Collected baseline data for specific activity indicators that measure project targets

• A final report in accordance to standards and characteristics defined by PADF. The final report will include the following sections:

o Introduction: will describe the background information relating the history of the problems of deforestation in targeted zones, a classification of socio-economic conditions in the targeted zones, and the identification and key actions of PVOs, CBOs, NGOs, service providers, and other potential partners in targeted zones;

o Methodology: will present the design, sampling, and sections describing fieldwork in each targeted zone;

o Results: will be presented using univariate and/or multivariate analysis tables or graphs with narrative for presentation of these results;

o Discussion: will present a narrative explaining how the findings and results compare with the premises stated in the Introduction section, and a landscape analysis highlighting differences in relation to contextual conditions of each targeted zones (forest cover, forest categories, topography, soil erosion, key drivers of deforestation, soil erosion, etc.)

o Conclusions and Recommendations: will present a synthesis of the findings, an identification of priorities for each RGF area, and a synthesis of key contextual information to ground the various ‘calls for proposal’ in different locations,

Note: Before developing the final report, the firm will meet with PADF team to discuss results of geospatial analysis and its impact on land development and environmental conservation.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Required Qualifications:

The selected firm shall possess the following qualifications:

• Hold a legal status enabling the organization to perform the above‐mentioned tasks;

• Have a minimum of 7 years of experience with qualitative and quantitative surveys including data collection, validation, entry and analysis

• Good knowledge of Haiti, particularly the project sites

• Demonstrated experience and internal capacity in designing, organizing, and implementing baseline studies involving socio-economic and geo-spatial landscape analysis;

• Have a good network of trained and experienced enumerators, supervisors and data entry clerks with capacity to perform the tasks
• Demonstrated experience in conducting similar studies and/or examining a range of data from maps, GIS, satellite imagery / aerial photography, etc., within the past five years.

• Team is capable and fully available to travel and live in field sites during the fieldwork phase.

Suggested Baseline Assessment Team Composition:

PADF proposes a team of two key personnel to support the staff: A Team Leader with expertise in Agriculture / Agroforestry or related fields and with knowledge and experience in Haiti. A Geospatial Analyst to support the geospatial analysis in the targeted zones of intervention. The Firms may propose an alternative personnel configuration to implement the study based on the approach provided in their proposals.

The Team Leader will provide leadership and supervision to the overall operations of the baseline assessment. She/he will be the point of contact between PADF and the baseline team and will have the responsibility to produce the final report of the baseline assessment. She/he is expected to have at least 10 years of Agroforestry / Agriculture or related field programming; hold an advanced degree in Agronomy / Agroforestry or other development-related field (agricultural economics, anthropology, environment, etc.); have demonstrated experience in leading survey teams; have experience with or knowledge of the USAID Agroforestry / Reforestation Programs (in Haiti or elsewhere); be fluent in French, English, and Creole; have excellent writing skills, with publications (in any language) in one discipline related to the assignment.

The Geospatial Analyst will be responsible for collecting, analyzing and examining a range of data from maps, aerial photography, GIS data, satellite data, soil analysis, etc., for a comprehensive landscape analysis of the targeted zones. She/he is expected to have at least 7 years of experience in geospatial, landscape analysis. Hold a University degree in geography, cartography, anthropology, statistics or related field and demonstrated extensive knowledge of and experience in geospatial technology. She/he is fluent in French and Creole and demonstrated good writing and organization skills.

Timeline and Budget:

Offerors must submit a timeline of activities as part of their proposals, which should follow the timeline set forth in the Scope of Work. In addition to a technical proposal, a consulting firm bidding for this assessment must submit a Budget in Excel showing the projected Level of Effort for each proposed member of the team and the required logistical and administrative support costs and cv of the personnel.

Evaluation Criteria for Proposals:

Qualification Weight
Technical Approach (30 points)
The Technical Approach of the Firm as described in its proposed methodology 30
Experience / Past Performance (20 points)
Minimum of 7 years with qualitative and quantitative surveys experience including geospatial analysis 10
Past performance, including a writing sample document, preferably a baseline or another study with quantitative and qualitative measurements 10
Timeline (15 points)
Timeline emphasizing the ability to meet the proposed deadlines 15
Key Personnel (15 points)
Composition of the technical team, including CVs and commitment of availability 15
Budget (20 points)
Proposed budget in relation to proposed services and personnel 20

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Interested applicants should send proposals and budget to by August 15, 2018.

Autres remarques

Note: A contract will not be issued to the selected Consulting Firm until the approval by USAID of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan.