Assessment of the development landscape in the CaribbeanpourPan American Development Foundation /Haiti|

1. Background
About PADF section: The Mission of the Pan American Development Foundation is to assist vulnerable and excluded people and communities in the Americas to achieve sustainable economic and social progress, strengthen their communities and civil society, promote democratic participation and inclusion, and prepare for and respond to natural disasters and other humanitarian crises, there by advancing the principles of the Organization of American States and creating a Hemisphere of Opportunity for All. For more information about PADF, please visit
About expansion into the Caribbean: Currently, PADF’s field office in Haiti is the second largest field office in the hemisphere. PADF also has programming within the Caribbean including Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & Grenadines, and Puerto Rico. PADF is looking to its Haiti office for leadership of all programming in the Caribbean region, with a particular emphasis on growing the portfolio in strategic alignment with named thematic priorities noted below.
Therefore, PADF- Haiti seeks the services of a consultant to deliver a rapid assessment of the development landscape in the Caribbean. These include countries within which PADF has current programming and will include countries where there is a clear opportunity for the PADF to intervene or expand programming.

Description de taches

2. The assessment will include the following elements:
a) Using existing data, conduct a general review of the humanitarian and development sector landscape of the Caribbean region. This will include a brief socio-economic situational analysis with focus on the recent crises and emergency response activities in relevant countries, and a general review of needs, barriers and challenges (with a focus on both individual and institutional capacity constraints) encountered across the following thematic areas:
- Democracy, Governance & Human Rights
- Peace, Justice & Security
- Socio-Economic Opportunities, Health & Nutrition, Education
- Resilience, Disaster Management & Climate Adaptation
This could include for example identifying shortfalls in: humanitarian response, climate smart agriculture, expertise in WASH, shelter, child protection, international humanitarian law, private sector development, regional trade etc. Given the diversity of thematic areas in which the PADF engages, opportunities to address needs under a variety of thematic areas or at a regional level, with a horizontal, but comprehensive intervention should be clearly identified.

b) Using existing sources, develop a regional stakeholder map of the key actors providing support in or across the listed thematic areas. This will include but is not limited to key INGOs, key donors and their partners at a regional or country level. The mapping will also identify, to the extent the information is readily available from existing sources, strengths and priorities of key donors, as well as current gaps in support in the humanitarian sector in the Caribbean region. This could include an inventory of national and regional assets, donor-supported programming, government and donor-identified priority sectors for funding available in the humanitarian sector, and any linkages between the Caribbean region and global trends. It is expected that this initial analysis will identify existing research, reports and initiatives that may provide useful background material for PADF Haiti. It is also expected that this initial analysis will produce a stakeholder mapping of government, municipal, national, regional/ international organizations, faith-based organizations, academia, and private sector actors.
c) Identify specific areas of intervention and recommended engagement/partnerships based on the strategic review measured against PADF Haiti’s areas of expertise to address any gaps. This should include input on recommended partnership structures.

3. Key Deliverables
The output of this development landscape assessment will be a PowerPoint presentation with the following components:
a) Strategic mapping of key humanitarian stakeholders and coordination mechanisms in the Caribbean (Government, UN, NGOs, CSOs, academic institutions, groups, consortia, networks and others) categorized into responders, potential donors (corporate/ philanthropist and regional institutional donors), learning/ academia, policy makers, regional and national bodies. This mapping should cover all the thematic areas noted above.

b) Identification of capacity gaps and market needs, based on donor-identified priorities and trends seen in donor funding.
c) Recommendations for opportunities to explore against PADF’s thematic areas.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Deadline : August 14, 2018
Applicants should send CV, cover letter and copies of diplomas and certificates to the following address:
Human Ressources Service
Réf. : DIR--1807-31
Blvd 15 octobre, JBE’S Plaza, Rte de Tabarre ou
Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted.

Remarques contact

Duty station: Consultant’s base of operations
Location: Full-time local position based out of the PADF-Haiti office in Port-au-Prince

Duration of the assignment: 10 non-consecutive days