Baseline Data Collection for Haiti Clean Cooking Market Development ProgrampourClean Cooking Alliance|

The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is issuing a Request for Proposals to launch a study that will focus on Haiti in support of the Haiti Clean Cooking Market Development Program. This particular study will be to collect baseline data from households; cookstove and fuel enterprises; and select small enterprises such as bakeries and street vendors to gain an understanding of the current status of the sector. The Program will use these data to understand baseline values for its performance indicators, to create targets, and to inform critical design elements of the Program.

Description de taches

The ultimate objective of the Program is to reduce negative climate, environment, economic, and health impacts from traditional cooking practices on the Haitian population, with a focus on reducing the disproportionate impacts on women and girls. This foundation building program will be executed over four years, as part of a larger anticipated ten-year initiative.
The Program’s efforts will entail a combination of sector-wide, market development activities, including: capacity-building support for government, stakeholders and clean cooking enterprises; advocacy and technical assistance to develop better policies and regulations; and support for sector coordination. The Program will also advocate for the inclusion of women and girls not only in the design of policies, but also across the clean cooking sector, to overcome historical exclusion and increase women’s economic and social empowerment. The Program will be led by the Alliance, in close collaboration with the Government of Haiti, local stakeholders, practitioners, the private sector, donors, civil society organizations, and UN agencies.
The launch of the Program requires a baseline. The baseline includes surveys to be conducted in urban households, with cookstove and fuel enterprises, and other small enterprises that are heavy consumers of fuel including bakeries, laundries, dry cleaners, and street vendors. Table 1 below details the research questions, instrument type, and respondent.

Table 1. Baseline data collection overview
Respondent and sample size
Household survey- 40 minutes per respondent
Sample of households in:
Performance indicator baseline data
Consumer preferences study
Greater Port-au-Prince
Cap Haïtien
Les Cayes
Cookstove and fuel enterprise survey- 30 minutes per respondent
All partner cookstove and fuel enterprises in Port-au-Prince, approximately 6
Performance indicator baseline data
Small enterprise survey- 15 minutes per respondent
Sample of bakeries, laundries, dry cleaners in:
To gain an understanding of fuel usage by type of enterprise
Greater Port-au-Prince
Cap Haïtien
Les Cayes
Sample of street food vendors in:
Greater Port-au-Prince
Retail observation- 10 minutes per store
Retail points of sale in Port-au-Prince for manufactured cookstoves, including electric cooking appliances- sample size under consideration
To assess current cookstove distribution.

The selected firm will undertake the following activities:
1) Provide input on the proposed instruments. The Program understand that some of the questions need to be adjusted to be locally appropriate, so we appreciate feedback on making sure each question and response option makes sense in the Haitian context. This round of inputs will be for the English versions of the instruments. Input should also be coordinated with a research firm conducting the consumer preferences study.
2) Develop the sample frame and sampling strategy in coordination with the Alliance and other research partners.
The Program rely on local expertise to develop the sampling methodology. Sampling procedures should include some element of randomization will take place. We will provide more details on the characteristics of the target households, small enterprises, and locations for retail observation.
3) Translate instruments listed in Table 1 below into French or Creole as appropriate. Back translation is also required.
Conduct a brief pilot of the household survey to ensure clarity in the translation. After the pilot, adjust the instrument language according to the pilot findings.
5) Convert finalized household and enterprise survey into electronic format on tablets for data collection. While we understand that tablet-based data collection may not always be appropriate, we hope it will be used for the majority of this data collection. In cases where paper surveys are better, the enumerators will then enter the survey directly into the table as soon as possible.
6) Hire and train enumerators. The number of enumerators and length of training is up to the data collection firm.
7) Collect data. The data collection period can be set by the data collection firm but it is expected to be two to three weeks long. Periodic field reports are expected to track progress and highlight any challenges.
8) Clean data. All data should be cleaned and labelled at the conclusion of the data collection period. Data should be labelled in both English and French.
9) Submit final datasets to Alliance. Data will be submitted via secure means, and data should come labelled with a codebook. A final report should also be submitted explaining any missing data or number of observations over or under the number planned.

The expected date for completing a signed contract is August 30, 2018 and data collection is roughly anticipated to begin October 18, 2018. Data are due within three weeks of the completion of data collection.
The following deliverables are expected at the end of the research period, with the exception of the work plan which should be delivered within ten days of the start of the contract. The research team will be expected to have regular calls with the project manager throughout the project work period. All deliverables, including the datasets, will be in English.
• Detailed work plan, including sampling methodologies;
• Final clean and labelled datasets in English and French;
• Final report including codebook, compiled field reports, and an explanation for any missing data including sample sizes that are above or below planned numbers.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Please submit a proposal and work plan, not exceeding 15 pages, describing the following:
• Proposed timeline and approach for completing the work, including a description of overall process. The timeline should include all key deliverable dates and a plan for meeting those deadlines.
• Detailed sampling methodology
• Unique qualifications of the organization and its staff, such as: understanding of and experience in cookstove and fuel sector in Haiti, experience conducting market research
• Broad overall budget
• A brief description of up to three examples of past experience conducting this kind of data collection in urban areas in Haiti
• CV of key staff to include project manager, enumerator trainer, and field manager (positions can be shared if desired). It is required that the organization’s designated project manager be able to speak, read, and write fluently in both English and French and/or Creole, and it is strongly preferred that other members of the team have strong competency in both languages. It is also preferred that applicant organizations have sub- contractors or other team members with knowledge of native Haitian languages and customs.
• Contact information for two references from past funders for whom the organization has completed similar work

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

The application should be submitted to the Alliance at no later than, August 3rd, 2018 at 11:59 pm EDT.

Remarques contact

Questions should be sent by email to: prior to the submission deadline. Responses will be posted to