Consultant/writer for program support documentspourBetter Work Haiti/ILO|

Better Work – a collaboration between the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) – is a comprehensive programme bringing together all levels of the garment industry to improve working conditions and respect for labor rights for workers, and boost the competitiveness of apparel businesses. Better Work uses its convening power to facilitate development and implementation of strategic framework for learning, with the ultimate objective to transform behavior in global supply chains. Having worked in 8 countries and established active learning relations with over 1,500 factories (covering more than 2 Mio. Workers) throughout a decade of work, Better Work is uniquely positioned as a broker of a global private-public partnership that supports learning and accelerates processes leading towards behavioral change. Better Work has developed robust partnership with leading global buyers, national governments and social partners. As a result of their participation with Better Work, factories have steadily improved compliance with ILO core labor standards and national legislation covering compensation, contracts, occupational safety and health and working time. This has significantly improved working conditions and, at the same time enhanced factories’ productivity and profitability. More information on the results from the multi-year impact evaluation of the overall Better Work programme can be found under
For more information about Better Work please see

Description de taches

Better Work seeks to contract a consultant to help with drafting, and editing of a number of key program documents. These range from technical progress reports, compliance synthesis reports, technical proposals, requests for fundraising, and feature stories to newsletter articles and other communication materials. This work will be carried out with the technical assistance and guidance of Better Work.

The contract duration will be 5 months (July – November 2018) with a possibility of renewal
depending on level of satisfaction with the consultant’s deliverables. For each deliverable, a timeline
and allocation of time will be agreed on in a contract to be issued by the ILO.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

 Minimum requirement is a bachelor’s degree in writing or relevant related field
 Minimum 5 years of progressive experience in communication, writing for an external
audience or writing programmatic, reporting and advocacy briefs
 Outstanding writing skills in the English language with demonstrated ability for logical and
analytical writing as well as ‘de-jargoning’ technical language for a wider audience
 Strong communicator with excellent interpersonal skills
 Ability to work independently within deadlines and under pressure
 Well organized and structured, good attention for detail
Strong drive for results, taking pride in delivering as per expectation in terms of quality and
 Knowledge and understanding of Haiti and its garment industry context
 Initiative, passion and commitment to the ILO and Better Work mission
 Demonstrated strong writing and editing skills and attention to detail
 Superior English-language skills
 Excellent organizational skills, including experience using online project management tools
 Knowledge of MS office applications, including Word©, Excel© and PowerPoint©
 Knowledge of child rights issues is desirable
 Ability to synthesize complex documents into key messages and clear summary documents
is desirable
 Experience in drafting advocacy documents from researches or studies is desirable
 Experience in conducting interviews for collecting information/case studies is desirable
 Experience working with UN agencies or other development organizations is a plus

Interested individuals are asked to express interest by submitting the following:
 CV;
 A competency statement outlining the individual’s skills and experience related to the task;
 Three references;
 Fee per hour/ work day (8 h).

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Please submit your application by email to haiti@betterwork,org

Autres remarques

 All data and information received and collected for the purpose of this assignment are to be
treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms
of Reference.
 All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these Terms of Reference are
assigned to IFC and ILO. The contents of written materials obtained and used in this
assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties without the expressed advance written
authorization of the IFC and ILO.
 The ILO holds the copyright to all information/evidence collected and content produced by the
contractor during assignments with the ILO. The contractor may not reproduce any of the
content, or use any assets or information accessed or collected during assignments with the
ILO for purposes other than those agreed with the ILO, without prior written permission from
the organization.
 Payments will be made against specific assignments, as per number of days agreed, and in
line with the daily rate as agreed with the consultant. Preference for any individual assignment
will be with the writer with the most competitive rate and most relevant writing experience for
the specific assignment.
 Complete submission of deliverables as per expected standard and quality as assessed by
the supervisor is a prerequisite for any payment of fee. The ILO reserves the right to adjust or
withhold payments for late deliverables or for deliverables not meeting expected quality.