Research partner for design and implementation of Better Work impact assessment in HaitipourBetter Work Haiti/ILO|

We mobilize global brands, governments, factory owners and workers to improve working conditions, drive competitiveness and create a more equitable, more prosperous world.
The Power of Convening
As a partnership between the UN’s International Labor Organization and the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation, we know how to bring diverse groups together to create positive action that improves working conditions while stimulating productivity and competitiveness.
A Proven Approach
We create lasting, measurable change by empowering factories to improve the working conditions in their facilities. Our assessments are the global gold standard for rigor and integrity. Our training programs and advisory services change attitudes as well as behaviors.

National Action/ Global Influence
Through our comprehensive, university-led research, and by sharing best practices from our on-the-ground experience, we are able to shape the agenda well beyond the countries in which we work, influencing governments, brands and policy makers to make improving working conditions a top priority
Our work and our research have demonstrated – to employers, unions, global brands and governments – that improving working conditions and defending the rights of workers benefits all of us. We’ve improved the lives of more than 2 million workers, and millions more family members, while enhancing the profitability of their employers. There is no trade-off between better work and better business.

Description de taches

Scope of the assignment
Better Work seeks to contract an analytical research partner to design and implement a multi-year research and impact assessment approach in Haiti for the current program strategy. The impact assessment will be designed with the aim to isolate and attribute changes in working conditions and business outcomes as well as capacities of national partners in the Haitian garment sector to BWH’s activities. It will primarily focus on measuring effects in areas that extend beyond the regular monitoring and reporting of project activities, including the development impact for workers and
business impact for firms, and the capacity of national partner organizations of BWH, particularly their capacity to promote and sustain mature industrial relations at the sector and enterprise level. The selected partner will lead on conceptualizing and proposing an overall research design, as well as lead in analysis to assess impact. It is expected that the analytical research partner will implement data collection and carry out the analysis. Better Work seeks a mixed methods approach to address the key research questions agreed on. The research proposed may include experimental and quasiexperimental approaches, the design of which will depend on the pending plans for the scope and implementation of project activities. It can include but not be limited to analysis of existing BWH compliance data, stakeholder surveys, focus group discussions, SMS campaigns, comparison to nongarment factories for alternative benchmark etc. The research plan has to be approved by BWH prior to implementation. This work will be carried out with the technical assistance and guidance of Better Work.

Some potential key research questions and sub questions to be answered through the
research and impact assessment plan:
1) How and to what extent has BWH created positive impact on the lives of garment workers
and their families?
a. How do specific Better Work training modules affect working life and factory
b. How does increased representation of women in management structure affect
workplace conditions and incidence of disputes?

Building upon existing initial evidence, what is the impact of quality PICC
(Performance Improvement Consultative Committees) bipartite committees in BWH
2) How has BWH strengthened the competitiveness of the Haitian garment sector?
a. How does the garment sector in Haiti compare to other sectors in the country in terms
of working conditions and impact on development outcomes? (possible use of data
comparison from MAST)
b. What are the effects of the rise of large intermediary firms sourcing apparel from
3) How have the activities of BWH strengthened the capabilities of the sector’s national tripartite
constituents to sustain mature industrial relations at the sectorial and enterprise level?
4) Are there unintended impacts of the program?
5) What mechanisms delivered the impact? Key contextual features for these mechanisms?

 Primary anticipated responsibilities include:
 Data collection and management;
 Statistical analyses;
 Literature review;
 Contributing to computer simulation modeling efforts (developing and running computer models)
 The opportunity exists to participate in scientific manuscript preparation and writing. Support of manuscript preparation (e.g. communications with co-authors, Table/Figure development) is expected.

 Superior English-language skills
 Outstanding writing skills in the English language
 Excellent command of French
 A working knowledge Creole would be an advantage
 Spanish would be a plus
An overall plan for the entire duration of the current program phase should be submitted by interested parties. Contracts will be made on a year to year basis.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

 Master’s Degree in relevant field (Evaluation and Impact Studies, economic and social development programmes, applied economics, statistics, econometrics);
 Technical expertise in social impact evaluation and economic analysis (including proficiency in Data Analysis and Statistical Software).

 Minimum 5 years’ experience in monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment and in project
management and partnership roles
 Experience with conducting and administering surveys;
 Experience conducting project impact analysis as part of rigorous impact evaluation of
policies, programs and interventions
 Superior knowledge of best practices and current trends in large project portfolio
management, monitoring and evaluation
 Experience working with bilateral and international development assistance funded projects
 Experience conducting behavioral and institutional studies or knowledge of behavioral statistics preferable

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Interested research teams are asked to express interest by submitting a research proposal by June
22nd, 2018 to
The research proposal should provide details on potential approaches to designing an impact
assessment of the BWH program that can respond to the key research questions identified above and
other ideas suggested by the research partner.
The document should provide proposed research framework and methods, including scope of
proposed data collection (up to 10 pages max), and a description of the research team and CVs of
principal investigators. As the BWH intervention will further develop and refine its implementation plan
throughout 2018, the proposed impact assessment design should be considered preliminary and allow
for flexibility for adjustments in consultation with Better Work.

Remarques contact

For any questions related to this post, please call us at: (509) 28 16 26 46 or email us

Autres remarques

Applicants who do not attach the statement addressing their claims against the required
competencies will not be considered for interview.
Applicants will be contacted directly if selected for written test.
Applicants will be contacted directly if selected for an interview.