Situation Analysis Research to Inform a Radio Serial Drama for Social and Behavior Change in HaitipourBloom S.A./Population Media Center|

Population Media Center (PMC), a US-based non-profit organization and its affiliate PMC Haiti are seeking proposals from qualified organizations to conduct situation analysis research in Haiti on the issues of Family Planning, Reproductive Heath, Child Protection, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, and Gender Equity as part of planning for a Haitian Creole language radio serial drama

Description de taches

Research tasks include:

1. Providing geographical, historical and political overview of Haiti and Haitian communities;
2. Conducting a literature review by gathering and examining existing health surveys and behavior change studies in Haiti and those relevant for the broadcast areas;
3. Generating a policy framework analysis by summarizing Haitian laws and national or international policies regarding issues addressed in the dramas;
4. Conducting a health services infrastructure analysis to empower scriptwriters to develop realistic storylines related to the use of these services; and
5. Conducting a media and communications analysis to understand audience media consumption habits and confirm the radio stations where the Haitian Creole language drama will air.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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The consultancy is expected to begin immediately. Please submit expressions of interest (EOI) to and cc: before 5 pm on Monday, June 4, 2018 (EST).

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A full Scope of Work (SOW) will be sent to those who submit an EOI. Submitting an EOI does not constitute a formal engagement to undertake the SOW.