External Contractor for Kanaan Pi Djanm Program Final EvaluationpourCroix Rouge Americaine| JobPaw.com

Canaan is an emerging city 20km north of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which spontaneously developed following the 2010 earthquake. This city is comprised of nine interconnected neighborhoods that expand across over 30 square kilometers and three municipalities. While the area was unpopulated before the earthquake, Canaan is now home to over 200,000 people, making it equivalent to the third largest city in the country. Ordinary Haitian families affected by the earthquake have invested over $100 million of their own money to building their homes, schools, churches, business and roads in this city.

However, the region faces a number of challenges resulting from this rapid and disorganized growth. The spontaneous and informal urban development has led to inadequate access to basic government services, such as clean water and waste management, and has led to concerns over the absence of environmental protections. The over 600km of roads are all unpaved, increasing costs for all services. Limited infrastructure and a lack of access has stunted economic development. Many homes are poorly constructed, making them susceptible to future disasters.
such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. Compounding these challenges, Canaan residents are often stigmatized due to their poverty and an unfounded perception of crime in the zone.

The American Red Cross’s Canaan Program mobilizes a coalition of actors to respond to these complex and growing needs. This coalition leverages the strengths of the Haitian government authorities, the Haitian Red Cross, the US government, international NGOs, the formal private sector, Haitian and international universities, and the communities of Canaan. The American Red Cross acts as a donor, in coordination with the US Agency for International Development, as a convener of diverse stakeholders to advance the needs and voice of vulnerable communities, and as an implementer working every day with Canaan residents and volunteers.

Description de taches

The evaluator(s) will be responsible for the following: 1. To procure the necessary travel documents and visa(s) in the country of origin (visa fee will be reimbursed) and insurance if required (ARC does not pay for insurance)
2. To bring a working laptop
3. To print the necessary soft copies of the desk review materials while in the country of origin (cost will be reimbursed)
4. To manage the local translators during the evaluation and assign roles

The evaluator(s) will not be responsible for the following:

1. To hire local assistant or translator
2. To arrange transportation for the field visits and to/from the hotel and airport
3. To arrange accommodation while in Haiti

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The position(s) is open to both qualified national and international consultants and firms. A team of three individuals meeting the above qualifications or consultancy firms may apply. Individual applications with incomplete team members will not be accepted.

A complete application will be one with all materials listed above in one single file in either Word or pdf format. The title of this file should be the last name of the Lead Evaluator (e.g. if the Lead Evaluator is named Jon Snow, the title of the application document should be “Snow”.).

Envoyer le pli à

Interested candidates or evaluation firms should send their applications to senji.gaetane@amcrosshaiti.org with CC to gina.barreau@amcrosshaiti.org . Please put the following in the subject line: “Application for Canaan Program Final Evaluation”.

Remarques contact

Interested candidates or evaluation firms should request TOR to senji.gaetane@amcrosshaiti.org with CC to gina.barreau@amcrosshaiti.org.

Autres remarques

Applications received after the deadline and incomplete applications will not be accepted.