Final Evaluation of Partnership for Learning ProjectpourCARE Haiti|

I. Introduction and Purpose
The Partnership for Learning (P4L) project is implemented by CARE HAITI since November 2013 in partnership with several institutions such as the Haitian ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MENFP), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), UMCOR, TOMS, LIV Solidaires, LIDE, GAP Inc and other local and international institutions. This program is funded by Educate a child (EAC) whose goal is to return 6 million out-of-school children to school all around the world with co-funding by several partners.
The main objective of P4L project is to identify, enroll, and retain 50,000 out-of-school boys and girls (OOSBG) in the Haitian education system by November 2018. To do so, the program focuses on 5 components (See figure 1) that are:
i. Capacity building of the MENFP and partners for identifying, enrolling and monitoring / evaluating retention of OOSGB within the education system
Activities include creation of Municipal Education Boards (CMEs) in each intervention communes; reactivation/creation of Departmental Steering Committees on Education (DSCEs) in the four departments of interventions; strengthening of the existing Ministry system to identify, enroll, and track enrolled OOSGB.
ii. Consolidation and expansion of a social movement to address the OOSGB problem across the country
Activities include supporting coordination of the Education Commission of CLIO (CEC), contributing to research on OOSGB, and conducting advocacy for improving access to an equitable education for all children specifically out-of-school children.
iii. Creation, expansion and reinforcement of primary schools’ options;
Activities include identifying and securing space in public and non-public schools, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) construction and equipment of public schools, and identifying and enrolling of 50,000 OOSGB.
iv. Improvement of the partners’ schools learning environments
Activities include training for pedagogical advisors, teachers, and school directors, establishment of mini school libraries, creation and capacity building of School Management Committees (Conseil d’Ecole), and development of Safe School policies and practices.
v. Providing of social/economic support to targeted OOSGB
Activities include Lidè’s pilot school readiness program, provision of school and hygiene kits and other material, creation of community/school-led accompaniment program, pilot VSLA groups and life skills education with parents, school feeding activities.
To date, P4L project, in partnership with 508 schools in the four operating departments, enrolled 53,059 out-of-school children.
Between January and March 2015, P4L team realized a Baseline evaluation to take a snapshot of implementation areas and partners during the first school-year of the project (2014-2015). The baseline evaluation used a mixed quantitative and qualitative methods. This evaluation helped in refining and revising activities by identifying determinants of out-of-school children and barriers to children enrollment and retention at school.
Last year, between March and May 2017, P4L team conducted a Midline evaluation to monitor out-of-school children prevalence, identify the scope of advocacy events and the effect of training and other transversal activities of CARE like VSLA on children enrollment and school environment.

Description de taches

Purpose of Study:
CARE is seeking a consultant to collaborate with P4L staff in designing and implementing an external evaluation of the P4L program in order to understand the contribution of the project in the education sector particularly in raising access, improving quality and equity in the four operating departments.
Key Questions: Specifically, the evaluation will examine different level to gather data in order to identify P4L impact on education sector. The different levels and questions are:
 Targeted student level
- What is the number of OOSGB enrolled during the project implementation?
- What is the retention rate of former OOSGB? How does their retention rate compare with secondary data on primary school retention at national and department level?
- What are the attendance and progression rates of former OOSGB in partner schools? How do their attendance and progression rates compare with secondary data on attendance and progression and national and department level?
- What is the profile of sub-groups of enrolled OOSGB :
o Who succeeded and who didn’t?
o Who stayed at school and who didn’t stay?
o Who could not be re-contacted after enrollment?
 Targeted parent level
- What are the perceptions of caregivers/parents about enrollment, attendance and retention of children at school?
- Does parents’ participation VSLA have an impact on their ability to support the costs of education, including the opportunity cost?
 Population level
- What is the enrolment rate for this school-year? (considering the fact that major changes have occurred due to Hurricane Matthew, the subsequent waves of displacement, the end of PSUGO and the severe deterioration of the economic situation in Haiti, so this is less about impact than about the overall situation in country)
- What is the attendance rate during the last ten (10) opened-days?
- What is the percentage of children who never attended school during the whole project life (2014-2018)?
- What is the dropout rate during each year of the project implementation?
 School level
- What percentage of partner schools utilized the mini-libraries received from the project?
- What are the changes in classroom practices? (use of timed classroom observations)
- Is there a change in school governance where there is a functional school committee (Conseil d’ Ecole)? (focusing only in schools that have actually received the training and were able to implement participatory governance processes and comparing private to public schools)
- What were the strengths and weaknesses of partnership with the schools (focusing on partnership with non-public schools)?

 System level
- What are the actions taken in favor of OOSGB at the system level? (literature review)
- What was the MENFP strategy during this five years (positive and negative factors on project implementation)?
- Did the project’s advocacy contribute towards changes in policy and practice in favor of OOSGB? How?
 Project design
- How was the project design adapted to the context during these five years?
- Were P4L’s activities effective to address access, equity and quality in the education sector?
II. Methodology
This is an external final evaluation, which will use secondary data collected by the project and from other sources, as well as collecting primary data. A mixed methods approach will be used. Quantitative surveys will be implemented by project staff under the guidance of the the external consultant. Qualitative data collection, analysis of collected data and report-writing will be carried out by the external consultant.
• Secondary source
In order to have a better understanding of education issues in Haiti and better appreciate the results of the project, a review of literature on the existing research is necessary. Indeed, a lot of research has been done by national and international organizations putting in evidence the socioeconomic issues that can prevent girls and boys to attend school. In addition of the review of literature, the project monitoring data will be take into account as secondary source.
• Primary source
As primary source, the data collection will be done through quantitative and qualitative methods. Indeed, in order to analyze the education issues, four surveys will be conducted: Household survey, School survey, Inspector survey and Parents survey. These surveys should allow the program team to appreciate the impact of the intervention at a school, population, parents and system level.
Some focus group discussions and interviews will be held as well to triangulate and complete the data collected in the quantitative survey. Teachers, school council members and inspectors should be the main stakeholders which will be part of the focus group discussions and interviews. The following table show key respondents, data collection methods and tools for each survey.

Table 1: Methodological approach
Survey Keys respondents Data collection method Tools

Household head of household Quantitative (Primary data) Questionnaire to the head of household
Children Quantitative (Primary data) Children questionnaire

School N/A Qualitative (Primary data) Observation guide
Teachers Quantitative (Primary data) Questionnaire to teachers
Directors of partners schools Quantitative (Primary data) Questionnaire to Director of partner school

Inspector Area Inspectors of partners schools Qualitative (Primary data) Individual interview guide

Parents Quantitative (Primary data) Parent questionnaire

Focus group discussion Teachers, school committee members, parents Qualitative (Primary data) Focus group discussion guide
Source: Authors’ elaboration
The sample for each of the different surveys will be proposed by the consultant and discussed with the project team.
For the household survey, a cluster-approach (communal section) is recommended to be in line with Baseline and Midline methodology.
The rest of the samples will be based on the selected clusters:
- A random sample of the schools that are in the selected clusters will be used for school survey;
- Inspectors that are operating in a selected cluster will be interviewed for Inspector survey;
- A random sample of parents will be chosen in selected schools;
- Focus group will be held with teachers, school committee members and parents in some of the selected clusters.

Data analysis
The consultant will propose an analysis plan for the evaluation report which will be validated by the Education project team. This plan has to present the data treatment and analysis methodology and the type of analysis that the consultant will priorities as well.
The data analysis should focus on key questions related to the evaluation purpose.

III. Calendar
The consultant proposes a detailed calendar taking into account the following activities.
Activities Time Frame Supervisors
 Work Plan and calendar
 Research Protocol
 Plan of data gathering One week (First week of May 2018) Consultant & P4L M&E team
 Training of enumerators
 Pretest and test report
 Evaluation’s Final instruments One week (Second week of May 2018) Consultant & P4L M&E team
 Data collection (school-based information)
 Progress report every week
 Final report of data gathering Four weeks (14 May – 8 June 2018) Consultant with support of project staff
 Data bases processed and cleaned
 Qualitative information’s : complete audio recordings, transcriptions and analysis matrix
 Processing, analysis of data and report writing Three weeks
(8-29 June 2018) Consultant
 Presentation of the findings and submission of the first draft of the study report/Recommendation of P4L team Two weeks (July 2018) Consultant/ P4L Staff
Submission of the final report August 2018 Consultant

IV. CARE/P4L Responsibilities
The contact person of this study is Pierre Philippe Wilson REGISTE, the M&E Specialist (follow-up, evaluation, communication and learning)
CARE will be in charge of:

• Collecting quantitative data
• Providing logistical arrangements and cover the costs associated with the conduct of this evaluation (local trips, identification of statistical units, organize and plan interviews) ;
• Providing documentation
• Explaining clearly and sufficiently the expectations and orientations ;
• Providing some feedback on the key documents within the expected time frame ;
• Facilitating the payment of the consultant.

V. Responsibilities of the evaluator
The main consultant will be in charge of the general coordination of the evaluation, of the final report and its coherence, as well as of the debriefing to the CARE team.
This person must have a contract as a full-time team leader for the duration of the study.
More specifically, the main consultant must in particular:
o Prepare a detailed methodology ;
o Pretest the questionnaires and other instruments to be used during the evaluation ;
o Share and disseminate the final version of the study questionnaires to obtain final comments from the program management unit ;
o Reassess/discuss with the program staff the questionnaires’ efficiency, the checklists and other instruments used in the pretest, gather comments and finalize them ;
o Guide, train and supervise the enumerators and supervisors ;
o Realize the qualitative data collection;
o Ensure and check the quality of the data gathered on the field ;
o Analyze the data
o Submit the final report (a compiled version of the report – both a printed and an electronic Word copy) to the project after the inclusion of the comments and suggestions from the P4L staff.
The payment will be based on the following deliverables:
o A detailed methodology
o Approved data collection tools
o Data analysis (including syntax files as applicable) and final, clean databases (full quantitative datasets; complete qualitative files)
o A final evaluation report including qualitative and quantitative analysis highlighting the nuances between each area.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The technical Experts must have:
- At least a master degree in Statistics, social sciences, education or related fields;
- Five (5) to ten (10) years of experience and expertise in project development, project evaluation particularly in education sector (at least 3 years);
- Proven expertise in mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative);
- Experience working in difficult and rural areas, under-developed countries; previous experience in Haiti is desirable;
- Proven Expertise in using statistical software for quantitative data management such as SPSS, R, Stata, etc.
- Expertise in manipulating qualitative software such as Sonal, Atlas.ti, Nvivo, etc.
- Expertise in electronic data collection (preferably with ODK Collect or CSEntry);
- Strong analytical skills;
- Good knowledge of education sector in Haiti.

VI. Ethics.
He/she must strictly respect these ethical principles:
Competence: The consultant has the education, the skills, the abilities and experience necessary to undertake the tasks proposed in the evaluation. The evaluators work within the limits of their training and professional skill and refuse to conduct assessments that go largely beyond these limits. The evaluation team shows its cultural skill collectively.
Integrity / honesty: The consultant shows honesty and integrity in their own behavior and do their best to ensure the honesty and integrity of the whole evaluation process.
Respect for people: The consultant respect the security, dignity and self-worth of the program respondents, participants and other actors of the evaluation. The consultant take account of the informed consent for the participation in the evaluation and inform the participants and of the scope and limits of the confidentiality.
Responsibilities for the general and public well-being: the consultant expresses and take account of the diversity of interests and general and public values that can be linked to the evaluation.
Child protection: The consultant must abide by the principles of child protection as determined by CARE. Tools and procedures should take into consideration child protection principles and ethics for research with children.

VIII. Expression of Interest

The interested firm/consultant must submit:
- A technical offer describing the methodology that will be used. A capacity statement describing the relevant experiences with references and a sample of relevant previous works similar to this evaluation of the consultant, including the understanding of the mandate.
- A timeline/calendar describing the various step, milestones and deliverables
- A detailed financial offer including taxes (2% for national consultants and 20% for international consultants) only for consultancy fees, qualitative data collection team, per diem and lodging for the consultant and his/her team, trip to Haiti (if S/he is an international consultant). Costs for quantitative data collection team and logistics costs (including trip to the field) will be managed directly by CARE Haiti.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

The budget and the technical proposal must be submitted by email at the following address: Bijou, Phinees Lamarre with CC to and with the following reference: REF- Final evaluation P4L

Remarques contact

Coordination with Education and Protection program Director
- Maude MORIN,
Follow-up with Education and Protection program M&E Specialist
- Pierre Philippe Wilson REGISTE,

Autres remarques

Coordination with Education and Protection program Director
- Maude MORIN,
Follow-up with Education and Protection program M&E Specialist
- Pierre Philippe Wilson REGISTE,