Study on NCA’s potential opportunities to intervene in the Southern part of Haiti/ NCA is part of the Integrated Office (IO) of DKH/LWF/NCA in HaitipourDiakonie Katastrophenhilfe|

1. Context
In 2015, after the implementation of a 5 year Global Strategy, NCA Haiti developed a new strategy for the period 2016-2020, which include three global programmes: Water, Sanitation and hygiene (WASH); Economic Empowerment and Climate Resilience; and a 4th contextual programme: the Binational programme. Nevertheless, as an effort to overcome challenges created mainly by reduced funding in a context of increased needs in the country and difficulties to benefit from synergies and complementarities with other actors, NCA decided to enter an ongoing integration process between Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) and Lutheran world Federation. As a result, since January 2017, NCA share offices with these two organization and a Joint Strategy for the period 2018-2020 has been developed, which captures the main interventions of all three organizations at the time of its elaboration. DKH have interventions in both South and Grande Anse Departments, while LWF has been working in the Grande Anse for more than 6 years.
NCA has been collaborating with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Haiti and the Dominican Republic since the 90s. Since 2008 part of this collaboration has taken the form of a yearly renewed support to a binational project aiming at contributing to the reinforcement and the realization of the rights of Gender based violence survivors in the border area between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, Haitian migrants in the DR, deportees from the DR, Dominicans of Haitian descents in the DR. The project has been implemented by local partners in Haiti and the DR, except for a few operational activities undertaken directly by NCA. In 2016, the Norwegian Embassy in Cuba communicated its decision to end the support to NCA’s binational programme, but invited NCA to explore the possibility of engaging in the Southern region of Haiti, focussing on issues like disaster risk reduction, renewable energy, protection of the environment and natural resources management.
Since October 2016, NCA Haiti Country Office is engaged in the emergency response in two departments of the Southern part of Haiti, South and Grand’Anse, including immediate response, emergency relief and early recovery and rehabilitation in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector, and livelihood. Part of this emergency response is funded through the WASH agreement globally signed between NCA and the Norway MFA.

Description de taches

2. Purpose of the Study
The overall aim of the study is to determine NCA’s potential opportunity to broaden its geographic intervention areas to the southern part of Haiti. Taking into account the contextual elements stated above, the Study will specifically seek to define:
1. NCA’s added value and capacity to work in the South region, based on an analysis of the actual needs and gaps identified in the region, and NCA/IO’s expertise to address those needs;
2. The most relevant geographic area, thematic focus and approach for an eventual broadening of NCA/IO’s Programme in the South, taking into account NCA/IO and MFA’s priorities (primarily Disaster Risk Reduction, WASH, Natural Resource Governance, Climate Resilience and Livelihood)
3. Potential local partner organizations with interventions in these areas, including MFA partners; including an analysis of their capacity to develop interventions and to deliver results, in the focus areas of NCA/IO and the MFA;
4. An analysis of the needs / right deficit linked to NCA/IO’ s work areas, with a focus to WASH, Disaster risk management and livelihood. This assessment will feed the elaboration of the draft proposal to be submitted as part of deliverables.

4. Methodology
The study will be conducted following a right-based and participatory approach, sensitive to gender, conflict and cultural factors. Desk study must be taken into account, but a sample of stakeholders, including right holders, NCA and MFA partners have to be consulted, with a priority to those based in the Southern region.
It is expected that the selected consultant will develop the methodology, methods and tools for data collection and analysis. The following key elements should guide the development of the proposed methodology, methods and tools:
• Triangulation of methods
• Considerable attention to gender and conflict sensitivity
• Participatory approaches and consultation with a broad range of stakeholders..
• Target groups must be considered, such as community members, local government authorities and religious leaders.
• Regional and national authorities must be consulted;
• Other stakeholders such as companies, UN entities and CSOs working in the same field and project areas, and any other relevant actors.
• Potential donors must be considered.

5. Timing and Responsibilities
The study is expected to be completed within 30 working days, of which approximately 18 will be spent in the field. It should start in December 2017, to be completed by the end of March 2017.
A steering committee for the study is composed of representatives from the NCA Haiti country office (Integrated Office of DKH/FLM/NCA) and head office, as well as representatives from other relevant stakeholder working in the area, such as Save the Children Norway Haiti Office, and local organisations. The role of the steering committee in the process is to approve each key deliverable and provide feedback to the selected consultant.
Specifically, DKH/FLM/NCA, will be responsible for the following:
- Provide all relevant documentation for the consultant
- Provide security updates and orientation
- Organize meetings and field visits as required;
- Provide inputs to the design and methodology of the study, including providing informational material and feedback;
- Comments and inputs to the report; and
- Approve all the deliverables.

Consultant responsibility:
- Stay in touch with and inform the steering committee of progress at all stages.
- Carry out the study according to the ToR and the contract;
- Day-to-day management of the process;
- Development of results and recommendations;
- Production of deliverables in accordance with contractual requirements.

6. Deliverables
The report must be produced in English, and follow the requirements 1-2-15: One (1) page: Recommendations. Two (2) pages: Executive Summary. Fifteen (15) pages: Presentation of the findings. In addition to the study report, the consultant will have to provide a draft of a proposal to be submitted to the MFA, to be developed in close cooperation with local partners, in coordination with other relevant stakeholders.
Key deliverables are:
1. Inception Report with detailed methodology, to be distributed for feedback and approval from the steering committee
2. Draft Report, distributed to the steering committee members for feedback;
3. Preliminary findings and recommendations presented to NCA and partners in a workshop setting
4. Final Report, following the structure above and including feedback from stakeholders. Where feedback provided is not included, justification must be provided.
5. Draft proposal to be submitted to MFA from NCA.

7. Payments
Payment will be done in 3 installments:
• First installment of 40% is contingent on an accepted Inception report;
• Second installment of 30% is contingent to the draft report and proposal;
• Last installment of 30% after the submission of a final report and the draft, taking into accounts feedback from stakeholders and the steering committee.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The study must be conducted by a consultant with very good knowledge of Haiti and the geographical area, good knowledge of NCA and the Act Alliance and a high capacity of strategic analysis. Experience in conducting similar assignments, background knowledge in one or more of the Integrated Office thematic area such as WASH, natural resource management, DRR, economic empowerment, capacity to speak and write English, French and creole will be considered.

Interested candidates must submit proposal to NCA, including:
- a technical offer stating the methodology, a proposed timeframe and a list of key informants;
- a financial offer with detailed costs;
- an updated resume/CV;
- one or two example reports of similar assignment achieved.

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