Konbat Vyolans Workshop Curriculum Development and Implementation pourAyiti Nexus| JobPaw.com

Purpose: Ayiti Nexus seeks to hire the services of consultants or companies to create content and deliver a series of training workshops in specific subject areas.

About Ayiti Nexus: AYITI NEXUS envisions a thriving and inclusive society dedicated to strategic and sustainable development. With a cadre of world-class consultants who have profound knowledge of - and vast experience in - the Haitian context, Ayiti Nexus provides services that are creative, flexible and appropriate, with a focus on excellence and a commitment to providing durable and equitable solutions.

Description de taches

Background: Konbat Vyolans is a pilot project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Haiti with the goal of identifying local solutions in the fight against gender based violence (GBV). As one of three Haitian implementing partners, Ayiti Nexus’ main objective is to support the organizational capacity building of GBV service providers located in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince. Our approach includes providing technical assistance and training on overall institutional reinforcement, financial sustainability, among other topics. Based on needs expressed by our target group, training workshops -that will be designed and implemented by experts in close collaboration with Ayiti Nexus on various topics-, will be offered to Konbat Vyolans participants in 2018. In relevance to this request for proposals (RFP), we seek to identify service providers with the ability to deliver workshops in the areas of:

Organizational Structure
USAID Rules and Regulations
Proposal Writing
Financial Management

We especially seek to work with entities that can collaborate with our team to adapt existing material according to the needs of our audience and come up with coaching methods to reinforce the integration of information.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Eligibility: By submitting an offer in response to this RFP, the offeror certifies that it and its principal officers are not debarred, suspended, or otherwise considered ineligible for an award by the U.S. Government. Ayiti Nexus will not award a contract to any firm that is debarred, suspended, or considered to be ineligible by the U.S. Government.

Evaluation and Award: The award will be made to a responsible offeror whose offer follows the RFP instructions and meets the eligibility requirements. The evaluation criteria are the following: methodology and workplan, registration information/legal documents, qualifications of personnel, cost proposal.
Please download the complete RFQ for more information.
Please note that if there are significant deficiencies regarding responsiveness to the requirements of this RFP, an offer may be deemed “non-responsive” and thereby disqualified from consideration. Ayiti Nexus reserves the right to waive immaterial deficiencies at its discretion.

Terms and Conditions: This is a Request for Proposal only. Issuance of this RFP does not in any way obligate Ayiti Nexus, the Konbat Vyolans Project, or USAID to make an award or pay for costs incurred by potential offerors in the preparation and submission of an offer.

This solicitation is subject to Ayiti Nexus standard terms and conditions. Any resultant award will be governed by these terms and conditions. Please note the following terms and conditions will apply:
Ayiti Nexus standard payment terms are net 30 days after receipt and acceptance of any commodities or deliverables. Payment will only be issued to the entity submitting the offer in response to this RFP and identified in the resulting award; payment will not be issued to a third party.
Any award resulting from this RFP will be firm fixed price, in the form of a purchase order.
United States law prohibits transactions with, and the provision of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. The supplier under any award resulting from this RFP must ensure compliance with these laws.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Offer Deadline and Protocol: Offers must be received no later than 11:59pm local Haiti time on December 20, 2017 by email. All offers must be sent to: info@ayitinexus.com with the RFP number in the subject line. Offers received after the deadline will be considered late and will be revised at the discretion of Ayiti Nexus. Please note that only pre-selected candidates will be contacted.

Proposal Structure: 15 pages maximum comprised of an introduction letter, previous experience, methodology/approach, timeline, budget, and references.

Bidders may submit proposals for more than one workshop.

Deliverables: Curriculum drafts, final drafts of curriculum including all workshop tools, and completed training workshops.

Questions: Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this RFP may be submitted in writing no later than 11:59pm local Haiti time on December 5th, 2017 by email to: info@ayitinexus.com. Phone calls will not be accepted. Questions and requests for clarification—and the responses thereto—that Ayiti Nexus believes may be of interest to other offerors will be circulated to all RFP recipients who have indicated an interest in bidding.

Only the written answers issued will be considered official and carry weight in the RFP process and subsequent evaluation. Any verbal information received from employees of Ayiti Nexus or any other entity should not be considered as an official response to any questions regarding this RFP.

Cost Proposal: Pricing must be presented in USD. Offers must remain valid for a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days after the offer deadline.