Request for proposals for the recruitment of an audit firm/Consultants GrouppourSave the Children en Haiti|

1 Overview of Award Audit Procedures Instructions

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of these Audit Instructions is to provide the lead audit firm of Save the Children Norway (SCN) with sufficient audit evidence regarding the expenses incurred on a specific award to enable the lead auditor to issue the following:
• ISA 805 opinion on the award with SOF 57800609/57810663 financed by NMFA with implementation period from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2017
• 1.2 Materiality (ISA 320)
Materiality should be calculated as 1% of total expenditures for the award/SOF. Please note that the same level of materiality should be applied to classification errors as to other types of errors.

Description de taches

2 Summary of work to be performed by the auditor

Your procedures will include, but not be limited to:
• Perform a minimum substantive procedure as specified in Appendix 1, including a comparison of actual expenses against the budget as set out in the Fund Summary in AMS for the SOF.
• confirm that
o “Partner expenditure audit summary form” is complete and has been properly prepared by the Country Office, by completing the ISRS 4400 procedures template agreed upon in Appendix 6.
o That all significant sub-awarded partner implemented expenditures funded by Save the Children Norway (SCN) have been audited either through;
 an external audit of the local partner organisation covering the relevant period and specifying the Save the Children Norway funded expenses per award/SOF in the Notes or
 a specific sub-award or audit of the expenses funded by the award(s) listed above performed by another external auditor or
 you as the local SCI CO/award appointed auditor have included the partner expenses in your sample when performing the audit of the respective SOFs or
 a combination of above
 Significant is NOK 100.000 or more funded by Save the Children Norway, per sub-awarded partner, per year.

• You as the local SCI CO / award appointed auditor must obtain an understanding of whether the partner auditor understands and comply with relevant ethical requirements, is independent and competent and that you will be able to be involved in the work of the partner auditor to the extent necessary to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
• Partner audit is not needed for partner expenditures where the local partner gets their expenses refunded from the CO based on detailed original supporting documentation, and the supporting documentation for the expenditures then stays with the CO.
• An assessment of the internal controls and the fraud awareness at the CO, filling out the questionnaire in Appendix 4
• Obtaining a written representation letter from CO management
• Issuing an ISA 805 audit report on the reported expenditures charged to the award, in donor currency.

3 Reporting

Your report will be used by the auditor of SCN, in performing their audit work to be able to issue an ISA 805 on the total of the award, and by SCN, in order to comply with the donor reporting requirements.
All reporting, especially management letter issues and modifications in your audit opinion, needs to be agreed with CO management in advance of issuing final reporting to CO management and member auditors.
The following matters should be reported immediately;
• problems in complying with any of the terms set out in the audit instructions or if reporting deadlines are likely to be missed.
• material issues, including significant internal control weaknesses either at the CO or in the partner organization.

• details of improper or questionable transactions or unauthorized transactions with Country Director and/or related parties.

• any identified act of fraud, corruption and serious negligence regardless of materiality.

• other issues that might result in a qualification of your audit opinions.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

These instructions are for audit firms performing award and year end audits and also audit firms performing partner audits.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

All submission should be sent to
Each submission should include:
Un (1) original of the technical proposition and two (2) copies

Un (1) original of the financial proposition and two (2) copies
Deadline for submission: December 20 th, 2017.