Evaluation Consultant – Haiti Country Office ApproachpourChristian Blind Mission| JobPaw.com

Length: Estimated 24 days between October 20, 2017 – December 20, 2017
CBM-Haiti will conduct a mixed internal/external evaluation, in November 2017, to assess the achievements of their current approach to program implementation and CBM Haiti’s performance against its 2014-2018 Country Plan, with the goal to generate organization-wide learning. As well as to inform CBM-Haiti’s future work to ensure it remains relevant to the national development of the country, particularly in terms of promoting the rights and inclusion for people with disability.
CBM-Haiti is an international development organization that has been operational in Haiti for more than 30 years, implementing both emergency and development programs. CBM has had a central office in Port-au-Prince for the past eight years and two emergency response sub-offices in Les Cayes and Jeremie since November 2016.
With a presence in over 40 countries around the world, CBM is committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world.

To date, CBM-Haiti has directly implemented projects and also supported local partners in programmatic work in following areas: disability related advocacy, capacity building for disability-focused organizations, disability inclusive community development, community-based rehabilitation, special and inclusive education, eye and ear care health services, physical rehabilitation, accessibility, child protection, community mental health, livelihoods, and emergency response.

Description de taches

The consultant will work in close coordination with CBM staff members (in Haiti, Germany and Latin America Offices), to conduct a participatory evaluation, which:
1. Evaluates CBM-Haiti’s achievements in relation to objectives laid out in current County Strategy.
2. Assess the relevance and coherence of the 2014-2018 Country Plan and evaluate the results achievement.
3. Analyzes CBM-Haiti’s two approaches to programmatic implementation: 1) direct project implementation and 2) local partner-based project implementation.
4. Analyzes and suggests opportunities for stronger alignment with the CBM International’s Federation Strategy
The evaluation methodology should examine the following factors:
• Program Quality, Effectiveness and Impact
• Administrative Efficiency
• Financial Efficiency and Fiscal Responsibility
• Organization’s National Visibility
• Organization’s Reputation
• Technical Knowledge and Skills of Program Staff
The methodology should also seek to assess how well the implementation of the country plan to date measures up against CBM’s five ‘Disability Inclusive Development (DID) standards’:
1. DPOs and persons with disabilities are engaged in every stage of our PCM and advisory work
For example,
• Were DPOs consulted with in the design of the country plan and key discussions on implementation?
• Are DPOs and people with disability being systematically involved in the design of projects?
• Do evaluation teams include at least one person with a lived experience and broad understanding of disability issues?
2. Non-discrimination is practiced and evidenced in our programmes, policies and position papers
For example,
• Do any projects or programmes in the country plan exclude certain groups of people from participating?
• Do any partners have policies or procedures in place that may discriminate against particular groups of people, either in their own organisation or in the implementation of programmes?
3. The voice, choice and autonomy of women, men, boys and girls with disabilities are respected in our programmes
For example,
• Was the country plan and its subsequent projects designed taking into account the views of women, men, girls and boys with disability?
• Do any projects in the country portfolio take away the choice from women, men, girls and boys with disability to live and engage in their societies on an equal basis to their peers?
• Do women, men, girls and boys – of all impairment types – have the opportunity to engage in giving feedback on the country plan, projects and other CBM initiatives, with their opinions actively being taken on board?
4. Programmes demonstrate that measures have been taken to provide equal opportunities for women, men, girls & boys
For example,
• Are budget provisions systematically made to ensure that any specific measures needed for women, men, girls and boys – of all impairment types – are provided?
• Does the country plan and the projects that fall under it effectively seek to redress any gender gaps?
5. All aspects of our programmes and operations are fully accessible in line with the principles of universal design
For example,
• If applicable, do all new build projects meet international accessibility standards?
• Are CBM and partner funded communications provided in formats that meet the accessibility requirements of their target audience?
Additionally, the evaluation will inform the next multi-year planning (from 2019 -2023) and provide guidance on the development of the long-term strategy in Haiti.
Detailed evaluation objectives:
1. Determine to what extent CBM-Haiti’s Country Strategy has been executed, focusing on relevance and fulfillment of objectives, developmental efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability
2. Assess how the implementation of the country plan has contributed to the national development agenda in Haiti in terms of achieving inclusion for people with disability.
3. Evaluate and analyze the impact and effectiveness of CBM-Haiti’s directly implemented projects on target groups, as well as their contribution towards the set objectives and;
4. Evaluate and analyze the impact and effectiveness of CBM-Haiti’s partner implemented projects on target groups, as well as their contribution towards the set objectives
5. Determine which programmatic approach (directly implementation vs. partner implementation) is most effective in meeting CBM-Haiti’s set objectives
6. Assess the level of visibility and awareness key stakeholders have about CBM’s work in country and provide observations as to which CBM-Haiti initiative have most impacted the level of visibility in country
7. Assess CBM-Haiti’s professional reputation amongst key stakeholders
8. Document key lessons learned that could be replicated in other CBM countries of intervention
9. Assess technical capacity (Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices) CBM-Haiti program staff and organizational set-up of the country office
10. Make recommendations on how to strengthen CBM-Haiti’s approach to implementation to ensure better outcomes for people with disabilities
The consultant should plan to conduct a comprehensive, interactive, participatory evaluation, which includes activities aimed at generating information that allows the consultant to make recommendations on how CBM-Haiti should approach program implementation and delivery in the future.
1) Detailed Methodology including a detailed time frame (October 30, 2017)
2) Draft Report & Recommendations (December 10, 2017)
3) Report & Findings Presentation (via Skype) (December 13, 2017)
4) Final Report & Recommendations (English & French Versions – in an accessible format) (December 20, 2017)
Lines of Communication: The consultant will report to CBM-Haiti’s Country Representative and will work closely with the CBM-Haiti’s Head of Programs. As well, the consultant will collaborate with relevant staff from other CBM’s Regional Office, International Office, Member Associations and Global Advisors.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

• Preferably an advanced university degree (masters or equivalent) in international affairs/studies, development, social work, or a related field
• Minimum 5 years of experience in the designing and facilitating mixed-method, participatory program evaluations
• Experience in Disability Inclusion would be an advantage and/or inclusion of marginalized groups and a gender perspective
• Ability to integrate different experiences, methodologies, and approaches from a diverse range of stakeholders, organizations, and technical experts from multiple sectors
• Ability to work efficiently and effectively with team members in various locations, including remotely writing and revising report documents
• Working relationships with relevant government authorities and disability sector stakeholder would be an advantage.
• Must be based in and/or willing to travel to Haiti.
• Excellent English & French speaking/writing skills required.
• A lived experience of disability and broad understanding of the disability issues in Haiti is desirable
Note: This consultancy is open to both national and international applicants. Individuals, group of individuals as well as consultancy firms having the requisite skills/experience are eligible to apply. International applicants ideally have prior work experience in Haiti. The above-mentioned tasks to be performed are intended as a guide and should not be viewed as an inflexible specification as it may be modified following discussion with the selected consultant or firm.

Envoyer le pli à

Interested Firms/Individuals should send the requested documents at Elizabeth.sherwood@cbm.org before September 25, 2017

1) Cover letter detailing the firm’s/Individual’s suitability for the assignment and current contact information.
2) Detailed proposal including technical/suggested methodology, timeline and financial proposal and detail profiles/CVs of key person(s) to be involved at any stage (in English or French)
3) An example of a recently written evaluation report or a sample qualitative data collection tool might be asked during the selection process (in English or French)
4) List of two professional references

Ouverture de pli

22/09/2017 à 16:00

Autres remarques

CBM encourages applications from persons with disabilities.
The selected consultant needs to comply with CBM’s child safeguarding policy.
Timeframe: October 20, 2017 – December 20, 2017

Consultant must be available to work in-person with visiting CBM International Staff from November 13th – 17th 2017.

Consultants will be selected by a CBM selection committee and based on the criteria listed above.