Mid-Project Evaluation:<br /> Prevention of Blindness Program in Haiti<br /> pourChristian Blind Mission| JobPaw.com

The main focus of the evaluation is to assess progress of CBM-Haiti Eye Health Care Program during its 2 year period in achieving its stated objectives. The purpose of the evaluation is to measure achievements, outcomes and observable trends both positive and negative, learn from the implementation of the program so that lessons drawn can determine recommendations for strengthening eye health projects and to better meet the needs of people with visual impairments. The evaluation will inform the next multi-year planning and provide guidance on development of a long term strategy in Haiti

Description de taches

Background Program Summary:

Implementing Partner Organization: CNPC-Haiti (Comité National de Prévention de la Cécité)
Project Name:
National System Strengthening for Eye Health
Project Number:
Start and End Date of Project: 2016-2018
Project Overview: Partner CNPC-Haiti is the National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness whose mission is to advocate for the development of eye care services for the country and maximize the availability of human and material resources to offer quality eye care to the population. It is comprised of the following institutions working in the field of Ophthalmology in Haiti: University Hospital-HUEH, Justinien Hospital-HUJ, Haitian Society of Ophthalmology (SHO), Ministry of Health (MSPP), Haitian Society for Helping the Blind (SHAA), Rotary Club, Lion’s Club, FHADHIMAC, IRIS Mundial, Brenda Strafford Institute and Baptist Convention.
CNPC aims to contribute to the prevention of blindness and promote eye health and rehabilitation services by: assessing ocular health centers in the country by conducting visits, developing new memberships to CNPC's network, advocacy meetings with Ministry Of Health, motivate surgeons in the fight against blindness, Celebrate World Days, subsidize cataract surgery for adults and children, facilitate specialized training for nurses and Ophthalmologists, conduct research study on prevalence of blinding diseases in Haiti and promote access to eye services for persons with disabilities
Program Area of Outcomes:
The specific objectives/outcomes of the proposed program for the three years are as follows:
1) Access to quality services for eye care for the Haitian population is improved and service delivery is well managed
2) Capacity and governance of CNPC is strengthened through activities that promote the effective collaboration of key stakeholders in the eye health sector
3) Reliable statistical information on eye care services is available at national level on a regular basis
4) People with visual impairments have better access to rehabilitation centers and services

Scope of the Evaluation:

The evaluation exercise will determine the effectiveness and impact of health related interventions using the following criteria as guidance and basis for the development of the evaluation plan by the Consultant:

1. Determine to what extent the program is meeting its objectives focusing on relevance, impact, significance, quality, efficiency and effectiveness
2. Assess the management of the program and make recommendations considering the technical, administrative and financial sustainability of the program both at regional as well as national level
3. Assess the implementation of activities, budget and outputs of the program in order to measure intended results were attainable, cost-effective and realistic
4. Determine what real difference has the activities made to program beneficiaries and how many have been affected
5. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the program and the cooperation with other relevant stakeholders covered by the project
6. Consider the CBM partnership in supporting the Eye Care projects in Haiti and make recommendations on whether the partnership should continue
7. Determine to what extent the program is likely to continue after donor funding has ceased
8. Determine the major factors which influenced the achievement or non-achievement on sustainability of the program
9. Document key lessons learned that could be replicated
10. Assess and make recommendations on capacity of program personnel
11. Make recommendations for strengthening of the program highlighting approaches that will lead to the enhancement of project quality and outcomes for people with visual impairments

Evaluation Methods:

It is expected that the evaluation is conducted in a participatory and disability inclusive way. The evaluation methods are to ensure findings and corresponding recommendations are based on robust and reliable data and information. The evaluation methods have to also be consistent with answering the scope of the evaluation. In consultation with the senior program team, the Consultant will present a detailed statement of evaluation methods including the description of data collection instruments and procedures, information sources and procedures for analyzing data. Evaluation methods should include both qualitative and quantitative methods, with at least:

-Program document review
-Interviews with program beneficiaries
-Focus groups discussions
-Project and partner visits, etc.
Activity Overview:
Literature Review (Initial proposal, Quarterly Reports, Success Stories, Conference Materials, etc.) (2 days)
Submit overview of methodology for input and approval (1 day)
Meetings with key staff members & stakeholders (5 days)
Focus group meetings & individual interviews with program beneficiaries (2 days)
Draft Report & Recommendations (1.5 days)
Presentation of Findings (.5 day)
Finalize Report (1.5 day)
Travel & Transit: (2 days)
Estimated Total: 15.5 Days
The following outputs are expected from the evaluation:

• Inception report to include an approved evaluation plan and timeframe due by September 28, 2017
• Briefing presentation prior to starting the field work due by September 29, 2017
• The draft evaluation report shall be submitted for review with input to CBM Office due by October 27, 2017
• Presentation of findings and recommendations shall be on November 3, 2017- venue to be decided
• FINAL Report shall be submitted in soft bound copy in theme font Verdana 12 double spaced due by November 10, 2017

The FINAL report must be concise and focused not exceeding 20 pages (without annexes) on the findings of the assessment including recommendations in English and French by November 10, 2017

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The Consultant conducting the evaluation must have:

• At least relevant University degree from a recognized institution in a health-related or development-related field
• A strong background in disability
• Highly motivated and committed to the principles of inclusive development
• Fluency in English and French a must, Creole as an advantage
• Demonstrated knowledge of project cycle management and at least 5 years of experience with programme evaluations and their methodology
• A sound understanding of development context, specifically the health sector
• A minimum of 5 years working experience in similar assignment

An Interest Letter (in English) will be required and is expected to include:

• Cover letter including background of the consultancy firm
• Financial proposition including consultant fees, estimated travel cost, cost for accessibility, communication and other foreseen incidental cost
• Proposed methodology and time frame, stating the availability of the consultant/s
• CV of consultant/-s involved in the project and examples of previous work should accompany the letter
• At least two reference persons/organizations

The future job holder adheres to CBM’s values and commits to CBM’s Child Safeguarding Policy.

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Candidates with the required profile and proven experience will submit their interest to: elizabeth.sherwood@cbm.org and cc: marie.joseph@cbm.org

Ouverture de pli

08/09/2017 à 17:00

Autres remarques

CBM encourages persons with disabilities to apply for this position.