Capitalization Workshop on the Education program of Saut d’Eau pourConcern Worldwide Haiti|

Concern Worldwide has been operational in Haiti since 1996, with an initial emphasis on emergency response activities in the aftermath of Hurricane Gordon. Since, Concern has been working in partnership with communities in La Gonâve, Saut d’Eau and Port-au-Prince to implement development initiatives, as well as emergency programmes in response to the earthquake of January 2010, the cholera epidemic of October 2010 and subsequent tropical storms. In 2011, Concern Haiti undertook a contextual analysis exercise and subsequently, developed a four-year Multi-Sectorial Rural Development Programme geared towards a Multi-Sectorial Rural Development Programme in Saut d’Eau which contributes to improve the socio-economic conditions and protection of the rights, of the extreme poor through the implementation of a multi-sectorial programme (Education and Food, Income and Markets) in the poorest communal sections of Montagne Terrible, Riviere Canot and some section of La Selle. This programme is currently in its last year of implementation and the Haiti CSP aimed at closing the Saut d’Eau base by the 3nd quarter of 2017, at the end of the Kellogg funding.

Description de taches

The mission of the consultant intends to produce the following documents and outcomes:
1- Incipient report
2- Guide and materials for the focus groups and workshop
3- Two days’ focus group and two days’ workshop on Concern Haiti (Saut d’Eau) Education program review
4- A full visit report presented in the format of a catalog printed in color, including,
a) Recommendations on best practices, weaknesses and area of improvement in terms of:
 Beneficiaries (targeting/involvement)
 Support to partners and key stakeholders
 Monitoring and coaching approaches
 Capitalization
b) Learning paper for the program

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Consulting Firm’s Experience
Relevant Services Carried Out in the Last Five Years
That Best Illustrate Qualifications

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Written proposals addressing the statement of work and the requirements listed above must be sent before August 10rd 2017 by email to the following address : or by post to the following address : CONCERN WORLDWIDE – HAITI / 28, rue Metellus, Pétion Ville/B.P.15016 ; Any written appeal shall be submitted to Systems Director :