Final Evaluation and Report for the Education program of Saut d’Eau pourConcern Worldwide Haiti|

Concern Worldwide has been operational in Haiti since 1996, with an initial emphasis on emergency response activities in the aftermath of Hurricane Gordon. Since, Concern has been working in partnership with communities in La Gonâve, Saut d’Eau and Port-au-Prince to implement development initiatives, as well as emergency programmes in response to the earthquake of January 2010, the cholera epidemic of October 2010 and subsequent tropical storms. In 2011, Concern Haiti undertook a contextual analysis exercise and subsequently, developed a four-year Multi-Sectorial Rural Development Programme geared towards a Multi-Sectorial Rural Development Programme in Saut d’Eau which contributes to improve the socio-economic conditions and protection of the rights, of the extreme poor through the implementation of a multi-sectorial programme (Education and Food, Income and Markets) in the poorest communal sections of Montagne Terrible, Riviere Canot and some section of La Selle. This programme is currently in its last year of implementation.

Description de taches

3. Purpose of the Consultation
3.1 The overall purpose of the consultation

I. The overall purpose of the consultation is to evaluate the experience of the Education project of Saut d’Eau, so to explain how and at what level objectives of the project were reached and also to get an overview of implementation and sustainability of the project.

II. Specifically, the consultant will help Concern Haiti on the evaluation and report of activities that involve the ToTAL Method, Parents and Teachers Associations (PTA), Parents Literacy, activities.


III. The scope of the evaluation should focus on strategies adopted by Concern Worldwide in order to achieve the objectives of Education Programme in Saut d’Eau from January 2012 to August 2017
IV. The evaluation will also analyse the impact of actions implemented. In terms of impact, the evaluation will identify the reasons/factors for a positive, limited or negative impact
V. The evaluation will respond to a series of questions which will help identify clear and concise recommendations in order to improve the results of similar programs in a variety of contexts. The knowledge and experience drawn from this program will help support efforts that advocate for similar programs.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The proposal must be drafted in French or English and as should the support documents relevant for the application.
1. Technical offer should include the following:
 Cover letter formally submitting your application, duly signed and dated containing technical and financial details
 Strategic comprehension of the mission and comments on ToR
 Detailed description on how the undertaken tasks will be achieved with detailed methodology, including a detailed schedule and the sampling effort
 CVs of specialists outlining their relevant skills and experience in similar studies, including references and field of specialisation
 Proposed implementation plan

2. Financial offer should include the following :
 Detailed table of the number of people per day per activity as well as profile for each candidate
 Breakdown of fees, specific costs and administrative costs, containing unit costs and quantity. Fees and disbursements must be outlined separately in the offer
 All logistic- related costs (transport, accommodation, etc.) must be included in the financial offer as Concern will not assume responsibility for these costs outside of the offer.

The above information should be presented using the suggested formats in annex 1 (technical proposition) and 2 (financial proposition).

The selection of the Consultancy will be based on the following criteria :
 The proposed content and timeline
 Skills and qualifications of consultancy team
 Previous experience in a similar study/setting
 Price of the offer
 General comprehension of the subject and quality of the CV
 Availability
 References from previous employers
 Knowledge and experience within the Haitian context and issues around displacement.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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email to the following address : or by post to the following address : CONCERN WORLDWIDE – HAITI / 28, rue Metellus, Pétion Ville/B.P.15016 ; Any written appeal shall be submitted to Systems Director :