Consultants for Final evaluation of American Red Cross’s Project “Creating Options for Youth-Cité Soleil and Martissant"pourCroix Rouge Americaine|

I. Program Background and Objectives
Due to the context encountered by Cité Soleil and Martissant, as described above, ARC formulated a project proposal that addressed the issues facing the youth in these communities. A project called “Creating Options for Youth- Cité Soleil and Martissant” was developed after an initial research in the area, and consultation with stakeholders including HRC and ICRC with the allocation of a total of $2.35 million fund. The working modality of the project was to provide small grants to the national/international NGOs in a range of USD 50,000 to 250,000 who had long working relationships with these communities and had access to reach out the local CBOs and stakeholders to implement the program. The following goal, objectives and strategic activities were formulated in the proposal and within the periphery of which NGOs competing for the grants were asked to formulate and submit their proposals to the ARC.

The proposal for the Youth Program aimed in helping youths of age 10 to 25 who were unemployed, school drop-out and engaged in/ or potential to be engaged in activities that could be detrimental to the societies and country in general. The assessment also identified several CBOs and national level NGOs that could be potential partners in reaching out these communities and the youth as they had long experiences working in these communities.
The Program’s goal and key objectives set out are as follows;

Program Goal
Project Goal Objectives Outputs
Young women and men from age 10 to 25 living in Cité Soleil and Martissant will have increased opportunities for personal growth and skills development that enhance their physical, mental and economic well-being and prepare them to be agents of positive change in their communities. Objective 1: Young women and men from the target communities have enhanced access to recreation activities, life-skills information and volunteer opportunities that support them to make positive choices about their future.
1.1: Youth have increased access to recreational activities (sports, dance, art) that improve their physical and mental health.
1.2: Youth have enhanced life skills for coping with challenges, setting goals and making positive life choices.
Objective 2: Young women and men from the target communities have improved skills in setting and achieving education and employment goals.
2.1: Enhanced supports and services for youth to improve their educational attainment.
2.2: Increased access to employment and enterprise development services for young women and men.
Objective 3: Local and national community-based organizations have strengthened capacity to provide quality education, employment and recreational programs and services to youth in Cité Soleil and Martissant.
3.1: Strengthened organizational structure of neighborhood-based NGOs, CBOs and youth associations in providing services for recreation, life skills, education and employment for youth
3.2: Strengthened capacity of Haitian Red Cross to develop programs for youth and engage youth in its volunteer network.

The project formulated the following key strategic activities to meet the outputs and the objectives:
1) Recreational activities for youth that develop their physical and mental health
2) Life skills and leadership training to youths
3) Educational support for drop outs including formal/informal literacy, and business literacy.
4) Support for employment and enterprise development for youth
5) Support to local CBOs and NGOs to strengthen their capacities to provide services to the youths
6) Expansion of HRC volunteer network and engage youth in volunteerism.

Description de taches

American Red Cross in Haiti is seeking two evaluators:
1) Lead Evaluator: National or International
2) Local Assistant Evaluator: National Only
One of the evaluators should be of senior level having evaluation experiences in mostly all of the above Pillars, will lead as a team leader.
The positions are a short term contract and the contractors will be required to work for about 54 days. They will report to the evaluation manager during the contract period.

II. Evaluation Objective (For details of evaluation design, please refer to the elaborated ToR)
Assess and describe overall effectiveness of the ARC’s youth program and how it has contributed in achieving the defined outcomes such as helping youths to have increased access to entrepreneurship and life-skill development, and positive choices and information for their future.

Assess and describe how ARC’s youth program has contributed in building the network, coalition and capacity of the HRC, partner NGOs and local CBOs in sustainably addressing the needs of vulnerable children and youth in the project area.

Draw lessons learned and provide recommendations for ARC (refer to evaluation criteria No. 2 and 7 esp. for ARC) and Partners with focus on key future strategies in managing similar nature of program.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

III. Required Qualifications of the Evaluators
The following are the desired qualifications of the Lead Evaluator (Haitian national or International):

1. Master or preferably PhD degree in sociology, demography, economics or relevant field from recognized university
2. At least 10 years of experience as a team leader in numerous evaluations, of leading International organizations and up to date in the latest evaluation techniques and methodologies
3. Experience evaluating projects with multiple partners, small grant programs, youth programs and skilled in managing teams and producing high quality reports,
4. Strong analytical and report writing skills in English, including writing case studies
5. Demonstrated experience in evaluating programs related to youth, life skill and education programs, livelihoods, and capacity building
6. Experience conducting evaluations in an urban context
7. Professional experience in post-disaster/humanitarian environments
8. Demonstrated experience in leading focus group discussions and conducting interviews
9. with a wide range of stakeholders
10. Professional work experience in Haiti
11. Fluency in English and French is required, and knowledge of Creole preferred

The following are the desired qualifications of the Local Assistant Evaluator (Haitian nationals only):

1. Bachelor/Master degree in economics, social sciences or related field
2. At least 4 years of experiences in program evaluation, research and assessment in Haiti, including experience with youth community engagement and / or employability programs
3. Demonstrated experience in conducting rapid rural appraisals using focus group discussions, key informant interviews of beneficiaries, project staff and other stakeholders
4. Fluent in French and native speaker of Haitian Creole; fluency in English required

Important Note
American Red Cross seeks 2 consultants only and one of which should be the Evaluation Team Leader. The team leader will be the main responsible person to write, compile and produce Inception and Evaluation Report.

Envoyer le pli à

Interested candidates or evaluation firms should send their applications to a (copy to: Application should reach the following address: 22 Rue Metellus, Place Boyer, Petion-Ville, no later than August 5th, 2017, 12.00 PM Haiti local time.

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