Konbit Mid-Term EvaluationpourPapyrus S.A.| JobPaw.com

Konbit Overview
The goal of Konbit is to increase the number of Haitian development partners who are accountable to their constituents, and who can effectively compete for and manage resources to achieve significant and sustainable development results in Haiti.

Konbit Objectives
• Establish and coordinate comprehensive capacity development services – to build institutional competence for Haitian civil society organizations so they can take on increasingly complex development challenges.
• Launch a Development Innovation Network – to encourage collaboration and sharing of best practices, innovations, and industry standards in both capacity development and technical areas among Haitian and international practitioners.
• Develop and implement monitoring, evaluation and learning activities and employ an interactive platform for sharing of key lessons learned
• Small Grants Program set up and running to support the delivery of capacity development activities and the implementation of innovative initiatives.
To achieve these results, Konbit is implementing a range of strategic interventions, which include:
• Complete an inventory of existing institutional capacity
• Assess, assist and train USAID awardees as well as Haitian providers of capacity development services in financial, management and organizational strengthening
• Establish a compliance Helpline
• Establish a help-bar (“Experts Konbit”), which provides in-house support to partners at Konbit´s offices in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitian
• Host “Systems Thinking” conferences on local development processes
• Develop platforms to strengthen and mobilize the Haitian philanthropic community
• Technical support to enhance local organizations’ monitoring and evaluation systems
• Disseminate project management and learning tools to partners online
• Issue small grants for capacity development and innovative initiatives.

Description de taches

Evaluation Purpose
The mid-term evaluation will be used to inform Konbit stakeholders, particularly the Konbit team, on the relevance of project strategy and associated interventions and whether they are contributing to the achievement of the project´s specific objectives and broader goal. Consequently, the ultimate purpose of this evaluation is to offer a learning framework to help Konbit team strengthen project implementation to achieve expected results.
The mid-term evaluation will assess the project in the areas of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and impact and should answer the following specific questions (as well as other relevant questions that may emerge during the implementation of the study):
• To what extent are the objectives on track to be achieved?
• How are Konbit´s inputs contributing to the achievement of IR1, IR2, IR3, IR4 outcomes?
• How are Konbit sub-awardees and sub-contractors performing?
• What is the perception of Konbit beneficiaries on project activities and accomplishments?
• How well is the project supporting organizations in mainstreaming gender?

• Were objectives achieved on time?
• Are the human resources, administration and financial structures adequate to support project objectives?
• To what extent were DIN events useful to participating organizations?
• To what extent were Konbit capacity support activities useful for recipient organizations?
• Is the project providing the right type of framework and support for lessons-learned documentation?
• What are the challenges being faced by organizations in upgrading their capacities?

• Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the overall goal and attainment of its objectives?
• From the perspective of Konbit stakeholders, how is the project contributing to strengthening local organization capacity?
• Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the intended impacts and effects?
• Is the grant fund relevant and effectively targeting what the organizations´ perceive to be a priority for them?

Value for Money
• How well is the project using its resources to achieve its objectives?
• Was the project implemented in a cost-efficient way compared to alternatives?

• What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives?
• What real difference has the project made to its beneficiaries?
• How are inputs and outcomes across IR1, IR2, IR3, IR4 contributing to achieving the desired project impact?

In the annexes, applicants will find the Konbit Services Menu, Theory of Change as well as Work Plans for the past two years.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Professional Requirements:
The selected candidate should show expertise in the following domains:
• International Development
• Organizational and business management
• Organizational capacity development
• Philanthropy
• Social network platforms and/or marketing
• Gender
• Monitoring & Evaluation
• Project Management
• Proven experience in similar work in the areas targeted by the mid-term evaluation
• Experience leading evaluations of USAID development projects, knowledge of USAID evaluation standards
• Knowledge of the Haitian context and experience with Haitian local organizations strongly preferred
• Detail-oriented

To be considered, the application must contain:
• A proposal that demonstrates the applicant’s understanding of the mandate, the methodology that will be used and profiles of the evaluators
• A budget proposal along with daily rates or other price quotes for pertinent services
• A deliverables calendar
• UP to two (2) samples of past work with three references
• Resume of each team member

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Mackenley Brice
Papyrus S.A.
#4 Impasse Alexis, Musseau
ou Email : mackenley@papyrushaiti.com

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