Event PlannerpourPapyrus S.A.| JobPaw.com

In order to foster sustainable development results in Haiti, USAID, in addition to working with the Haitian government, is implementing a strategy which focuses on Haitian civil society organizations and business service providers to build their institutional capacity and longevity. Konbit – Creole for teamwork or coming together for a common goal – is a key component of USAID’s Local Solutions initiative.

The Konbit project will build the capacity of service providers based in Haiti to deliver financial, managerial and organizational support to Local Solutions grantees and others like them in every sector of social and economic development. Konbit also will facilitate collaboration and sharing of results, best practices and innovation.

The goal of Konbit is to increase the number of Haitian development partners who are accountable to their constituents, and who are able to effectively compete for and manage resources to achieve significant and sustainable development results in Haiti.

Description de taches

Konbit has partnered with the Haitian firm Transversal to organize a three-day seminar on Information Systems Management.
In order to guarantee the success and visibility of this activity, Konbit is searching for a firm or an individual to help plan this event. The firm or the event planner would work closely with the Konbit/Transversal partnership.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Autres remarques

date limite pour questions: 13 Mars 2017