Seed Quality TestingpourCatholic Relief Services|

The purpose of this scope of work is to outline duties, deliverables, and a timeframe for physical verification of seeds and laboratory testing in Grand’Anse and Sud departments.

CRS will be implement a seed/input voucher program in Grand’Anse and South that offers quality seeds and agricultural inputs to 18,000 farmers during the spring planting season. CRS will address short-to-medium term food needs by helping farmers in the target area to grow staple crops for consumption after the lean season.

CRS plans to form and train community-based seed committees in each section communal (the most decentralized unit for this project). Working with agricultural extension agents from the Haitian Ministry of Agriculture and a seed-quality consultant, these committees will inspect vendors’ seed for seed integrity, infestation, and debris. The committees will also provide information to vendors regarding seed quality, the seed supply chain, the types of seeds available in Haiti, and how to access seed supply networks. In tandem with this project, the seed-quality consultant will test random seed samples from local vendors throughout the target area for germination; the results of these tests will be provided to seed committees so that they are better informed about the local variation in seed quality.

Description de taches


The objective of the seed quality verification and testing study is to determine and document the quality of seeds supplied by vendors in the target localities.

Work to be accomplished:

• A thorough review of donor requirements and the Ministry of Agriculture standards for quality seeds.
• Develop a protocol for physical verification of seeds and seed sampling and train the local seed committees on how to implement the protocol.
• Run laboratory tests for seed quality, including seed germination, purity, and presence of seed-borne diseases.
• Submit a detailed report of the test results and share the findings with key stakeholders, including the vendors, the farmers, and the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture.

There will be five principal deliverables from this consultancy:

1. Protocol for physical verification and laboratory testing of seeds
2. Training of 135 seed committee members on seed verification and sampling methods
3. Laboratory tests run for 400 seed samples
4. Seed quality report submitted, with recommendations on actionable actions that should be implemented by different stakeholders to address seed quality issues
5. Two presentations to stakeholders at departmental level

Place of Performance:
Grand’Anse and Sud departments, Haiti

Period of Performance:
February- April 2017

Key Milestones and Schedule: See table in the attached SOW.

Key Working Relationships:

CRS Haiti: Program Coordinator, Agronomist
Partner : Direction Départementale Agricole Sud (DDAS) and Direction Départementale Agricole Grand’Anse (DDA-GA)

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Participation conditions

1. Bid Submission
Proposals must offer services for the total requirements. Proposals offering only part of the requirement will be rejected. The bidder is expected to examine all the instructions, terms and specifications contained in the scope of work (SOW). Failure to comply with the (SOW) will be at the bidder’s risk and may have a negative effect on the evaluation of the proposal.

2. Clarification about the solicitation
Any prospective bidder who would need clarification about the solicitation must inform CRS by writing to: CRS will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the solicitation documents that will reach up to five (5) working days before the deadline for submission of proposals. In fairness, the written copies of the response of the Organization, including an explanation of the clarification solicitation but without identifying the source of the request, will be sent to all prospective bidders that have received the Solicitation.

3. Modification of solicitation
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of the proposals, CRS may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a request for clarification by a prospective bidder, modify the solicitation by making an amendment. All prospective bidders that have received the solicitation will be notified by writing of all amendments to the solicitation. In order to provide prospective bidders reasonable time to consider the amendments while preparing their bids, the CRS may, at its discretion, extend the date for receipt of Proposals.

4. Ownership of submissions

The proposal and related documents shall remain the exclusive property of CRS and will not be returned to the bidder.

5. Cost of proposal preparation

All costs of proposal preparation shall be supported exclusively by the bidder. The bidder shall bear the costs incurred in providing the information requested by the petitioner as a result of submitting proposals.

6. Language of the proposal
The bid prepared by the bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the bidder and the CRS will be written in English or French.

7. Incorporation documents of the proposal and dispositions

Candidates are invited to submit a technical proposal and a financial proposal. Each proposal must be written in English or French. The proposal file shall consist of the following documents:
• Legal papers of the firm (Fiscal Quitus, and Business Permit –Patent-, etc.), if exists.
• The letter of invitation
• The letter of submission duly completed
• A document describing the firm and the employees assigned to this study, if exist. If not, a complete CV of the candidate.
• The terms of reference of the study
• The technical proposal
• The financial proposal
These documents must be prepared in (3) copies, one being marked "original" and two (2) additional copies. In case of discrepancy between the original texts, the original will be considered.
All documents must be submitted in paper format or electronically within the time specified, mentioning Seed Quality Consultant for CRS Emergency Food Security Project.

The bidder must submit its proposal no later than February 3, 2017 by 4:00 p.m. Haiti at the following address:
Catholic Relief Service (CRS)
HR Department
1, Delmas 81, Autoroute de Delmas
Port-au- Prince, Haiti.
Email : Bethanie Saint Louis, CRS,

Any bid received after this date and time will be rejected. CRS may, at its discretion extend the time by written notice to all bidders. Extension of time may eventually cause a change in the invitation letter and attached documents.

Documents and instructions listed above are required for the retention of bids for analytical purposes. In this sense the bidder is subject to any audit of the contents and requirements before proceeding to the submission. Any deviation of conformity will result in the cancellation of the bid.

9. Technical proposal

It must be presented in a concise and structured way in the following order:
• Legal identity and brief description (technical and financial) of the Firm if it exists. In the case of a group of consultants established for the circumstance, a convention indicating the team leader designed to represent the group vis-à-vis of CRS
• Description of the firm, its technical staff and skills if it exists.
• Curriculum vitae initialed and signed by the consultant
• Understanding of the needs and services required in relation to the terms of reference attached
• Methodological approach, activity timeline
• An estimate of the total working time to devote to the service
• Schedule of the work and achievements of delivery of outputs.
Include any assumptions as well as comments on the data, ancillary services and resources to be submitted by the sponsors. Any comments, or suggestions provided regarding the terms of reference should be reported in the technical proposal, as well as the methodological approach to answer.

10. The financial offer
The financial offer should cover all services to be rendered for the study. It must at least include:
• A submission letter duly signed and stamped
• Bank information of the Firm or individual
• The preferred method of payment,
• The preferred payment mean (Bank transfer, Check, etc.).
• Fixed rates per person / days in the field and / or headquarters of the firm
• Per Diem, hotel to stay.
• Logistics costs – CRS will provide transportation in the field
• Seed Testing costs/sample
• Proposed schedule of payments, which are all expressed in U.S. dollars.

CRS does not commit itself to accept the lowest or any proposal. All prices must be valid for a period of at least 60 days from the deadline for submitting the proposals.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Catholic Relief Service (CRS)
HR Department
1, Delmas 81, Autoroute de Delmas
Port-au- Prince, Haiti.
11, rue Toussaint Louverture Gabion des Indigènes,
Cayes, Haiti
Email : Bethanie Saint Louis, CRS,

Remarques contact

CRS’ selection and recruitment procedures reflect our engagement to protecting children and vulnerable adults from exploitation and abuse.

Autres remarques

CRS’ selection and recruitment procedures reflect our engagement to protecting children and vulnerable adults from exploitation and abuse.