Tender Notice for Supply of Agricultural Inputs (black bean seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable garden tools, water pump, thresher, plantain suckers/drageon bananier and peanut grinder)pourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief| JobPaw.com

“Agriculture Productivity Enhancement Project Bas Boen”

Tender Notice for Supply of Agricultural Inputs
UMCOR’s Haiti mission is to provide emergency response, early recovery and transitional development assistance in the affected regions of Haiti. UMCOR innovatively bridging the gap between immediate relief and long-term community development program by partnering with communities on front lines.
UMCOR Haiti is implementing Agriculture Productivity Enhancement Project in Cul-de-Sac Plain (Bas Boen). The overall goal of project is increase agriculture production on sustainable basis by introducing improved farming practices and proven production technologies leading towards positive changes in socio-economic status of vulnerable farmers. Project will significantly contribute towards enhancing agricultural production, alleviating poverty and bringing positive change in social economic status of farming communities at Cul-de-Sac Plain (Bas Boen).
In order to find and provide mentioned items to vulnerable farmers at project site; UMCOR seeks service provider/ providers to provide black bean seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable garden tools, water pump, thresher, plantain suckers/drageon bananier and peanut grinder. The service provider/ providers will be in charge to provide all items in good quality and ensure transportations/delivery of items at project site mentioned above and further details will be provided through designated UMCOR’s representative responsible for implementation of project.

Tender Notice 1: For Supply of Agricultural Equipments/Threshers

Description:-United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Haiti invites sealed Bids from reputed and eligible firms/suppliers/Distributors/agents registered from DGI. Applying contractors must have capacity to provided desired items well in time at the agreed locations in Bas Boen. It is notable that points of delivery for agricultural inputs are 08 in Cul-de-Sac Plain specified (Croix-des-Bouquets, Kota Michaud, Duval Roche, Galette Blanche, source Zabeth, Thomazeau Cotin, gros balancer and Galette Chambon). Required items must be provided/ delivered within 8 days after signing of contract with UMCOR Haiti. Final delivery points are subject to change in case of un-expected problem at project site, and contractor shall be solely responsible of transportation.

Description de taches

Category 1 to deliver:-
Service provider/vendor/supplier is responsible to supply mentioned items as follows,
S# Items Required Description Required Quantity
2 Thresher for maize/sorghum Thresher, Elec Start, 300 RPM
Motor Diesel 10 HP
B90 10

Service provider/providers/vendor is responsible to supply mentioned items of provided specification and quantity, which is as follows;

Category 2 to deliver;- Bean and Vegetable Seed
S# Description Variety Packaging Specific Purity Germination Rate Varietal Purity Humidity Rate Required Quantity
1 Bean Seed DPC 40 Bag/50kg 98% 95% 90% 12% 17 MT
2 Sweet pepper Yellow Wonder Bag 1lb 98% 99% 90% 12% 200 Lbs
3 Leek Carentan Bag 1lb 98% 99% 90% 12% 200 lbs
4 Beet Ditroit dark Bag 1lb 98% 99% 90% 12% 200 lbs
5 Onion Westa Bag 1lb 98% 99% 90% 12% 200 lbs

Category 3 to deliver;-Vegetable Garden Tools

Description Items Required Specification/Mark Required Quantity
Tools Watering Can Plastic/8lbs 600
Rake Tramontina 600
Twine Roll 600
Sprayer pump Plastic/15-16lbs 600

Category 4 to deliver;- (Grinder, Thresher and water pump)

Service provider/vendor/supplier is responsible to supply mentioned items as follows,
S# Items Required Description Required Quantity
1 Peanut Grinder Required for peanut grinder PENAGOS with gasoline motor Honda model MDP 60 10
2 Thresher Required for threshing of Maize. Must be fitted with Motor operation through gasoline/Diesel. 10
3 Water pump For irrigation purpose with HP:8, Suction through 10 m Elevation. Should be operated through diesel/gasoline. 18

Category 5 to deliver;- Drageons de Bananier/Plantain suckers

Specification is as follows:-

S# Description Variety Specification Required Quantity
1 Drageons de Bananier/Plantain suckers Plantain Variety resistant to viral diseases such as black / yellow sigatoka… 10.000 Dozen

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

General Requirements:-
• Contractor/service provider should have demonstrated relevant experience in agricultural input supplies
• Has DGI register from Haitian Government
• Should have at least 04 years of experience in dealing same assignments’
• Should give detailed information about location of business and be ready to accept site visit before signing of contract
• Incomplete Bids will not be considered
• Complete Banking information: name of Bank, Address, Account number, Account Name, any sorting codes are mandatory
• Detailed contact information of vendor is required
• Bidders shall be responsible to bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their tenders. UMCOR has no liability to pay any expenditure of documentation/travelling etc

Bids Evaluation:-
The evaluation will be carried out in accordance with defined policies and procedures of UMCOR. There will be evaluation of technical bids which represent 60% of the points and then evaluation of financial bids which represent 40% of the points. The Bidders selected on technical grounds would be eligible to compete for financial evaluation
Refusal of Bids:-
UMCOR Haiti reserves the right to cancel tender process or to reject all bids without incurring any liability to bidders.
UMCOR Haiti takes no responsibility for the merchandise until it is delivered in Cul-de-Sac Plain.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Submission of Bids:-
• The contractors are requested to submit sealed Bids within 05 days for consideration.
• The bid must include:
a) Guarantee for mentioned items
b) Delivery period
c) Bids must be accompanied by Technical and Financial in separate envelop

Bids can be submitted separately for each of the four (4) tenders in a sealed envelope to the following address:

P.O Box 15562
HT 6140
Port- au-Prince, Haïti
Sealed bids can be submitted by hand at
16, Delmas 54 office UMCOR-Haiti

Bids Opening: Contractors are invited to the bid opening which will be at: UMCOR, s Port-au-Prince office at: 1:00 pm 21 th of November, 2016

Ouverture de pli

21/11/2016 à 13:00