Services of consultant required “For mid-year program review”pourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|

Services of consultant required
“For mid-year program review”

UMCOR- mission has long history of working in Haiti and aimed to provide emergency response, early recovery and transitional development assistance to vulnerable communities in west, south and Grande Anse department. The overall goal of program is to address the issues of food insecurity, strengthening of livelihoods, improving access to water, promoting hygiene and sanitation including construction of required facilities, Gender based violence and construction of schools as well as shelter. All mentioned interventions are leading to bring positive changes in socio-economic status of vulnerable communities. UMCOR-Haiti intended to hire services of consultant to gauge progress of program achievements after execution phase of 06 months and provide recommendations for future strategic execution model leading to achievement of targets.

Description de taches

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Haiti invites application from individuals ,reputed and eligible firms/vendors/service providers/ with alike technical background to deliver required services for program mid review and recommendations to the Mission at country level.
The overall objective of the mid-term program review will be to assess how project’s results contributed, together with the specific roles of National and international staff and to provide recommendations for a change in development conditions, especially in the area of building human capacities including alteration in current work break down structure and long term project.
Scope of work:-
• Assess and review overall performance against project objective and the outcomes as set out in project document and in detailed discussion with staff.
• Assess overall design, management structure and distribution of responsibilities within the program.
• Assess and review the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency of overall performance of designed program for 2016- considering the findings of relevance effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.
• Review the current structure according to needs for 2017
• Provide recommendations for relocation and satellite office
• Prepare questionnaire for detailed discussion and collective meeting with program staff, meet with and gather substantive feedback from staff.
Deliverables: -The work consists of detailed discussion with program staff and submission of final report with instrumental recommendations to move forward.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Competencies: - Applicant must possess the followings;
• In-depth understanding knowledge of development work under difficult conditions.
• Strong analytical skills and ability to conceptualize complex and multi-faceted aspects of an issue into a concise and clear-cut review leading to conclusion.
• Excellent drafting and presentation skills.
Required Skills and Experience:-
• An advanced university degree in social science, public administration or related disciplines.
• At least 5 years of experience in the area of development of local and International development interventions.
• Extensive project/ program review experience,
• Research back ground with proven abilities of using qualitative and quantitative methods.
• Relevant work experience in Haiti or Caribbean
• Fluency in spoken and written English and French

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Submission of Applications: -The applicants are requested to submit letter of interest and curriculum vitae along with financial offer in a sealed bids before:10:00 AM 17th of November, 2016.
The bids should be submitted in English to the following address:
P.O Box 15562, HT 6140, Port- au-Prince, Haiti, Or Sealed bids can be submitted by hand at 16, Delmas, 54 office UMCOR-Haiti
(Separate box is designated for submission of Bids),
For technical questions & clarification, please contact: Hence all questions & clarification would be shared among all applicants.
Opening of Bids: Applicants are invited to the bid opening which will be at: UMCOR Port-au-Prince office on:10:30 AM 17th of November, 2016.
The bids must include:
a) Completed Items including unit costs. These should include all costs, including tools, transport etc.

Ouverture de pli

17/11/2016 à 10:30

Autres remarques

The evaluation of applicantswill be carried out in accordance with defined policies and procedures of UMCOR. There will be evaluation oftechnical componentwhich represents60% of the points and followed by evaluation of financial componentwhich represents40% of the points.
Refusal of Application:-
UMCOR Haiti reserves the right to cancel selection process or to reject all applications without any liability to applicants.UMCOR Haiti has no liability of payment incurred for documentation of application to serve purpose of submission.
Note: - Applications will be reviewed on rolling basis, as suitable candidate is found, process of receiving applications will be closed.