Services required for broadcasting of on-air messages through RadiopourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|

UMCOR’ Haiti mission is providing emergency response, as an assistance in the affected regions of Haiti after the Matthew hurricane.
The proposed activity aims to create awareness among communities concerning health, sanitation & hygiene issues.
This project will bring positive changes for communities to strengthen knowledge regarding sanitation, hygiene promotion, water storage and to adopt preventive measure against mosquitos. Through this activity UMCOR intended to launch awareness raising campaign to address 60,000 individuals through dissemination of radio messages.
In order to disseminate messages through radio campaign for communities in Haiti generally and in Jeremie and Les Cayes specifically, UMCOR seeks a “service provider for broad casting of messages”. The service provider will be in charge to provide availability of one /two radio station for broad casting of developed messages

Description de taches

The required services are as below,
S# Items Required Description Required Quantity
1 Broad casting of Messages • 03 messages *2 times per day for 25 days TBD
Deliverables: -Service provider/vendor is responsible to deliver required items/material in accordance with specifications stated in tables above

It is pertinent that bids should be submitted in English.

Responsibilities of service provider:-
• The duration of single message should not be less than 10 seconds.
• The messages must be put on-air at prime time to have greater impact.
• Services at least two (02) radio stations required for broadcasting of messages.
• It would responsibility of service provider to provide master copy of messages to UMCOR.
• The service provider/media house/Radio should be committed in providing services within agreed timeframe.

The bids must include:
a) Completed Items including unit costs as well as cumulative budget. These should include all costs, including items.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) invites sealed Bids from reputed and eligible firms/Media houses/Distributors/agents registered from relevant department in Haiti.

General Requirements:-
• Contractor should possess demonstrated experience in media or similar assignments.
• Has an official Government of Haiti certificate that is recognized for provision of aforementioned services.
• Should have at least 03 years of experience in delivering same assignments including be able to demonstrate existence/presence in HAITI.
• In complete Bids will not be considered as part of competition.
• Complete Banking information’s are required like name of Bank, Account number, Account Title, Sort code, Swift code etc.
• Detailed contact information’s are required.
• Bidders shall be responsible to bear all costs associated with preparation and submission of their tenders. UMCOR will be in no way responsible for or engaged by these costs

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

P.O Box 15562,HT 6140, Port- au-Prince, Haïti
16, Delmas 54 office UMCOR-Haiti
(Separate box is designated for submission of Bids)

Ouverture de pli

07/11/2016 à 11:00

Remarques contact

For question & clarification, please contact:

Autres remarques

Bids Evaluation:-
Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with defined policies and procedures of UMCOR. There will be evaluation of technical bids which represent 60% of points and evaluation of financial offers which represent 40% of the points. Initially Bids would be evaluated on technical basis. The Bidders selected on technical grounds would be eligible to compete for financial evaluation

Refusal of Bids:-
UMCOR reserves the right to cancel selection of a tender process and reject all tenders at any time before award of the contract, without incurring any liability affected bidders or no obligation to provide them with an explanation of its decision.