Kits d'urgencepourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Haiti invites sealed Bids from reputed and eligible firms/contractors/Organizations/ preferably registered from relevant Ministry/ Department/ DGI office. Applying contractors must have strong financial and alike technical background to deliver required items/ materials within agreed time frame of project to avoid any unexpected delay

Description de taches

The bids must include:
a) Completed Items including unit costs as well as cumulative budget. These should include all costs, including items.

Service provider/vendor is responsible to deliver required items/material in accordance with specifications stated in tables above.

Specification:- Category 1
500 Hygiene Kits: Each should comprise of following items as follow;
Items # Description Specification / Brand Quantity Unit / Measure

1 250gms Soap for laundry and personal hygiene 1 pc
2 Bucket of (5gal) 1 gal
3 Aquatabs 10 Numbers 1 pack
4 Disposable sanitary towels for women box 1 Pack
5 Razor blades 1 pc
6 Nail clippers 1 Pc
7 Comb 1 Pc
8 Shampoo regular 1 Pc
9 Toothbrush and toothpaste 1 pc
10 Mosquitos Net 1 pc
11 ORS sachets 1 Pack

Specification:- Category 2
500 Kitchen Kits: Each should comprise of following items as follow;
Items # Description Specification / Brand Quantity Unit / Measure

1 7 liters aluminum cooking pot with lid. 1 pc
2 5 liters aluminum pot with lid. 1 Pc
3 deep stainless steel plates 1 Pc
4 stainless steel cups 5 Pc
5 stainless steel table spoons 5 pc
6 kitchen knife with stainless steel serving spoon 1 Pc

Specification:- Category 3
500 Food Kits: Each should comprise of following items as follow;
Items # Description Specification / Brand Quantity Unit / Measure

1 12.5 kg Rice 1 bag
2 Cooking oil 1 Gal
3 Salmon sausage can 5 Pc
4 Bean 3 Kg 1 Bag
5 Salt 1 can

All the items should be placed in a bucket of 5 gallons with a lid.

(Separate box is designated for submission of Bids),

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Haiti invites sealed Bids from reputed and eligible firms/contractors/Organizations/ preferably registered from relevant Ministry/ Department/ DGI office. Applying contractors must have strong financial and alike technical background to deliver required items/ materials within agreed time frame of project to avoid any unexpected delay

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Bids can be submitted in a sealed envelope to the following address:

P.O Box 15562,HT 6140, Port- au-Prince, Haïti, Or Sealed bids can be submitted by hand at 16, Delmas 54 office UMCOR-Haiti

It is pertinent that bids should be submitted in English

Ouverture de pli

12/10/2016 à 15:00

Remarques contact

For question & clarification, please contact:

Autres remarques

Bids Evaluation:-
The evaluation of bids will be carried out in accordance with defined policies and procedures of UMCOR. There will be evaluation of technical bids which represent 60% of the points and followed by evaluation of financial bids which represent 40% of the points. All bidders are required to come with the sample of each kit during the bid opening and have stock available to produce in 24 hours after awarding contract.
Refusal of Bids:-
UMCOR Haiti reserves the right to cancel tender process or to reject all bids without any liability to bidders. UMCOR Haiti has no liability of payment incurred for documentation of bids and any other relevant cost incurred during process of submission of bids from vendors/contractors.
Note: - Bids submitted electronically will be considered in-eligible for process.