External Contractor for<br /> LAMIKA Program Final Evaluation<br /> pourCroix Rouge Americaine| JobPaw.com

American Red Cross in Haiti is seeking three evaluators:
1) Evaluator Pillar 1: Social Empowerment, DRR and Health Component
2) Evaluator Pillar 2: Livelihoods
3) Evaluator Pillar 3: Physical Renewal.

One of the evaluators should be of senior level having evaluation experiences in mostly all of the above Pillars, will lead one of the Pillars and will serve as a team leader.

The positions are a short term contract and the contractors will be required to work for about 76 days. They will report to the Lead evaluator during the contract period.

Program Background and Objectives

The earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010 is one of the worst urban disasters in recent history with much of the destruction centered in the capital city, Port-au-Prince. Approximately three million Haitians were affected, with more than 222,570 fatalities, over 300,500 injured and a staggering 2.3 million people, nearly one quarter of the national population displaced. Human-controlled factors such as poverty, environmental degradation and poor quality homes built in unsafe areas contributed to the overwhelming devastation wrought by the earthquake.

Recognizing the need for long-term recovery and reconstruction, ARC has implemented an Integrated Neighborhood Reconstruction and Recovery Program since September 2012 called “LAMIKA” with the goal to enhance community and household resiliency while providing safer, healthier and more secure living conditions. The program is being implemented in Carrefour-Feuilles, a typical residential neighborhood north of downtown Port-au-Prince. The area sustained extensive damage from the earthquake, and is characterized by dense housing, poverty and limited access to infrastructure and services. Under an integrated approach, the LAMIKA program is conducting activities in social empowerment, economic strengthening and physical renewal to address needs across sectors. Likewise, activities were designed to respond to needs at various scales, from the individual household up through to the municipal and national level. The total program budget is approximately USD 30 million of which almost USD 19 million is allocated for physical renewal and the remaining USD 11 for the other two Pillars.

The Program consists of three Pillars: 1) Social Empowerment 2) Economic Strengthening and 3) Physical Renewal
The Program’s goal and key objectives set out in the PMP are as follows.

Program Goal
Enhance community and household resiliency in targeted communities through a sustainable and integrated multi-sectoral approach that provides socially cohesive, healthy, habitable and secure living spaces and conditions.

Social Empowerment Objective 1: Increase knowledge, attitude, practices, capacities and social responsibility of community and service providers on social and healthy behaviors.

Economic Strengthening Objective 2: Enhance local market and household economy providing opportunities for income and asset security.

Physical Renewal Objective 3: Improve access and use of appropriate land, housing, services and infrastructure.

Description de taches

Assess the program activities and its achievements and describe the outcomes and impacts of these activities on the beneficiaries, communities and overall contribution to the recovery of Haiti.

Assess the effectiveness of the integrated neighborhood approach (INA) applied by the Program in delivering the services of all three Pillars to the beneficiaries.

Based on the findings, provide recommendations that help strengthen future strategies to improve and possibly replicate the good examples of this Program.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The following are the desired qualifications of the Sr. Evaluator and Team Leader (who also will be leader for one of the three Pillars)

1. Master or preferably PhD degree in sociology, demography, economics or relevant field from recognized university
2. At least 15 years of experience as a team leader in numerous evaluations of leading International organizations and up to date in the latest evaluation techniques and methodologies
3. Experience evaluating projects with multiple program, skilled managing teams and producing high quality reports
4. Strong analytical and report writing skills, in English
5. Demonstrated experience evaluating multi-sectorial programs related to health, DRR, water and sanitation, livelihoods, social mobilization and capacity building, and physical renewal, with deeper experiences in any of them
6. Experience conducting evaluations in an urban context
7. Professional experience in post-disaster/humanitarian environments
8. Demonstrated experience in leading focus group discussions and conducting interviews with a wide range of stakeholders
9. Professional work experience in Haiti
10. Fluency in English and French is required, and knowledge of Creole preferred

The following are the desired qualifications of the Evaluator Consultant (Pillar 1)

1. Minimum Master degree in public health, sociology, disaster management and or related field
2. Minimum 10 years of years of experiences in conducting evaluations of public health and disaster risk reduction related programs including school based DRR, community based DRR, social mobilization and capacity building, and public health.
3. Strong analytical thinker and skilled report writer in English
4. Demonstrated professional experience in post-disaster/humanitarian environments
5. Experienced in conducting evaluation in an urban context
6. Knowledge of latest methods and tools of evaluation and strong knowledge and experience of using qualitative data collection methods
7. Professional work experience in Haiti
8. Fluency in English and French is required, and knowledge of Creole preferred

The following are the desired qualifications of the Evaluator Consultant (Pillar 2)

1. Minimum Master degree in economics, business management, agriculture or related field
2. Minimum 10 years of experience conducting evaluations of livelihoods programs, including entrepreneurship development, youth vocational training, village savings and loans, and business management skills and training.
3. Strong analytical thinker and skilled report writer in English
4. Demonstrated professional experience in post-disaster/humanitarian environments
5. Experienced in conducting evaluations in an urban context
6. Knowledge of latest methods and tools of evaluation and strong knowledge and experience of using qualitative data collection methods
7. Professional work experience in Haiti
8. Fluency in English and French is required, and knowledge of Creole preferred

The following are the desired qualifications of the Evaluator Consultant (Pillar 3)

1. Minimum Master degree in water and sanitation, construction engineering or related field (Pillar 3)
2. Minimum 10 years of experience conducting evaluations of housing construction, water and sanitation infrastructure, roads and corridors, including water systems
3. Strong analytical thinker and skilled report writer in English
4. Demonstrated professional experience in post-disaster/humanitarian environments
5. Experienced in conducting evaluations in an urban context
6. Demonstrated experience in qualitative data collection and analysis
7. Knowledge of latest methods and tools of evaluation and strong knowledge and experience using qualitative data collection methods
8. Professional work experience in Haiti
9. Fluency in English and French is required, and knowledge of Creole preferred

Important Note

ARC seeks 3 consultants only and one of which should be the Evaluation Team Leader. The team leader will be the main responsible person to write, compile and produce Inception and Evaluation Report.

Application materials

The proposal should include the following five items. Please note that any proposal that does not contain all five items will be rejected.

1. Summary of experience (1 page maximum)
2. Example of one evaluation report of a similar nature- written by the Team Leader
3. Detailed CVs of all professionals who will work on the evaluation. If there is more than one contractor on the proposed evaluation team, please attach a table describing the level of effort (in number of days) of each team member in each of the evaluation activities.
4. Professional references: please provide three references from your previous clients.
5. Daily rate: please mention the proposed daily rate for each contractor in USD.

Envoyer le pli à

Interested candidates or evaluation firms should send their applications to a senji.gaetane@amcrosshaiti.org (copy to: gina.barreau@amcrosshaiti.org). Application should reach the following address: 22 Rue Metellus, Place Boyer, Petion-Ville, no later than November 6, 2016, 11.59 PM Haiti local time. Receipt time is when the offer received by the ARC-Haiti procurement department.

Remarques contact

Request TOR by email from: senji.gaetane@amcrosshaiti.org (copy to: gina.barreau@amcrosshaiti.org)

Autres remarques

Request clarifications and explanations by email to senji.gaetane@amcrosshaiti.org (copy to: gina.barreau@amcrosshaiti.org and amrc.evaluation@gmail.com), no later than October 25, 2016, 11.59 PM Haiti local time.