Sanitation / Hygiene Study in Simon-Pele, Port-au-PrincepourHabitat for Humanity|

Habitat for Humanity’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Anchored by the conviction that housing provides a critical foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty, Habitat has helped more than 4 million people construct, rehabilitate or preserve homes since 1976. Habitat also advocates improving access to decent and affordable shelter and supports a variety of funding models that enable families with limited resources to make needed improvements on their homes as their time and resources allow. As a non-profit Christian housing organization, Habitat works in more than 70 countries and welcomes people of all races, religions and nationalities to partner in its mission.

In the context of its mission and vision, and in the framework of its recovery plan ‘’pathway to permanence’’ to support the January 12, 2010 earthquake affected families and community, HFH-H has been selected by BMPAD as MDOD to implement the PREKAD activities in Simon-Pele, a high volatile and vulnerable area in Port-au-Prince northbound. PREKAD includes activities linked to streets and corridors rehabilitation and construction, drainage rehabilitation and construction, debris removal, retrofit or housing structural strengthening and repair. All these activities seek to improve and strengthen the global Simon-Pelé population’s living condition. However, as part of the life improvement, sanitation to be provided within the retrofit activities should be consistent with Simon-Pele area’s global conditions and its population hygiene/sanitation practices.
Therefore this TOR seeks to engage an experienced, competent and independent consultant to conduct an sanitation / hygiene situation analysis and review the practices of the community; leading to the proposal of appropriate, adequate, replicable, affordable solutions to promote and maintain good hygiene practices and sanitation solutions.

Description de taches

The general objective of the consultancy is to "Propose a series of options, at the individual household level, and also shared and public facilities. These options should have a plan of action for implementation of pilot project(s), so that the feasibility of the options may be proven, before taking them to scale throughout the simon pele area”.

The scope of the survey
a. The preparation of research protocol and a detailed work plan for the period of the consultancy. (Draft technical proposal, timeline, first and final draft deliverables, suggested team composition, qualifications and budget required to undertake the study).
b. Desk review of relevant documents: project proposals, previous survey result, and existing tools. Prepare plan that includes the survey design, methodology and timeline. This work plan will be reviewed by HFH-H.
c. Develop data collection tools and ensure tools test and revision as needed. The final tools should be translated into Creole. Finalize sampling framework. (Define the study population, sampling method and sample size).
d. Conduct field visits and training to surveyors (if necessary).
e. Data collection. (Data should be collected in a participatory way).
f. Coding and entering data, data processing, data analysis, (a standard statistical package such as SPSS) and preparation of draft report.
g. The draft report should include executive summary and situation of the following:
- Existing sanitation services (bayakou, JEDCO)? location and situation of ravines and other water courses?
- Community management structure;
- Geotechnical and water table level study;
- Water testing result
- Social data must be disaggregated by sex, range of income, type of economic activity, access or not to sanitation, type and condition of exiting sanitation access/solution.
h. The final report will include all elements mentioned for the draft report plus recommendations for sustainable, appropriate, adequate, replicable, affordable sanitation solutions, training topics and activities to promote and maintain good hygiene practices in Simon-Pele.

The consultants should apply both quantitative and qualitative data methods for conducting the survey and FGDs, which should be shown in the detailed work plan and explanation of methodology. The two final reports should contain the data sets. The consultants will use appropriate sampling techniques such
as systematic sampling to determine representative samples of the target population in each intervention area depending on the size of the population targeted by Habitat for Humanity Haiti and the type of interventions that have been carried out. The final sampling methodology and sample size will be agreed upon between the consultants and Habitat for Humanity Haiti.

Expected deliverables (initial & final)
Inception report: As part of the bid the consultant must submit a short document including detailed work plan and data collection tools
Final report: A first Draft of the report will be submitted for comments and question. The final report must be provided in hard and soft copies, and must include the data sets.
• The consultant will work with HFHI-H technical and social team the appropriate research methods.

• Work is subject to progress or development review and project can be terminated by HFH-H, if the project is not progressing in line with the terms of reference. For example, the submission of a detailed work plans at the beginning of the project and subsequently a draft report.

• The consultant is expected to make deadlines outlined above, unless the consultant negotiates alternative deadlines with HFH-H, in which case HFH-H will revise the ToR to express the new deadlines.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Consultant profile
The consultancy team should be composed of experts with:
- Master or DESS in Disaster Risk Reduction and Response, or Agronomy and Risk Management, with sanitation experience and/or engineering experience.
- Regional, National or international professional experience in conducting baseline and final surveys, mid-term reviews, before and after evaluations, and impact evaluation of different projects and programs particularly on humanitarian programs.
- Proven experience in developing KAP survey and evaluation methods tools and their application
- Good knowledge and experience in using gender analysis frameworks and tools.
- Proven experience in high quality evidence-based evaluation, study, donor and constituency reporting.
- Working experience in Haiti.
- Spoken and written proficiency in French and Haitian Creole.

To conduct the survey the consultants should extensively review the respective project proposals, log frames, and other relevant documents, develop and test the tools (questionnaire and FGD format) in the field prior to data collection in consultation with HFHI-H.
The consultants must develop a work plan and final methodology for carrying out the final survey and the budget. These will be agreed upon in consultation with HFH-H.
The consultants are required to produce original raw data sets and analysis of progress against the relevant project indicators.

Your offer should include: CV with relevant experience, financial offer, technical offer, and the form attached filled.

Envoyer le pli à

Habitat for Humanity National office, No 106, angle rues Clerveaux & Louverture, Petion Ville, Haiti or by email with PDF format :