Consultant on land tenure research in HaitipourHabitat for Humanity|

The lack of clarity regarding land tenure in Haiti is an important driver of many of the development challenges currently facing Haiti. Habitat for Humanity International - Haiti, as an implementer, in partnership with the Haiti Property Law Working Group, and funded by USAID-Haiti has launched a project entitled "Addressing Key Land Issues in Haiti," to build on efforts to improve and reform the Haitian land tenure regime.

This project features activities towards: improving the ability to engage in officially recognized, well-documented and transparent land transactions, while assisting the Government of Haiti (GOH), NGOs and the private sector to harmonize informal and formal systems to encourage reconstruction and development. This includes convening and supporting the Haiti Property Law Working Group (HPLWG) to develop and disseminate knowledge of land administration and tenure rights in Haiti.

o Realize an exhaustive inventory related of different publications on land laws from 2005 to 2015.

Description de taches


The consultant will accomplish the following tasks :

o Work as a team with the members of the steering committee and Habitat Haiti’s employees to develop ideas and finalize the work.

o Conduct a research on the different documentations (Research, books, report, case law, case studies, events) on land tenure in Haiti produced by concerned institutions;

o Produce the final report, which include at least:

- An executive summary

- The methodology for collecting and analyzes the information

- An Inventory of each document with information concerning the:

a) type of the document;

b) context and date of publication;

c) author;

d) title;

e) institution;

f) brief summary;

g) relevancy;

h) key recommendations of the publication/document;

- A summary and analysis of each of key recommendations from the inventory, including the frequencies of each recommendation;

o Present the document to the steering committee and the HPLWG members for approval.

o Finalize the document into account different reformations of the steering committee.


A report on land issues in Haiti from different publications regarding this matter produced from 2005 to 2015, with an analysis of the key findings.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

• Good Knowledge of the legal Haitian field
• Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills
• At least 5 years’ experience in conducting research;
• Able to follow basic directions and also solve problems independently and creatively and adapt his style if needed
• Self-motivation and the ability to work to deadlines
• Good communication skills
• Master of Haiti land tenure issue’s;
• Master Creole and French

Your offer should include: CV with relevant experience, financial offer, technical offer, and the form attached filled.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Habitat for Humanity National office, No 106, angle rues Clerveaux & Louverture, Petion Ville, Haiti or by email with PDF format :