Consultant to create Content for HPLWG websitepourHabitat for Humanity|

The lack of clarity regarding land tenure in Haiti is an important driver of many of the development challenges currently facing Haiti. Habitat for Humanity International - Haiti, as an implementer, in partnership with the Haiti Property Law Working Group, and funded by USAID-Haiti has launched a project entitled "Addressing Key Land Issues in Haiti," to build on efforts to improve and reform the Haitian land tenure regime.

This project features activities towards: improving the ability to engage in officially recognized, well-documented and transparent land transactions, while assisting the Government of Haiti (GOH), NGOs and the private sector to harmonize informal and formal systems to encourage reconstruction and development. This includes convening and supporting the Haiti Property Law Working Group (HPLWG) to develop and disseminate knowledge of land administration and tenure rights in Haiti.

Project Aim

In collaboration with Habitat Haiti staff, HPLWG steering group, and HPLWG members the aim of this project is to develop a series of website / marketing content which documents the work of the HPLWG over the past five years. The website / marketing content is targeted towards:
- Documenting the activities and outputs of the HPLWG
- Highlighting the HPLWG endorsers of the project
- Increasing the outreach and awareness of the groups work, outputs, and events
- Highlighting the issue of land in general in Haiti, through the provision and linkages to other resources
- Promoting the continued financial and gift in kind support of our donors
- Developing a platform for future communications and dissemination

Description de taches

Project Deliverables
The following deliverables for this terms of reference include:
- Meeting with Habitat Haiti staff and HPLWG steering group to discuss methods of collaboration and communications for this TOR
- Review past HPLWG meeting minutes to understand the feedback received on the current website
- Establish a content approval procedure to gain collaborative feedback from stakeholders on the new content developed, prior to translation into English, French and Creole
- Review all available project reports, plans, communications materials, current website
- Interview Habitat Haiti staff, HPLWG steering group, and HPLWG members about the past, current and future of the HPLWG
- Develop the following content in English, French and Creole:
o Timeline of key events / milestones in the life of the HPLWG
o Consolidate a list of HPLWG members, endorsers and donors
o Summary of all key events / milestones events including a narrative summary and photos
o Develop a series of short interviews about the HPLWG, featuring key quotes, of HPLWG members, endorsers and donors
o Identify key topics / messaging suitable for social media postings; and develop these posts with matching photographs
o Develop the content for key updates to donors, which will be utilized in donor communications internally and externally
o Assist the HPLWG stakeholders to develop a number of briefing papers / case studies on land issues in Haiti
- Work with communications staff to package the developed content into tools for promoting the HPLWG and the issues of land in Haiti
- Work with technical staff to post the developed content on a dedicated website / content management system (CRM) ready for the re-launch of the HPLWG website

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Person Specification
- Fluent in English and French (Creole also preferred)
- Experience in development communications and writing material on a technical topic for non-technical audiences
- Experience in interviewing and researching complex issues
- Experience in matching narrative text with relevant visual photo and video media
- Experience in mass content development.

Your offer should include: CV with relevant experience, financial offer, and the form attached filled.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Les manifestations d’intérêt doivent être transmises, à l’adresse ci-dessous au plus tard le 29 juillet 2016 à 14 heures. Au Bureau National de Habitat pour l'Humanite sis au No 106, angle rues Clerveaux & Louverture, Petion Ville, Haiti ou par courriel sous format PDF :