Tender for Live Stock Management/Development TechniquespourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief| JobPaw.com

UMCOR’s Haiti mission is to provide emergency response, early recovery and transitional development assistance having long history of working in Haiti. UMCOR Haiti is implementing “Agriculture Productivity Enhancement Project” in Cul-de-Sac Plain ( Bas Boen). The overall goal of project is increase agriculture production on sustainable basis by introducing improved farming practices and proven production technologies leading towards positive changes in socio-economic status of vulnerable farmers. Project will significantly contribute towards enhancing agricultural production, alleviating poverty and bringing positive change in social economic status of farming communities at Cul-de-Sac Plain ( Bas Boen). As focused area is extremely vulnerable to droughts, tropical storms and recurrent climate related shocks are adversely affecting livelihoods and economic ability of vulnerable communities. . One of key area identified is management and rearing of live stock through traditional methods, which is adversely affecting the production and growth of live stock as compared to existing potential. To bring positive changes in area UMCOR intends to introduce improved methods for live stock development and pasture Management to enhance production including quality of live stock. In order to enhance capacity of selected 1200 vulnerable small farmers for with aim to develop improved breed production at Cul-de-Sacc (Bas-Boen) ; UMCOR intends to hire services of consultants/Trainer to provide technical training including development of brief modules for live stock (Goat) and pasture management.

Description de taches

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Haiti invites application from reputed and eligible firms/consultant/Organizations/Trainers have strong alike technical background to deliver required services at filed level to farming communities through formal training sessions.
Deliverables: -Preparation of brief training module expressing live stock development was including pasture management to strengthen capacity of identified small farmers. Training module should be in Creole
• Preparation of training plan for 1200 identified beneficiaries (small farmers in field)
• Delivery of training sessions at filed in project area.
• Preparation and submission of training report including recommendations for future initiatives. The medium for provision of training should be in Creole; final report can be submitted in English.

The application must include:
a) Inclusive information’s containing contact number and address.
b) Brief not of Live Stock development techniques based on above mentioned context.
c) Curriculum vitae (CV)
d) Estimated financial quote/ rate per day

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The consultant must have the following profile:
• University study in Agronomy, Development Sciences, Social Sciences or any relevant field.
• Have experience of at least 3-5 years in capacity building training; or teaching at University
• Experience in curriculum development and training tools;
• Have strong experience in the process of organizational development;
• Good capacity to adapt the training at level of the farmers participants;
• Having strong reporting skills
• Strong working knowledge of French, English and Creole;
• Excellent capacity in presentation and communication (writing and speaking).

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

P.O Box 15562, HT 6140, Port- au-Prince, Haiti, Or Sealed applications can be submitted by hand at 16, Delmas, 54 office UMCOR-Haiti
(Separate box is designated for submission of applications)

Remarques contact

For technical questions & clarification, please contact: procurement@umcor-haiti.org. Hence all questions & clarification would be shared among all applicants

Autres remarques

The evaluation of applicants will be carried out in accordance with defined policies and procedures of UMCOR. There will be evaluation of technical component which represents 60% of the points and followed by evaluation of financial component which represents 40% of the points.
Refusal of Application:-
UMCOR Haiti reserves the right to cancel selection process or to reject all applications without any liability to applicants. UMCOR Haiti has no liability of payment incurred for documentation of application to serve purpose of submission.

Note: - Application submitted electronically will be considered in-eligible for process.