Deputy Chief of Party pour CRS |

AIDS Relief is an eight-year Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) program funded by the Human Resource Service Administration (HRSA) as part of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Led by CRS, AIDS Relief is a five-member consortium operating in nine countries. The program, valued at over $335 million, has approximately 100,000 HIV/AIDS patients on ART and plans are to increase that number to 137,500 in 2009.

AIDSRelief, a dynamic HIV/AIDS care and treatment program is a multi-year, multi-million dollar project that delivered high quality, durable anti-retroviral therapy (ART) during the first five years of the program. AIDSRelief Haiti is preparing for a three-year sustainability plan which involves transfer of key program responsibilities to local organizations in Haiti by 2012.

Job Summary and Goal:
The Deputy Chief of Party (DCoP) is responsible for “site management”, which means ensuring that the grant’s tangible and intangible resources are used at LPTF’s in ways that allow them to achieve grant objectives within grant terms. As above, these resources include clinical, supply chain, administrative, and strategic information support. Among these broad responsibilities, the DCoP is principally focused on the use of clinical support and therefore works closely with Consortium Member IHV with a special focus on Continuous Quality Improvement.


Primary Responsibilities:
The DCoP is primarily responsible for:

1. Supervising CRS staff, IHV staff and the Senior Program Manager(s) and Senior Finance and Quality Manager.
2. Coordinating with the Senior Supply Chain Specialist, the Grant Manager, HSS staff and other CM’s to the extent that such coordination is required for meeting the position’s goal.
3. Communicating on issues of strategic importance with the CoP, and acting as the CoP in his/her absence.

Specific Responsibilities:
The DCoP will accomplish the following:

1. Program Management
a. Collaboratively develop program targets for each LPTF and aggregate this information into donor-and CRS/US-mandated planning documents. (Country Operating Plan, Continuing Application, AR Results Framework, and CM Scopes of Work). Review and make recommendations on CM workplans and aggregate them into grant-wide documents. Monitor achievement of those targets and organize concerted responses among CM’s where targets are not being met. Aggregate achievement data into donor-and CRS/US-mandated progress reports (Semiannual and Annual Reports, Monthly Bullets).
b. Collaboratively budget grant resources to LPTF’s in ways that promote the achievement of grant objectives, and support the aggregation of individual budgets into donor and CRS/US mandated financial documents (Country Operating Plan, Continuing Application, Budget Workbook). Review and make recommendations on CM budget proposals so that they can be aggregated into grant-wide documents. Monitor adherence to LPTF budgets as reflected in budget comparison and Dashboard reports, approve budget based advances to LPTF’s, and organize concerted responses to budget deviations among CM’s and with partners where these are required.
c. Work with lead CRS staff in the development and implementation of health system strengthening (HSS) activities including those related to the transition plan.

2. Resource Management
a. Clinical
1. Collaboratively identify areas where training and technical support are required and work in concert with IHV and the RTA/HIV-AIDS to secure, monitor, and evaluate that support.
2. Review reports produced by IHV and the RTA/HIV-AIDS and address recommendations.
3. Coordinate activities of the Country Technical Coordination Team (CTCT), a body constituted from program managers, the senior health supply chain specialist, clinical area leads, and strategic information staff. The purpose of the CTCT is to collaborate on operational issues and to advise on strategic ones.
4. Ensure that CRS and IHV Senior/Program Managers have at least a minimum standard of technical knowledge to provide adequate site support.
5. Identify other resources available to LPTF’s within the HIV/AIDS community (GON, Catholic Secretariat of Haiti, other Implementing Partners, the Global Management Team, etc), represent the LPTF’s when asked to do so by the CoP, and follow up to ensure that resources are obtained.

b. Community mobilization resources
1. Coordinate community work (Basic Care and Support, Orphans and Vulnerable Children) with IHV’s Treatment Support network. Plan, implement, and monitor strategies for the optimal use of grant resources dedicated to these program areas.
2. Ensure that AR’s work in communities maximizes synergies with other CRS/NG programming, including the 7D/SUN projects.
2. Make recommendations on development and implementation of the rest of the CRS/NG HIV/AIDS portfolio as a participant in project reviews.

c. Other: The DCoP, through the SPM(s) and PM’s, is the primary point of contact for LPTF’s. As such s/he must:
1. Coordinate with the Supply Chain Specialist to ensure that supply chain systems and staffing are in place and supply chain issues are addressed.
2. Coordinate with the Finance and Quality Manager to ensure that grant management (administrative and compliance) systems and staffing are in place and grant management issues are addressed.
3. Coordinate with the Futures Group to ensure that strategic information (M+E) systems and staffing are in place and SI issues are addressed.

3 Quality Monitoring
1. Ensure capacity for continuity of care delivery and clinical quality improvement
2. Ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of care delivery
3. Monitor AIDSRelief program meets established standards of quality.
4. Monitor the coordination with the CMs to improve the quality of the AR program and the achievement of the targets
5. Collaboratively develops standards, plans and reports to ensure the quality of the AIDS Relief program.

Key working relationships:

Supervisory: CRS/Haiti and IHV/Haiti Aids Relief Senior Program Manager (s)

Internal: Country Representative; Aids Relief COP, Aids Relief Senior Finance and Quality Manager; Aids Relief Transition and Sustainability Coordinator, Aids Relief Senior Supply Chain Specialist, Aids Relief HSS staff, Head of Programming; HIV/AIDS-Health Section Head; HIV/AIDS Unit Program Managers and staff; CRS Finance and Administration Staff; RTA for HIV/AIDS; CRS/US Global Management Team; Program Quality and Support Department.

External: LPTF staff, other Consortium representatives (Futures Group, Institute of Human Virology, CMMB); representatives of the US and Haitian Governments; Implementing Partners and PVOs involved in HIV/AIDS programs; regional and country HIV/AIDS networks; regional and country-wide faith-based networks.

Qualifications réquises

1. Medical doctor degree or Masters Public Health.
2. Minimum five years clinical experience working with HIV/AIDS.
3. Minimum five years supervisory experience. Demonstrated ability to develop subordinate staff.
4. Demonstrated ability to work collegially required. Experience in multi-agency coordination of programs preferred.
5. Demonstrated ability to work with government systems required. Experience with government grants, particularly USG grants, preferred.
6. Demonstrated ability to work with a variety of faith-based organizations, particularly the Catholic Church.
7. Willingness and ability to travel regularly.
8. Excellent French and English language oral and written communication skills.

Conditions particulières

Organization’s values related to the position:
Dignity of the human person. / Common good. / Option for the poor. / Applies a positive, action-oriented attitude.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of AR-DCP-1109 to the Human Resources Department, no later than November 30, 2009

Date limite
