Technical Specialist for community development and micro-credits pour Caritas République Tcheque |

Responsibilities: The Technical Specialist for community development and micro-credits will be responsible for identification of the needs, the development of training modules, organization and realization of the trainings for the beneficiaries, setting up a structure of monitoring and evaluating of the transfer of the knowledge and skills, and advise the beneficiaries about the constraints and possibilities during the regular group meetings with a particular focus on developing or strengthening existing cooperatives, groups forming, savings mobilization, and business planning.


1. Ensure Development & Implementation of projects

1.1. Develop training modules for Project’s target groups regarding the needs of the beneficiaries in community development and microcredit sector.
1.2. Identify training needs and provide on-the-job training and mentoring support in community development, small business, microcredit and business planning to beneficiaries, partners and staff.
1.3. Organize trainings or workshops according the identified needs of beneficiaries for community development and microcredit sector in accordance with Project’s objectives and implementation period.
1.4. Assist the beneficiaries with development of the business plan, the follow-up activities and advise them about constraints and possibilities during the regular groups meetings.
1.5. Develop monitoring, evaluation and review frameworks to capture cooperative (groups) and small business/microcredit impact across projects.
1.6. Develop a structure for the groups of beneficiaries regarding all 3 activity sectors (small business, livelihood and agriculture).
1.7. Investigate beneficiaries’ opinion about the organized trainings and seminars and present the evaluation questionnaires.
1.8. Present the minutes recording the carrying out of trainings and the lists of participants.
1.9. Participate in coordination and monitoring of field activities including technical assistance to livelihoods initiatives.
1.10. Create and implement participatory processes mapping critical examples of the existing and pre-existing viable economic livelihood opportunities - conduct research and review of feasibility and viability of these opportunities (e.g. condition of existing assets, current competitive advantages, resources needed to re-establish previously viable economic activities, and new opportunities).
1.11. Assist the project with the development of the agenda for meetings, prepares technical background documentation in consultation CCR partner.
1.12. Any other tasks requested by the Superior.

Qualifications réquises

• Post graduate degree in social sciences (sociology, psychology, economy, pedagogy, etc.)
• At least 5 years of work experience in the field
• Experience within community development programs and partnership development
• Good training and lecturing abilities shall represent and advantage and be preferred
• Previous experience of working for an international NGO desirable
• Proven organizational and planning skills
• Experience in the structuring of basic associations
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills – ability to coordinate
• Good computer skills (Internet, MS Office – Word, Excel)
• Excellent command of French and Creole, good knowledge and understanding of English
• Agreement and compliance with Caritas values and mission
• Agreement and compliance with Caritas security rules and procedures
• Availability for at least three months

Conditions particulières

Duty and working station: Leogane

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

CV, application letter, sample of documents (academic or professional) elaborated in French / English and a minimum of three references

Remarque contact

Petra Binderová []

Date limite
