Consultant for Community-Based Coping Mechanisms and Psycho-Social Needs Assessm pour CRWRC |

On 12 January a massive earthquake struck Haiti’s capital and several southern communities. The earthquake and subsequent aftershocks caused the loss of more than 220,000 lives, more than 310,000 injured (including more than 2,000 amputees) and extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure in Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas. The damage has affected over 3 million people of whom an estimated 1.3 million have been displaced.
The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) has been supporting victims of the quake since the first days after the earthquake. In the first wave of response, the International Disaster Response (IDR) branch of CRWRC provided shelter, food, emergency funds, and preliminary psycho-social support. CRWRC-IDR is currently in the recovery response phase which focuses on semi-permanent shelter, water and sanitation, and livelihoods.
CRWRC-IDR believes in an integrated, holistic approach to disaster response, one in which psychological, emotional, social and spiritual needs of disaster survivors are considered equally as important as their physical needs. In the context of Haiti, January 2010’s earthquake represents one trauma of many that Haitians have experienced over the years. Political and domestic violence, poverty, hurricanes, cholera, and food insecurity all constitute situations of collective, individual and historical trauma. Furthermore, the link between gender-based violence and natural disasters is proven, as the severity and incidence of domestic violence often increases in the aftermath of natural disasters.
Haitians have a tradition of burying the effects of trauma as highlighted in a Haitian proverb that translates into the common saying to “sweep it under the rug”. At the same time, however, there are existing coping mechanisms and informal systems for trauma counseling and care that do exist in Haitian culture.
As such, CRWRC-IDR is seeking to expand and further build on its initial psycho-social project response. The objective of the project will be 2-fold: 1) to reinforce existing social, community-based mechanisms for dealing with trauma and 2) establish short-term support groups facilitated by CRWRC-trained facilitators.


Purpose of Consultancy
In order to adequately and appropriately develop this second phase of its psycho-social response, CRWRC-IDR will hire a consultant to conduct an assessment in the 5 communities in which the response will be carried out. The assessment will be a 2-tiered assessment that will include the following:
1. Identification and mapping of existing informal/formal social community structures, mechanisms, and/or systems for dealing with individual and/or collective trauma; and
2. Appraisal and identification of the specific ongoing needs for psycho-social support in these communities according to different factors including age, gender, socio-economic status
CRWRC-IDR will use the findings of the assessment and the recommendations of the consultant to develop the specifics elements of the second phase psycho-social intervention.

Consultant Responsibilities
The consultant will:
• Prepare and submit a work plan for the duration of the contract so as to ensure maximum coordination and planning with the CRWRC-IDR team
• Develop assessment tools appropriate for each aspect of the assessment
• Organize and conduct assessment interviews and meetings
• Ensure appropriate attention to gender issues and vulnerable groups
• Ensure his/her own translation (if needed)
• Ensure his/her own transportation to and from the field
• Provide his/her own work equipment (computer, printer, telephone)
• Report to the Disaster Response Program Manager
CRWRC-IDR Responsibilities
CRWRC-IDR staff will:
• Provide the consultant with all necessary and relevant project documentation for the purposes of preparing and conducting the assessment
• Facilitate access to communities and beneficiaries
• Provide temporary office space on an as needed basis
• Be available to answer questions, assist to resolve issues as they arise

Qualifications réquises

Consultant Profile
• University degree in related field (psychology, sociology, social work etc.)
• Solid experience in and knowledge of psycho-social interventions, preferably in a Haitian context
• Experience in conducting community assessments, preferably in a Haitian context
• Good understanding of Haitian culture and social norms
• Excellent organizational and time management skills
• Good communication skills
• Oral and written proficiency in English and Haitian Creole
• Christian worldview preferable

Conditions particulières

At the end of the contract, the Consultant will produce:
• Original copies of the completed assessment forms
• A comprehensive report covering both aspects of the assessment, complete with recommendations. The primary language of the report will be English.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Current CV
Preliminary work plan for conducting the assessment

Remarque contact

Interested applicants should submit a current CV and preliminary work plan for conducting the assessment to no later than 1 April 2011.

Date limite
