Project Manager for Livelihoods pour CRS |

The Community Resettlement and Recovery Program (CRRP) aims to resettle up to 4,000 families in the communities where they were living at the time of the January 12th earthquake. The program coordinates WASH, shelter, protection and livelihoods activities in target communities across Port-au-Prince. The Micro and Small Enterprise Recovery Program (MSERP) is an important part of the CRS’ livelihoods program in CRRP neighborhoods.

The January 12th earthquake destroyed the physical structure of many businesses, equipment, materials and business inventory. MSERP will assist up to 300 micro and small entrepreneurs (MSEs) to recapitalize and strengthen their businesses. These communities currently include Carrefour, Christ Roi/Nazon, Mais Gate, Delmas 62 and Terrain Toto (Carradeux). The project will include five core elements:

1. Capacity building programming for micro and small entrepreneurs – Beneficiaries will complete a series of workshops with the objective of creating a feasible business plan for their enterprise.
2. Small recapitalization grants– Beneficiaries that successfully complete training modules will be eligible for a grant to invest in business inventory, equipment, supplies, rent, etc., in accordance with their budget (created in training sessions).
3. Introduction to the banking sector – Beneficiaries will open bank accounts to encourage separation of personal and business accounts.
4. Introduction to the micro-insurance sector – DASH insurance will provide medical insurance for entrepreneurs.
5. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to determine how grants were used – Field teams will evaluate if cash was invested as proposed in the business plan.

Job Summary
The Project Manager is responsible for the day-to-day implementation and management of the MSERP program, including supervision of field staff. S/he supervises 6 field animators, who are responsible for targeting, supporting and monitoring the progress of beneficiary entrepreneurs. In addition, s/he is responsible for maintaining partner relationships, maintaining communications with CRR project managers in target communities, monitoring project process and completing all reporting for the project.


Primary Responsibilities
• In coordination with the livelihoods program manager, finalize the structure of the program and establish partnerships as outlined in project documents. Partnerships will include curriculum developers, training providers, the DASH insurance company and a financial services institution.
• Contribute to training module curriculum development.
• Coordinate with the livelihoods program manager and area CRR program managers to develop and implement beneficiary selection systems for each MSERP area.
• Train and support MSERP animators to conduct beneficiary selection following defined criteria, complete registration, monitor partner performance and provide support to beneficiary entrepreneurs.
• Organize logistics for all trainings and follow up with beneficiaries in all CRRP communities, including regular visits from animators.
• Ensure all beneficiaries are added to the CRRT database and adequately tracked in their progress.
• Develop recommendations on how to improve quality and impact of the program.
• Prepare weekly internal and donor reports as required.
• Assist in the development of monitoring and evaluation systems.
• Develop recommendations for a follow-up phase of the program for SMEs that demonstrate they have followed their business plan and are making positive steps toward profitability.

Qualifications réquises

Required skills and qualifications
1. Masters degree in Development, Business Administration, Economics, or similar
2. At least 5 years experience working with small business development, micro-finance/banking, and/or livelihoods development
3. At least 2 years experience working in the non-profit/not-for-profit sector
4. Experience managing field staff
5. Experience managing relationships with partners
6. Comfortable working in poor communities with earthquake-affected populations
7. Strong analytical and organizational skills
8. Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, Outlook)
9. Experience organizing events, trainings, etc
10. Ability to create a team environment and coordinate with other departments
11. Ability to manage time, prioritize tasks and respond quickly to requests
12. Excellent communication, inter-personal and problem solving skills
13. Comfortable providing on the job training
14. Professional proficiency in French and Creole, English strongly preferred

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates with the mention of CR-PML-1110, before December 05th

Date limite
