Project Manager Transition Shelter pour CARE Haiti |

CARE has worked in Haiti since 1954, when it provided relief assistance after Hurricane Hazel. Today CARE's programming there reflects an integrated approach, with projects in HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, maternal and child health, education, food security, and water and sanitation. CARE works closely with local NGOs, private companies, community organizations and the Haitian government to build local capacity and achieve sustainable development.
Target objective, CARE
Provide 25 000 earthquake affected families’ transitional shelter support along with NFIs and reconstruction tool kits prior to the onset of the rains and hurricane season.


The position is one of field project management for the transitional shelter programme. Generalists or those with first-phase emergency experience in project management in related sectors are encouraged to apply, although specific shelter experience remains a plus. Experience as the manager of direct implementation management of projects in the field is essential. This is a field-based position.

• Supervise and develop the capacities of mixed teams of national staff (social outreach officers, engineers, technicians)
• Manage and guide the implementation of a variety of transitional shelter projects (shelters, repair-kits, host-family support, cyclone-protection coping mechanisms or other)
• Actively engage in the Cluster and other co-ordination mechanisms at the hub- or field-level
• Plan distributions of materials and schedules for monitoring and follow-up by national staff teams
• Participate in development of staffing structures and field base development
• Develop and adapt shelter projects in co-ordination with the Shelter Co-ordinator, maintaining a flexible approach to a changing field situation
• Represent CARE in discussions with community leaders, beneficiary groups, local associations or local government authorities
• Represent CARE in discussions with donors at the field level, as required
• Ensure maintenance of records of beneficiary registration, site locations, materials distributions, and other interventions
• Ensure that CARE shelter project objectives are being achieved in the field
• Participate in CARE management planning and co-ordination
• Report on field activities to Cluster forums and within CARE, and prepare documentation for donor reporting
• Any other tasks required by the supervisor for the Shelter programme

Qualifications réquises

• Significant experience in project management in emergency relief
• Fluency in French and English languages a must.
• Adapting to the emergency need and work environment.
• Proactive and solution-oriented approach to challenges
• Awareness of community-centred and self-build approaches to emergency response
• Familiarity with Sphere standards and Humanitarian principles
• Excellent leadership, management, teamwork & interpersonal skills.
• Follow the technical guideline agreed by the Shelter Cluster.
• Compliance to CARE principles and core values.
• Shelter skills a plus
• Skills in self-built architecture a plus.
• Experience in earthquake and hurricane structures a plus.
• Sense of humour necessary
Computer: Word, Excel
Familiar with GPS and GoogleEarth a plus

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Cover Letter + Resume + Employment Letter

Remarque contact

ASAP (urgent)

Date limite
