IT Officer pour HelpAge Internartional Haiti |

HelpAge International is a global network of not for profit organisations with a mission to work with and for disadvantaged older people. HelpAge International has a vision of a world where older people fulfill their potential to lead active, dignified, healthy and secure lives. With more than 70 affiliates and 300 partners across more than 50 countries the HelpAge International network brings together hundreds of organisations. HelpAge International has a secretariat with offices in London and Brussels, regional centres in Africa, South Asia, East Asia, Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, seven national programmes and a number of emergencies programmes.

HelpAge has a Regional Office for the Caribbean in Kingston Jamaica and local partner organisations in a number of countries in the region including Haiti and Dominican Republic. A small programme o ffice was recently established in Port-au-Prince to focus on emergency and DRR work in Haiti.

Following the earthquake in Haiti on 12 January, HelpAge launched an emergency response in Haiti and is committed to extending this into a longer term recovery and rehabilitation programme in support of older people in Haiti.


The IT Officer will work in close collaboration with all Head of Units within HelpAge Haiti to perform the following duties for HelpAge Haiti and possibly some of its local partner based in Haiti and Santo Domingo:

To provide support with regards to information technology needs, in terms of equipment and connectivity, and troubleshoot IT problems experienced by users.

Supporting the computers users and providing first line support

Regular periodic maintenance & preventive cleaning to Keep PCs and LAN working properly and avoid hardware and software crashes and breakdowns.

Checking the general condition of the devices such as
• Power supply stability,
• Ventilation,
• Software backups.
• Anti-Virus patterns updates.
• Hard disk fragments and errors.
• LAN Connections.

Inducting new staff to the IT systems and setting up email addresses and IT access as required.

Ensuring that all equipment purchased for HelpAge Haiti and it’s local partners is asset managed with the Finance team

Developing new Internal IT systems as required by the Head of Units, including databases and information management systems.

Providing internal training in the use of software and applications to staff members

Hardware and software consulting for the best products and prices available at the local market, and supporting the Logistics team with the purchase of such equipment.

Qualifications réquises

At least 3 years of relevant experience in IT and IMS

Well developed interpersonal and team skills and proven ability to be flexible in demanding situations.

Good written and spoken English and Creole is essential.

Sympathy with the aims and objectives of HelpAge International.

Commitment to humanitarian principles and action.

Date limite
