
Plan, one of the world’s largest children’s NGOs, has worked in Haiti for 37 years with children, young people and communities. Following the 12th January earthquake, Plan Haiti is now implementing major emergency response and recovery programs in education, protection, health and livelihood.


Overall Responsibility

Reporting to the Director of Programs the Senior M&E Manager ensures the collection, analysis and dissemination of accurate and insightful quantitative and qualitative information about Plan programs (a) to underpin management decisions about program strategies, approaches, and work plans and (b) to help Plan be accountable to children, communities, government, partners and donors.

Key Areas of Responsibility

• Design and support use of practicable and robust systems to collect data and interpret data, including related training
• Ensuring rapid and thoughtful analysis of monitoring data and dissemination of reports
• Lead role on evaluations, including design, methodologies, drafting of ToRs, identification of evaluation team members, analysis of findings and production and dissemination of reports
• Support for participation of children, young people and beneficiaries in monitoring and evaluation
• Building the capacity of program staff in monitoring and evaluation
• Ensuring training of Program management and staff on Plan’s corporate Program Accountability and Learning System (PALS) and Program and Projects Module (PPM) software
• Ensuring that PPM system is maintained and regularly updated
• Supporting periodic and progress reports on a timely basis for Plan itself, for donors, for Haitian authorities and for coordinating bodies
• Line management, supervision and mentoring of M&E staff
• Management and supervision of relationships with M&E consultants
• Oversight of M&E team budgets and expenditures
• Representing Plan Haiti for M&E and research activities at national and international levels
• Building alliances with research institutions and M&E departments of other agencies

Qualifications réquises


• A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in political or social science management, research methology statistics, economics, or other relevant field
• Demonstrated skills and experience in quantitative data collection and analysis, including design
• Demonstrated skills and experience in qualitative approaches to evaluation, including design
• Experience with and commitment to participative approaches to evaluation which engage children and communities
• Experience with the reporting requirements of a range of multilateral, bilateral and private donors
• Ability to produce clear and readable reports and user-friendly summaries
• Demonstrated skills and experience in use of Information and Communication Technologies, including statistical analysis packages, GPS
• At least four years professional experience in a developing country setting, with at least one years working in an emergencies setting
• Knowledge of SPHERE, INEE and other humanitarian standards
• At least three years of experience in a managerial role
• Proven skills in capacity building of local staff
• Commitment to human rights based approaches to development, including commitment to gender equity and to the rights of the child
• Fluent spoken and written French and English essential
• Fluency in Creole a substantial advantage
• Proven ability to work effectively and successfully in a cross-cultural context
• Ability to work under pressure, and to live and work in difficult conditions
• Available to travel and stay extensively throughout Haiti, and for occasional international travel

Date limite
