Informational Technology (IT) Specialist pour DAI HRASA |

Project Description:
USAID Feed the Future Haiti Resilience and Agriculture Sector Advancement (HRASA) is a 5-year activity implemented by DAI. HRASA will build on USAID’s decades of investment in the Haitian agricultural sector and catalyze the resourcefulness and innovation of Haitian market system actors to transform agricultural market systems so that they are more competitive, inclusive, and resilient—ultimately advancing Haiti’s food security, sustainable economic development, and the Journey to Self-Reliance (J2SR). HRASA’s overarching goal is to increase individual, household, and community resilience through strengthened, well-functioning, and inclusive market systems. While Objective 1 activities will focus on improving the efficiency/ effectiveness of existing market system actors, Objective 2 will stimulate and expand PSE and investment in agricultural market systems. Objective 3 will target subsistence farming households, strengthening their capacities to participate in market system opportunities emerging from activities under Objectives 1 and 2. All activities will take place in the communes in the two defined Resilience Focus Zones (RFZs) highlighted in the Activity scope of work. However, the focus of these activities will vary, depending on the circumstances and selected commodities prevalent in each region.


Role’s Purpose:

The Information Technology (IT) Specialist is responsible for the IT needs of the project, including system installations, maintenance, support, and technical consultations to clients. S/He is responsible for ensuring that standards set by the DAI Home Office are followed and project solutions are the most efficient and cost effective. Responsibilities also include assisting in the setup, maintenance and troubleshooting of the LANs (Local Area Networks) at the office. Responsible for the setup, maintenance and troubleshooting of client computers and peripherals such as printers and scanners. S/He will ensure that proper back up, anti-virus and disaster recovery procedures are identified and followed and that end users have access to shared files, printers and to email.

Objectives and Duties:
• Local network maintenance and installation including cabling, switches/hubs and configuration TCP/IP, NAT, TCP/IP printing, windows network and domain services on TCP/IP;
• WAN connectivity and maintenance (Internet connection and services)
• Server and server application maintenance and installation (Hardware integration, server installation and maintenance, LAN and WAN connectivity, Lotus Domino and messaging system, FTP services, Symantec Antivirus Protection Corporate edition installation and maintenance;
• Client computer hardware and application installation and configuration, maintenance. Laptops, Desktops, MS Windows XP, MS Office Pro, Lotus Notes and other mail clients, Symantec AV and other project software;
• User support;
• Manage all software;
• Check systems in order to optimize performance and to initiate recovery action after system failures;
• Make suggestions for network hardware and software system improvements;
• Create and maintain effective inventory of IT and communication equipment;
• Advise in procurement process and assist with IT Inventory
• Help project staff with computer-related problems, requests, or questions.
• Resolve problems with network connection caused by factors outside the office space.
• Quickly respond to interruptions in website access.
• Perform other duties as assigned by the Director of Finance and Operations (DFO), COP and DCOP.

The IT Specialist will report directly to the Director of Finance and Operations (DFO) and will collaborate with the Home Office IT Department.

Supervisory Responsibilities:
The IT Specialist will supervise any long-term and/or short-term consultants performing IT related tasks.

Qualifications réquises

Required Qualifications:
• University degree in IT, computer science, engineering, or another relevant field;
• Minimum 5 years of relevant professional experience in IT systems and management;
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).
• Experience with user support, system integration and data migration efforts.
• Demonstrated ability and willingness to learn new technologies.
• Strong written and oral communication skills.
• Fluency in French and proficiency in English required, additional communication skills in Haitian Creole desired.
• Willingness to travel to other offices throughout the project’s target areas.
• Prior experience working with DAI and knowledge of DAI systems and processes strongly preferred.

Conditions de travail

- 40 heures par semaine du Lundi au Vendredi.
- Le lieu de travail du/de la IT Specialist au Cap-Haitien. Il/Elle effectuera de fréquents déplacements dans les communes ciblées par le projet dans les deux RFZ. Les déplacements seront assurés par le projet.

-. Il/Elle pourrait être appelé(e) à travailler à distance selon les consignes de la direction du projet.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

-Lettre Motivation
- CV mis a jour
- Copie d'une pièce d'identité valide
- Copie de diplôme

Remarque contact

Au moment de la submission de votre dossier application, merci de vous assurez de mettre le titre du poste au sujet de votre courriel car sans le titre du poste comme sujet, votre dossier peut ne pas etre pris en consideration.

DAI/HRASA se réserve le doit de fermer cette fenêtre de publication avant la date limite des qu'un candidat potentiel est identifié.

Autres remarques

DAI encourage vivement la candidature des femmes et des personnes avec mobilite reduite.

Date limite
