Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Director pour DAI HRASA |

Project Description:

USAID Feed the Future Haiti Resilience and Agriculture Sector Advancement (HRASA) is a 5-year activity implemented by DAI. HRASA will build on USAID’s decades of investment in the Haitian agricultural sector and catalyze the resourcefulness and innovation of Haitian market system actors to transform agricultural market systems so that they are more competitive, inclusive, and resilient—ultimately advancing Haiti’s food security, sustainable economic development, and the Journey to Self-Reliance (J2SR).

HRASA’s overarching goal is to increase individual, household, and community resilience through strengthened, well-functioning, and inclusive market systems. While Objective 1 activities will focus on improving the efficiency/ effectiveness of existing market system actors, Objective 2 will stimulate and expand PSE and investment in agricultural market systems. Objective 3 will target subsistence farming households, strengthening their capacities to participate in market system opportunities emerging from activities under Objectives 1 and 2. All activities will take place in the communes in the two defined Resilience Focus Zones (RFZs) highlighted in the Activity scope of work. However, the focus of these activities will vary, depending on the circumstances and selected commodities prevalent in each region.


Role’s Purpose:

The Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Director will design and lead the monitoring, information management, and reporting system for HRASA, help inform USAID, the Chief of Party (COP), and technical objective leads of project status and progress toward achievement of key results as agreed in the annual work plans. S/he will also be responsible for providing technical advice and assistance on issues related to MEL in designated HRASA partnership areas. S/he will synthesize lessons learned from implementation and facilitate the incorporation of these lessons learned into project-wide reporting and internal learning. S/he will work with the technical leads to implement the Activity MEL Plan (AMELP) and, with the MEL/Environmental Compliance Specialist and the MEL Specialist, ensure that activities comply with USAID’s environmental regulations.

Objectives and Duties:

The MEL Director will facilitate development and implementation of the project MEL system, including but not limited to:
• In cooperation with COP, DCOP, and DAI Home Office (HO) support, work on revisions to the AMELP, as needed, including refining the HRASA causal model, performance indicators, and targets for tracking results
• Develop data collection tools (forms, surveys, etc.), methodologies, and reporting protocols
• Conduct and oversee primary and secondary data collection as needed
• Train staff, and local partners when required, on key MEL concepts, tools, and processes
• Supervise the MEL Specialist, and the MEL/Environmental Compliance Specialist, and any short-term technical consultants performing MEL tasks.
• Conduct data quality assurance activities, including spot-checks, data quality assessments (DQAs), etc.
• Set up and manage the system, including the necessary software, to collect, store, manage, analyses, and report M&E data
• Conduct and/or supervise regular and ad-hoc data analysis and develop reports to the USAID and project management
• Help in the identification, analysis, and synthesis of lessons learned from program implementation; with the COP, DCOP, and Objective Leads, facilitate the incorporation of those lessons into the activity cycle
• Provide input and advice on procurement of M&E third-party services if needed and provides management of awarded subcontracts.
• Contribute and provide MEL insights in elaboration of Grant applications.
• Provide facilitative leadership support and guidance to all MEL functions carried out by the technical implementation team.
• Participate in the preparation and review of Joint Work Plans, monthly and quarterly regional and national reports, and other ad-hoc reports that may be requested.
• Update in a regular basis the required USAID’ platforms such as DIS with the relevant data
• Facilitate and organize meetings, review, and learning sessions with relevant stakeholders to review progress and take corrective actions.

The MEL Director will report to the COP. S/he will collaborate closely with the Deputy COP, Objective Leads, and other Home Office MEL staff engaged on the project.

Qualifications réquises

Required Qualifications:
• At minimum, a university degree in a social sciences subject area. Master’s degree strongly preferred.
• Minimum of ten years of experience providing MEL support to donor-funded projects.
• Good understanding of standard M&E and data analysis tools and approaches with preference towards MEL experience working on a USAID-funded project.
• Experience in developing and implementing M&E systems, methodologies, tools, and approaches;
• Experience working with programs focused on the core concepts of market systems, private sector engagement, agriculture, and resilience;
• Demonstrated experience building capacities of partners, private sector actors, and community organizations;
• Demonstrated experience in collecting gender equity and women’s empowerment-related data along with experience integrating gender-responsive methodology, tools, and data analysis techniques into project implementation.
• Good management and leadership skills
• Excellent communication, problem solving and organizational skills.
• Good capacity to collaborate and interact with colleagues and other stakeholders.
• Good ability to work and operate in difficult situation and able to oversee multiple tasks simultaneously.
• Fluency in French and Creole are required.
• Good communication and report writing skills in English required;
• Good computing capabilities with working knowledge of MS Word and Excel;
• Experience working with local communities, NGOs, private sector, and/or international organizations within the targeted areas of influence; and
• Willingness to live in Cap-Haitian and travel throughout the targeted areas of influence.
• Have excellent communication, problem-solving, and organizational skills.

Conditions de travail

- 40 heures par semaine du Lundi au Vendredi.
- Le lieu de travail du/de la MEL Director est au Cap-Haitien. Il/Elle effectuera de fréquents déplacements dans les communes ciblées par le projet dans les deux RFZ. Les déplacements seront assurés par le projet.

-. Il/Elle pourrait être appelé(e) à travailler à distance selon les consignes de la direction du projet.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

-Lettre Motivation
- CV mis a jour
- Copie d'une pièce d'identité valide
- Copie de diplôme

Remarque contact

Au moment de la submission de votre dossier application, merci de vous assurez de mettre le titre du poste au sujet de votre courriel car sans le titre du poste comme sujet, votre dossier peut ne pas etre pris en consideration.

DAI/HRASA se réserve le doit de fermer cette fenêtre de publication avant la date limite des qu'un candidat potentiel est identifié.

Autres remarques

DAI encourage vivement la candidature des femmes et des personnes avec mobilite reduite.

Date limite
