Education Technical Advisor / Education Sector Co-Coordinator pour Save the Children en Haiti |

The role of the Education Technical Advisor / Education Sector Co-Coordinator is to ensure a coherent and effective response to education needs in Haiti both by providing internal technical expertise on education to Save the Children’s Country Office and by ensuring a coordination function of the education sector along with the Ministry of Education and UNICEF so as to represent the broader interests of the sector. The post holder will work closely with all education stakeholders (children, families, communities, schools, authorities, INGOs, UN agencies and all other sectoral actors) to provide an effective, timely and strategic collective response to development and humanitarian needs in Haiti. S/he will also use their in-depth contextual understanding, technical expertise, and relationship building skills to define and deliver Save the Children’s strategic ambition for education in Haiti. The role will lead strategy development and the technical design and implementation of high-quality programmes that deliver change for children in both emergency and development programming. The role supports national advocacy and influencing, while driving strategic partnerships for new business development.

In the event of a major humanitarian emergency, the role holder will be expected to work outside the normal role profile and be able to vary working hours accordingly.


• Provide technical leadership for education or the Country Office and set the strategic approach in relation to the wider country strategy.
• Work closely with new business development colleagues to identify and pursue funding opportunities that allow for both integration intro broader programmes and standalone education programmes/projects; engage with technical partners, donors and colleagues across Save the Children.
• Provide oversight and guidance to the programme implementation teams to ensure that thematic programme components are technically sound, implementation methods are consistent with national and global strategies, acknowledged good practice (e.g. Save the Children Common Approaches); and are likely to achieve scale, as well as equitable and sustainable results.
• Undertake field visits to project sites; work with implementation teams to understand impacts, operational challenges, and continuously identify opportunities for learning and improvement.
• Monitor trends and capture learning to inform new business development and operational readjustments as needed.
• Ensure the Education Sector is guided by a coherent and needs-based strategy developed through consultation with relevant Cluster partners.

• Provide technical leadership for education or the Country Office and set the strategic approach in relation to the wider country strategy.
• Work closely with new business development colleagues to identify and pursue funding opportunities that allow for both integration intro broader programmes and standalone education programmes/projects; engage with technical partners, donors and colleagues across Save the Children.
• Provide oversight and guidance to the programme implementation teams to ensure that thematic programme components are technically sound, implementation methods are consistent with national and global strategies, acknowledged good practice (e.g. Save the Children Common Approaches); and are likely to achieve scale, as well as equitable and sustainable results.
• Undertake field visits to project sites; work with implementation teams to understand impacts, operational challenges, and continuously identify opportunities for learning and improvement.
• Monitor trends and capture learning to inform new business development and operational readjustments as needed.
• Ensure the Education Sector is guided by a coherent and needs-based strategy developed through consultation with relevant Cluster partners.
• Work with the Ministry of Education and UNICEF to facilitate coordination of all partners involved in education (by chairing coordination meetings, preparing agendas and minutes, following on progress, etc.) to ensure response activities are harmonised and that overlap and duplication are prevented.
• Support the facilitation of key activities within the Humanitarian Programme Cycle including development of Humanitarian Needs Overviews (HNO), development and revision of the Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP), multi-sectoral needs assessments, and, peer review processes for pooled-funding opportunities including Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) and Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF).
• Ensure the articulation between the Education Sector at the national level with the Education Sectors at the local level.
• Identify any needs and gaps that must be addressed to ensure a smooth and complete coordination function for education across the entire response.
• Ensure that the Information Management function is fully integrated into the Cluster strategy and approach.
• Establish and maintain an information management network in accordance with IASC and GEC guidance to facilitate humanitarian information sharing and the promotion of data and reporting standards.
• Advocate for the use of common data standards and platforms, and for the open exchange of information.
• Work with counterparts in government to ensure that information activities are coordinated and consistent with national standards and practices.
• Contribute to regular OCHA and agency sitreps and actively participate in OCHA inter-sector coordination meetings to represent the Education Sector.
• Support and ensure articulation/coordination of education-specific and multi-sectoral needs assessments and use existing secondary data to inform sectoral response planning.
• Ensure that clear and effective communication occurs between sub-national groups and the national group.
• Ensure that information is shared among cluster members, and that information from other sectors and groups was made available to cluster members to improve planning, integration and implementation.
• Work closely with key members of the Education Cluster ensuring clear communication with school officials, national, provincial, or local governments, OCHA, UNICEF and all other cluster members.
• Track and monitor fundraising by cluster members for specific education interventions.
• Ensure that the inter-agency response strategy for education reflects key findings from needs assessments, gap identification and formulation of a sectoral inter-agency response plan, considering cross-cutting areas of other sectors.
• Display neutrality and act as representative of all Education Sector members.
• Develop and maintain a strong and positive relationship with key counterparts at the relevant line ministry/department and UNICEF.

BEHAVIOURS (Values in Practice)
• holds self accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values
• holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved.

• sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and their team, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same
• widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others
• future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale.

• builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, Members and external partners and supporters
• values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
• approachable, good listener, easy to talk to.

• develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
• willing to take disciplined risks.

• honest, encourages openness and transparency; demonstrates highest levels of integrity

Additional job responsibilities
The duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to carry out additional duties within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience.

Equal Opportunities
The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the SCI Equal Opportunities and Diversity policies and procedures.

Child Safeguarding:
We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.

Safeguarding our Staff:
The post holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the SCI anti-harassment policy.

Health and Safety
The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with SCI Health and Safety policies and procedures.

Qualifications réquises


• Master’s degree with a major in Education or related domains


• At least 5 years’ experience of leading the design and implementation of humanitarian and development programmes in education,
• Prior experience in education sector coordination
• Understanding of the Humanitarian Program Cycle including experience with Humanitarian Response Planning and/or Humanitarian Needs Overview
• Experience of strategy development and planning
• Excellent communication skills, including ability to facilitate diverse groups
• Politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy
• Demonstrable ability to work and represent views across different stakeholders
• Experience of high-level coordination and chairing of meetings
• Demonstrable understanding of international humanitarian response and coordination mechanisms
• Experience of applying relevant interagency humanitarian frameworks and standards in education in emergencies (for example INEE Minimum Standards)
• The capacity and willingness to be extremely flexible and accommodating in difficult and sometimes insecure working circumstances
• Fluency in French and English required
• Working knowledge of Haiti
• Fluency in Creole

Conditions de travail

The post holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g. once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they work country programs; or are visiting country programs; or because they are responsible for implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.

Reports to: Programme Development & Quality (PDQ) Director
Staff reporting to this post: No direct reports but will oversee the education sector focal point in Les Cayes and is expected to provide coaching and mentoring support to operational and other technical colleagues and local partners
Budget Responsibilities: None

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

CV, Motivation letter, Diploma (s), Certificate (s)

Date limite
