Lab Technician pour HEI/SBH |

Kore Sante is a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) program in Haiti implemented by the Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation to support the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) in the delivery of health services in clinical sites and in the community in the four departments of Haiti's Southern region. Kore Sante aims to strengthen local management and operational capacities to provide health services and improve access to and use of quality health services.

The Lab Technician will oversee the work of Projet Kore Sante on lab quality in the region. The primary responsibility of the Lab Technician will be to strengthen systems and capacity with the DDS and Kore Sante sites for continuous quality improvement.


• Promote the use of best laboratory practices across the Kore Sante laboratory network, including biosecurity, infectious diseases, quality control and other public health threats and emergencies.
• Coordinate training activities with Kore Sante team and DDS to remedy the irregularities observed in practice during supervision visits.
• Serve as a liaison between the National Laboratory of Public Health (LNSP), DDS and clinical laboratories for training and other quality improvement efforts in the laboratory.
• Identify the training needs related to the practice of laboratory sites.
• Develop and coordinate technical training programs to meet specific laboratory training needs in all areas of laboratory testing, laboratory safety, laboratory management, etc.
• Supervise the activities related to the implementation of HIV and tuberculosis testing and make corrections if necessary.
• Ensure all equipment is functional, act when they are down and control the documentation.
• Ensure that laboratories have necessary equipment for the realization of various tests.
• Create, monitor, and review the technical lab procedures in collaboration with the LNSP
• Contribute to annual work planning, training plans and quarterly reports and other required technical reports.
• Contribute to timely, accurate and appropriate reporting of program activities and results.
• Identify, document and disseminate lessons learned, best practices, evidence and success stories related to the process of improving the quality and performance of laboratories and their staff.
• Perform other duties as assigned which contribute to the achievement of program goals.

Qualifications réquises

• Advanced degree, Masters preferred
• 4 years of experience supporting lab improvement
• Strong understanding of lab improvement techniques
• Demonstrated knowledge and skills in HIV/AIDS, Family Planning and Maternal, Newborn and Child Health services
• In-depth knowledge of approaches to quality improvement and health performance
• Demonstrated training and mentorship skills
• Proven leadership skills, as well as skills in training, facilitation, team building and coordination
• Strong change management, results-oriented and decision-making skills
• Excellent interpersonal, written and oral communication skills
• Ability to work in a complex environment with multiple tasks, short deadlines and intense pressure to perform
• Excellent systems management and organizational skills
• Demonstrated self-management (i.e. motivation, dealing with pressure, adaptability)
• Proficiency in French and creole; English desirable
• Must be familiar with common editing software: MS Office Word, Excel and Power Point
• Ability and willingness to travel to sites on a regular basis

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

An introductory email containing the candidate's technical data sheet (200 words maximum) with subject: The job title "Kore Sante - Lab Technician ", a cover letter, an updated curriculum vitae, with 3 professional references.

Autres remarques

Any application that does not comply with the above instructions will not be considered.
Only the preselected candidates will be contacted.

Date limite
