Environmental Manager pour ong | JobPaw.com

The environmental manager will be responsible for developing systems and procedures to evaluate, mitigate and monitor the environmental impact of the following activities: soil conservation (erosion prevention), irrigation, infrastructure, water and sanitation, flood control, fisheries, agriculture, rehabilitation of infrastructure, recycling, construction, C&D debris removal, recycling and disposal, transitional shelters, WASH, and other types of projects developed and implemented through the USAID/KATA and USAID/CLEARS programs. The environmental manager will also advise on specific environmental issues which arise on an ongoing basis. This is a full-time position. Duties include:


• Identify environmental and disaster risk concerns within project regions, including issues related to marine habitats (including mangroves), ravines and riparian habitats, protected areas, and extreme weather events, in coordination with governmental and international experts in Haiti.
• Ensure compliance with USAID’s Regulation 216, as well as Haitian national environmental laws, regulations, and procedures in the design, implementation, and monitoring of projects under USAID/KATA and USAID/CLEARS.
• Ensure implementation of exisiting environmental management plans in project design, site selection, and execution.
• Coordinate with project managers to ensure implementation of recommend mititagtion measures.
• Monitor and document the environmental impact of USAID/KATA and USAID/CLEARS programs using established environmental monitoring tools and report to USAID.
• Train fellow Central office and regional office staff to apply environmental management tools and procedures.

The position will not be limited to the duties listed above. The organization reserves the right to modify and update the job description at any time.

Qualifications réquises

• Master’s degree in environmental engineering, natural resources management, agriculture, engineering with 2 years experience or Bachelor’s degree with 5 years of experience and/or background in related fields.
• Minimum 5 years of relevant experience with demonstrated focus on the environmental impact of rehabilitation projects , with at least 2 years experience at the international level, preferably in conflict and disaster zones.
• Familiarity with USAID programs and regulations is a plus. Demonstrated familiarity with the application of 22CFR216 and the 1996 law on protection of mangroves and clearing of land in development programs.
• Experience in soil conservation and infrastructure project management.
• Knowledge of best environmental practices in Haiti in terms of protection of local mangroves and ravines.
• Knowledge of environmental issues in Haiti and the Caribbean region.
• Willingness and ability to travel to conflict areas and capacity to work in a challenging environment within Haiti.
• Language proficiency in English and French. Haitian Creole proficiency is a plus.
• Familiarity with environmental and/or health impacts of road rehabilitation, irrigation canals, sediment extraction, solid waste and graywater treatment, drainage canals, potable water supply, latrine/toilet construction, small-scale construction, flood control/soil stabilization structures, shelters and related WASH and C&D debris recycling and disposal.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Motivation letter, copies of diplomas and certificates and personal resume

Date limite
