Operations Research Manager pour CRS | JobPaw.com

The Operations Research Manager designs and implements research projects that inform CRS Haiti's programmatic decision-making.


Specific Responsibilities:

• Coordinate with project managers and senior management to identify operations research needs.
• Design operations research projects that inform the programmatic decision-making of project managers and senior management.
• Develop scopes of work, timelines, research protocols, and research tools. Ensure all research meets ethical guidelines.
• Work closely with the Database Manager to design databases, as needed.
• Oversee data collection, training CRS and/or temporary staff to serve as enumerators.
• Work closely with Database Manager to ensure proper data cleaning and spot checking.
• Draft operations research reports, and work closely with the Strategic Information Manager to finalize and disseminate results.
• Engage consultants as necessary to conduct operations research, providing close supervision of all deliverables to ensure quality work.
• Work with project managers to ensure that operations research is included in proposal narratives and budgets, as needed.

Qualifications réquises

Required Qualifications:
• Bachelors' degree in social sciences or related field, with a significant research component.
• Minimum five years of professional experience related to the job responsibilities of this position.
• Demonstrated experience designing, managing and implementing qualitative and quantitative research studies.
• Advanced computer literacy in MS Office and use of the internet. .
• Fluent written and spoken English, French and Creole.
• Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment.
• Strong interpersonal communication skills.
• Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
• Creative, flexible and self-motivated.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of D-ORM-0310, before April 15 th, 2010

Date limite
