Strategic Information Officer pour CRS |

The Strategic Information Manager ensures that M&E information generated by CRS Haiti projects is effectively utilized. The Manager is responsible for the editing, translation, packaging and dissemination of reports, research, and other M&E information. He/she documents lessons learned, promising practices and success stories from across the country program. The Manager seeks out innovative ways of sharing M&E information with a range of stakeholders, including donors, partners and community members. He/she builds the capacity of CRS and partner staff in documentation and reporting, and designs activities and processes that promote internal information-sharing and learning. The Manager is responsible for ensuring that the CRS Haiti project website and Project Tracking System are up-to-date.


Specific Responsibilities:

1) Program Quality
• Edit and/or translate reports, research and other M&E information generated by CRS Haiti projects.
• Develop and implement communications strategies that effectively disseminate M&E information to a range of stakeholders, including donors, partners, and community members.
• Design and/or work with designers and printers to appropriately package CRS Haiti reports and publications.
• Work closely with project managers and M&E staff to seek out and document project success stories, promising practices and lessons learned.
• Develop, promote, and implement activities and processes that advance information-sharing and learning among CRS staff and partners, such as after-action reviews, exchange visits, and lessons learned workshops.
• Regularly update the information on the CRS Haiti project web site.
• Regularly update the CRS Project Tracking System.
• Work with project managers to ensure that documentation, dissemination and learning-related expenses are appropriately budgeted for in project budgets.

2) Training and Capacity-strengthening
• Provide technical support to CRS Haiti project managers in the development of strategies that promoting learning within and across projects and partners.
• Build the capacity of CRS and partner staff in the documentation of success stories, lessons learned and promising practices.

Qualifications réquises

Required Qualifications:
• Bachelors' degree in social sciences, communications, English, or related field.
• Minimum five years of professional experience related to the job responsibilities of this position.
• Demonstrated experience developing and implementing communication strategies, report-writing, editing, and translation. Demonstrated experience in training preferred.
• Advanced computer literacy in MS Office and use of the internet. .
• Fluent written and spoken English, French and Creole.
• Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment.
• Strong interpersonal communication skills.
• Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
• Creative, flexible and self-motivated.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of D-SIM-0310, before April 15 th, 2010

Date limite
