Security Team Leader pour HelpAge Internartional Haiti |

Following the earthquake in Haiti on 12 January, HelpAge launched an emergency response in Haiti and is committed to extending this into a longer term recovery and rehabilitation programme in support of older people in Haiti


HelpAge is now looking for a Security Officer to design, implement and manage a security system which ensures the security of HelpAge’s staff and property, and to maintain awareness of developments in Haiti which may impact on security. We have several houses and an office, as well as staff and vehicles which need to be assessed for threats and risks, and a plan implemented to minimize vulnerability and maximize protection.
The role will involve recruiting and managing a team of guards, monitoring the movement of staff and visitors, developing a security policy and field plan, and training all staff on its contents, and representing HelpAge at all security coordination meetings. They will be responsible for keeping the Programme Manager updated with all relevant information relating to secuirty of staff and property.

Qualifications réquises

The successful candidate will have several years experience of security management, including conducting risk assessments, addressing the threats identified through policies and actions, and coordinating a team of staff. S/he will speak English and French, be IT literate and have excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Experience of working with an International NGO is highly desirable.

Date limite
