Emergency Disaster Risk Reduction Project Coordinator (Reference code: DRR/PC01) pour Croix Rouge Americaine | JobPaw.com


This position is responsible to:
• Plan, supervise and evaluate the project activities (disaster risk analysis, community sensitization, disaster planning, mitigation works);
• Support the project field team in the setting and the implementation of the project;
• Facilitating the recruitment of community workers;
• Chair regular staff, coordination and community meetings; trainings, workshops and community events;
• Coordinate with the other agencies working in the settlements and/or in the same area;
• Coordinate with the local authorities the project implementation;

Qualifications réquises

The DRR project coordinator should have the following qualifications:

• College graduate

• Working experience in community-based programs, community outreach and participatory methodologies

• Working experience in project management and team management

• Studies and/or working experience in the Disaster Risk Management field

• Have excellent communication skills

• French, Creole and English Fluency

Date limite
