Video editing and end productionpourHabitat pour l'humanite Haiti|

Habitat Haiti, Habitat Canada in partnership with DFATD has been supporting development in the community of Simon Pelé, an urban informal settlement in northern Port-au-Prince, Haiti through the project “Investing in People and Business in Haiti”. As part of the holistic urban renewal of Simon Pelé, a densely populated neighborhood of more than 30,000 in Port-au-Prince, this project seeks to strengthen the long-term economic future and social fabric of the community by providing a wide-range of training and skills development opportunities. Throughout this time, Habitat has been documenting these efforts using photos, videos and narratives.

Description de taches

Project Aim
In collaboration with Habitat Haiti staff, the aim of this project is to edit collected footage and produce 4 short videos that recount the story of DFATD in 4 parts: Infrastructure, vocational training, non-vocational training, and a case study on small and medium enterprises
- Convert 2hrs of footage to 4 videos of 3-5 min each
- Work with communications staff to develop a story board and Each video should stand in its own but feel like a continuation when watched chronologically.
- Videos should highlight the four themes listed above as well as Habitat’s overall approach and relationship with the community.
- Videos should also serve to Promote the continued financial and gift in kind support of our donor DFATD – the government of Canada [logos to be provided by Habitat Haiti]
Project Deliverables
The following deliverables for this terms of reference include:
- Establish a content approval procedure to gain collaborative feedback from Habitat Haiti team.
- 4 2-5min videos on the following themes: Vocation training, non-vocational training, infrastructure projects and SME’s success story
- Closed captioning in the appropriate languages with the collaboration of the Habitat Haiti team
- Deliverables must be submitted no later than Monday, April 28th 2016 .

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Person Specification
- Fluent in English, French and Creole. As footage will come in all three.
- 3+ years of professional experience in video production and editing on the Market.

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