ToT Training of Literacy TeacherspourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|

SEED III - Project
Terms of Reference for ToT Training of Literacy Teachers

1. Overview
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is a nonprofit organization that provides both emergency response and development assistance internationally by working closely with local community representatives to alleviate poverty and enhance their social & economical situation.
In Haiti, UMCOR’s program “Strengthening Entrepreneurship and the Economy through Business Development (SEED)” is entering its third yearwith the provision of business training and small business extension grants. It has been found that the low literacy rate s of the target beneficiaries has reduced their ability to grasp the material so this year UMCOR plans to provide literacy training prior to the business training. The beneficiaries will be divided into two groups: those who are completely illiterate and those who are semi literate. The eventual training for beneficiaries will be 6 months for the completely illiterate as per the Government literacy program. For the semi literate group, the trainer will provide a 4 month condensed version of the the 6 month literacy program.
UMCOR seeks a Training of Trainers (ToT) for 23 literacy teachers following the MENFP curriculum for literacy teachers. The ToT will be conducted in Creole. The trainer will be suitably qualified with direct experience in training literacy teachers using the Haitian government curriculum

Description de taches

2. Trainer activities and Deliverables

a) ToT Training
The trainer will use the MENFP literacy manual to conduct the literacy training for 23 teachers selected by UMCOR from the Carrefour area. The trainer will test the teachers to know their experience in teaching literacy and familiarity with the literacy curriculum.
The trainer must provide a schedule and curriculum for the ToT for the 5 days of training.
Additionally the trainer will provide a schedule for how they propose to visit each of the trainee teachers in the classroom during the 4-6 months of the training of final beneficiaries.
• ToT training schedule and coaching plan
• Training materials (MENFP curriculum and training material)
• Pre and post test questions and classroom visit monitoring form

b) TOT classroom training
The training will be conducted at UMCOR Delmas office or at the Government Petion Ville office, a pretest of the teachers knowledge will be made, and a post training exam will be administered and a survey of teacher satisfaction with thetraining. Upon completion of the ToT classroom training, the trainer will produce a classroom training report which will include an overview of the training, an evaluation of increased knowledge (test scores), with feedback from the participants, any lessons learned and recommendations for future ToT classroom training.
• Five (5) days full-time training provided to UMCOR trainers and staff.
• ToT Report that includes: Overview of the training, evaluation of its value (pre training test and exam results), results of teacher satisfaction with course, any lessons learned, and recommendations for future training.
• Individual Monitoring Reports one per visit, two per Teacher during the 4-6 months while they are training of beneficiaries– The monitoring report will include strengths and weaknesses observed in the teacher (handling of class, presentation of material, interaction with students etc) and the coaching provided to those teachers following the class. (UMCOR will provide the monitoring form for the reports)

c) Monitoring and Evaluation
The UMCOR staff will attend the ToT. With the monitoring schedule of the ToT trainer UMCOR may drop in at the same time in the literacy classes with beneficiaries and observe the ToT Trainer handling of the monitoring visit.
A final Monitoring Report will summarize the findings during the monitoring visits, indicate lessons learned (curriculum weakness, need to add modules to the ToT in future etc) and recommendations.

d) Expected Timeframe
No Activities Deliverables Dates (Completed by) Actions by:
1 Curriculum Development / Provision Preparation of ToT training material for 23 Teachers December, 2015 Trainer
ToT Training schedule and proposed monitoring plan to cover 23 teachers twice in 4-6 months. December, 2015 Trainer
2 ToT Classroom training Five (5) day full-time training provided to 23 teachers and UMCOR staff January 2016 Trainer/UMCOR
January 2016 Trainer
3 ToT Training Report ToT classroom training report
January 2016 Trainer
4 Training monitoring One monitoring report per visit , 2 visits per teacher over the 4-6 months (46 monitoring reports) January- June 2016 Trainer
5 Final Teacher Monitoring Report Summarizes 64 individual reports July 2016 Trainer

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

3. UMCOR and Trainer responsibilities
• Prepare service contract for the trainer
• Approve agenda for training and schedule for monitoring
• Provide venue for ToT teacher training
• Monitor the ToT training and spot check the Trainer field visits to the literacy classes
• Review and approve reports
• Approve deliverables and make payments in a timely way to the Trainer as per the service contract
• Conduct a 5 day training for 23 UMCOR-selected Teachers plus UMCOR staff in French or creole
• Submission of ToT pretest raw dta (questionnaires) in French
• Submission of the exam raw data (test papers) in French
• Submission of post ToT Training Report in French
• Submission of one monitoring report per visit to teacher in the classroom (2 per teacher over the time of the literacy training) in French or creole
• Submission Final Monitoring Report on the monitoring of the teachers application of the ToT knowledge in the classroom with beneficiaries in French

Envoyer le pli à

Submissions: Deadline Dec 21, 2015 at 2 pm
Please send proposal in French including:
Cover letter with experience in training teachers, confirm knowledge of and previous use of the MENFP Literacy curriculum in training teachers, Schedule for the 5 day Training of Teachers, proposed monitoring schedule to visit and do classroom monitoring and coaching with each of 23 teachers twice in 4-6 months, budget for this service and attach CV of main trainer(s).
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Mark in the Subject Line of the email - Literacy ToT Trainer.