Awareness Raising on Gender Based Violence (GBV)pourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|


Awareness Raising on Gender Based Violence (GBV)

I. Background:

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) provides emergency and development and relief assistance internationally by working collaboratively with local communities to assist with restoring social stability, revitalizing community structures, and empowering members to retake control of their lives.

UMCOR in Haiti is implementing the Provision of Integrated Services around New Settlement (PISANS) Program in Haut Damier, Cabaret. Implemented in collaboration with the United States Agency on International Development (USAID), the PISANS program’s integrated education, livelihoods, community relations, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions at USAID’s resettlement housing site will decrease service-based tensions between old and new communities and empower the current and new residents of Haut Damier to improve their economic, health, and education services as determined by their requests for support.

The overall objective of the PISANS program is to improve services for communities in Haut Damier surrounding the new resettlement DLA 1.5 area and to promote peaceful cohabitation between the new settlement and existing inhabitants of the area.

One of the major social and health (mental and physical) issues prevalent in communities such as Haut Damier is that of gender based violence. It has been found that violence against women and exploitation of girls is a problem in many countries across the world. The problems around violence against women and girls is exacerbated by poor economic conditions, insufficient education about human rights, a weak judicial system, a weak medical system (including referral mechanisms) lack of trust in law enforcement agents, lack of training for law inforcement and medical practicioners in handling GBV cases , and wide spread ownership of weapons and general insecurity. Additionally, victims of violence have had limited resources available to them to get medical attention, psychosocial support, or to access the Haitian justice system. Violence against women and girls takes many forms including sexual, physical, emotional and psychological and impacts their livelihood opportunities and physical and mental health.

To increase awareness and understanding about GBV issues and to support the objective of peaceful within the community of Cabaret, UMCOR will implement trainings and capacity building sessions to help key stakeholders recognize and address the gender based violence issue.

Therefore, UMCOR Haiti seeks a consultant(s) to plan and give GBV training to targeted Cabaret-based beneficiaries and community members. A description of the objectives of the training along with deliverables is provided below.

Description de taches

2. Service Provider

Consultant Role:

Consultant(s) will develop the GBV training curriculum and materials and lead three one-day training events. The consultant will be experienced in the field of GBV prevention and must have solid experience in presenting sensitive material in an accessible, organized manner. The consultant(s) must be fluent in Creole and English as all trainings will be conducted in Creole, however, materials must be provided to UMCOR in both English and Creole.

All materials developed will become the property of UMCOR for its use and distribution.

3. Geographic Location

Haut Damier, Cabaret. Preparation work before the event may be done remotely or at UMCOR offices in Cabaret.

4. Overall objective

To deepen residents’ understanding of what constitutes gender based violence -- what it is, what triggers it and ways to identify and prevent it.

Specific Objectives:
SPO1: To create awareness among participants and ability to recognize gender based violence.
SPO2: To enhance the capacity of participants to share this knowledge to help prevent gender based violence in the community and offer greater support to survivors of GBV.
SPO3: To strengthen the capacity of teachers to disseminate anti-violence and positive male-role model messages among youth
SPO4: To enhance the capacity of journalists to properly highlight and report gender based violence issues while protecting survivors right to privacy and confidential treatment.
SPO5: To identify trained medical and law enforcement practitioners to sensitively assist survivors, explore gaps in services available in the community to survivors and discuss referral systems.

5. Expected outcome

1: Increase key stakeholders awareness about GBV and the rights of protection post training.
2: # of teachers trained to spot potential GBV and able to refer the survivors effectively.
3. Key GBV awareness and prevention and positive male-role model messages disseminated among the youth.
4. Number of youth exposed to the messages who can relay what GBV is and one way to prevent it.
5: # of journalists whose knowledge of GBV and confidentiality isssues around survivers has increased post training.
4: Training manuals developed & distributed among participants
5. Existing referral systems identified and known to participants including trained practitioners in law enforcement, psychosocial support and medical handling of GBV survivors available to be called.

6. Proposed Activities

Identification of key stakeholders has been completed – they are in three groups: community members, teachers and journalists.

Serial number Activity # of Participants
1 Orientation and training of community members 60
2 Orientation and training of teachers and participants from area churches 50
3 Orientation and training of journalists 20
4 Development of training manuals 03
5 Report of the trainings, by group, highlighting major themes (i.e., questions asked by participants, examples of scenarios provided, etc.) 0

General Content of the Program:
• Basic concepts of gender based violence and human rights
• Types of GBV (including post event handling of survivors) Participatory identification of GBV existing in the community
• Role of stakeholders, opinion leaders and people in authority to raise awareness and work on prevention and support including development of referral systems
• Tools to combat gender based violence
• Way forward to critical path leading towards no violence.
• Supporting survivors and reporting of incidents of gender based violence to protect their privacy, their rights and reduce the post abuse trauma while ensuring they have access to medical, psychosocial support and legal recourse.
• Ways in which to raise the subject of GBV how to model and express expectations for positive male role models/citizens –how to coach youth and men, when and how to step in and assist the survivors – first in prevention, second during the abuse and third after abuse.

Additional Information to be included in training for each group is as follows:

Orientation and training of community members: In addition to the general concepts of GBV and human rights, training for this group should be designed to give them concrete tools/messages and how to use these tools from their position of influence. How to raise the topic in the forums they control, how to make messages resonate with real situations they will face and how to model alternative peaceful ways of living. Training should include a closer look at real practical ways of dealing with domestic violence, sexual exploitation and other abuse. It should look at such abuse as it relates to alcohol. The training approach must be participatory – much more than lecture style. At the conclusion of the training, participants should be able to clearly understand the various forms of GBV how to identify GBV and know their role in raising awareness and modeling ways to prevent it and how to intervene safely when it is happening and where to refer survivors in their community.

Orientation and training of teachers and participants from area churches: Research concludes that school based violence has both short and long term impact on children in the form of lower learning capacity, low grades and poorer health. Training for this group must assist teachers and church leaders to build tolerance, raise awareness of and model positive male roles, to prevent and address violence in schools and within the church community as well as in homes of their students/church members. The content prepared needs to address all forms of gender based violence including sexual, physical, psychological, and corporal punishment and may include bullying, hazing, trafficking and child labor. The training material should be designed to help these key stakeholders to raise awareness, explain and model positive male roles in the church and school, how to prevent GBV and support/refer survivors. It must be based on the participatory learning and focus on typical situations in the local context.

Orientation and training of journalists: The media has a key role to play in increasing the community’s understanding of GBV and ensuring that its reporting does not further victimize survivals and abuse their rights to privacy. The media is a positive force which can shape the population’s perception about gender based violence and the role of men in society. It can reinforce negative male roles, perpetuate stereotypes, and sensationalize cases at the expense of the survivors. Training content should provide journalists the tools to bring about a shift in the population’s acceptance of GBV as routine or culture. After training, the participants should be able to properly and sensitively report on GBV incidents to protect the rights of the survivors.

7. Methodology

The participatory approach will be used to deliver information to participants allowing them to test their understanding of concepts/material through role playing, categorizing scenarios as GBV, discussing scenarios and what usually happens vs what they could do in different cases. The participants will be provided an opportunity to discuss the issues in a safe environment so the consultant must be sensitive to atmosphere and ensure participation without discussing actual cases/names.

8. Key deliverables

• The key deliverables include the three training manuals with material to be used for each training session (agenda, details of sessions, written knowledge, attitude and practice [KAP] tests) for communities, teachers and journalists.
• Pre and post KAP individual test results regarding: what is GBV, how GBV affects human rights, attitudes towards certain common GBV in Haiti, what is the role of opinion leaders in preventing it, knowledge of how to prevent it, knowledge of positive male role models and referral systems available in the community.
• Brief report following each session.
• Final report merging findings and results from all training events.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

2. Service Provider

Consultant Role:

Consultant(s) will develop the GBV training curriculum and materials and lead three one-day training events. The consultant will be experienced in the field of GBV prevention and must have solid experience in presenting sensitive material in an accessible, organized manner. The consultant(s) must be fluent in Creole and English as all trainings will be conducted in Creole, however, materials must be provided to UMCOR in both English and Creole.

All materials developed will become the property of UMCOR for its use and distribution.

3. Geographic Location

Haut Damier, Cabaret. Preparation work before the event may be done remotely or at UMCOR offices in Cabaret.

4. Overall objective

To deepen residents’ understanding of what constitutes gender based violence -- what it is, what triggers it and ways to identify and prevent it.

Specific Objectives:
SPO1: To create awareness among participants and ability to recognize gender based violence.
SPO2: To enhance the capacity of participants to share this knowledge to help prevent gender based violence in the community and offer greater support to survivors of GBV.
SPO3: To strengthen the capacity of teachers to disseminate anti-violence and positive male-role model messages among youth
SPO4: To enhance the capacity of journalists to properly highlight and report gender based violence issues while protecting survivors right to privacy and confidential treatment.
SPO5: To identify trained medical and law enforcement practitioners to sensitively assist survivors, explore gaps in services available in the community to survivors and discuss referral systems.

5. Expected outcome

1: Increase key stakeholders awareness about GBV and the rights of protection post training.
2: # of teachers trained to spot potential GBV and able to refer the survivors effectively.
3. Key GBV awareness and prevention and positive male-role model messages disseminated among the youth.
4. Number of youth exposed to the messages who can relay what GBV is and one way to prevent it.
5: # of journalists whose knowledge of GBV and confidentiality isssues around survivers has increased post training.
4: Training manuals developed & distributed among participants
5. Existing referral systems identified and known to participants including trained practitioners in law enforcement, psychosocial support and medical handling of GBV survivors available to be called.

6. Proposed Activities

Identification of key stakeholders has been completed – they are in three groups: community members, teachers and journalists.

Serial number Activity # of Participants
1 Orientation and training of community members 60
2 Orientation and training of teachers and participants from area churches 50
3 Orientation and training of journalists 20
4 Development of training manuals 03
5 Report of the trainings, by group, highlighting major themes (i.e., questions asked by participants, examples of scenarios provided, etc.) 0

General Content of the Program:
• Basic concepts of gender based violence and human rights
• Types of GBV (including post event handling of survivors) Participatory identification of GBV existing in the community
• Role of stakeholders, opinion leaders and people in authority to raise awareness and work on prevention and support including development of referral systems
• Tools to combat gender based violence
• Way forward to critical path leading towards no violence.
• Supporting survivors and reporting of incidents of gender based violence to protect their privacy, their rights and reduce the post abuse trauma while ensuring they have access to medical, psychosocial support and legal recourse.
• Ways in which to raise the subject of GBV how to model and express expectations for positive male role models/citizens –how to coach youth and men, when and how to step in and assist the survivors – first in prevention, second during the abuse and third after abuse.

Additional Information to be included in training for each group is as follows:

Orientation and training of community members: In addition to the general concepts of GBV and human rights, training for this group should be designed to give them concrete tools/messages and how to use these tools from their position of influence. How to raise the topic in the forums they control, how to make messages resonate with real situations they will face and how to model alternative peaceful ways of living. Training should include a closer look at real practical ways of dealing with domestic violence, sexual exploitation and other abuse. It should look at such abuse as it relates to alcohol. The training approach must be participatory – much more than lecture style. At the conclusion of the training, participants should be able to clearly understand the various forms of GBV how to identify GBV and know their role in raising awareness and modeling ways to prevent it and how to intervene safely when it is happening and where to refer survivors in their community.

Orientation and training of teachers and participants from area churches: Research concludes that school based violence has both short and long term impact on children in the form of lower learning capacity, low grades and poorer health. Training for this group must assist teachers and church leaders to build tolerance, raise awareness of and model positive male roles, to prevent and address violence in schools and within the church community as well as in homes of their students/church members. The content prepared needs to address all forms of gender based violence including sexual, physical, psychological, and corporal punishment and may include bullying, hazing, trafficking and child labor. The training material should be designed to help these key stakeholders to raise awareness, explain and model positive male roles in the church and school, how to prevent GBV and support/refer survivors. It must be based on the participatory learning and focus on typical situations in the local context.

Orientation and training of journalists: The media has a key role to play in increasing the community’s understanding of GBV and ensuring that its reporting does not further victimize survivals and abuse their rights to privacy. The media is a positive force which can shape the population’s perception about gender based violence and the role of men in society. It can reinforce negative male roles, perpetuate stereotypes, and sensationalize cases at the expense of the survivors. Training content should provide journalists the tools to bring about a shift in the population’s acceptance of GBV as routine or culture. After training, the participants should be able to properly and sensitively report on GBV incidents to protect the rights of the survivors.

7. Methodology

The participatory approach will be used to deliver information to participants allowing them to test their understanding of concepts/material through role playing, categorizing scenarios as GBV, discussing scenarios and what usually happens vs what they could do in different cases. The participants will be provided an opportunity to discuss the issues in a safe environment so the consultant must be sensitive to atmosphere and ensure participation without discussing actual cases/names.

8. Key deliverables

• The key deliverables include the three training manuals with material to be used for each training session (agenda, details of sessions, written knowledge, attitude and practice [KAP] tests) for communities, teachers and journalists.
• Pre and post KAP individual test results regarding: what is GBV, how GBV affects human rights, attitudes towards certain common GBV in Haiti, what is the role of opinion leaders in preventing it, knowledge of how to prevent it, knowledge of positive male role models and referral systems available in the community.
• Brief report following each session.
• Final report merging findings and results from all training events.

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**Please note that bids must either be physically delivered to UMCOR Haiti office at 16 Delmas 54, Port-au-Prince, Haiti or emailed to by May 4, 2015, 12:00 PM (EST/Haiti time).

Bidders may bid on one training session or on the complete training program. UMCOR reserves the right to award one contract for all three training sessions or three different contracts, one for each session.