External Audit services for Physical Inventory Count of Distribution Goods <br /> for Fiscal Year End - September 30th, 2023pourCatholic Relief Services| JobPaw.com

CRS Country Programs (CP) with an inventory of distribution goods, such as donated and purchased food commodities, pharmaceuticals, bed nets, pre-positioned goods, program materials, construction materials, etc., valued at 750,000 USD or greater on September 30th, 2023 (fiscal year end), are required to engage an independent, external audit firm to observe physical inventory count processes performed by CRS staff.
The eligible audit firms should meet the following criteria:
1. Certified and registered to operate by governing law of the local government.
2. Qualified under the United States Government’s “Yellow Book” audit.
3. Have at least three years prior experience in undertaking physical inventory for United States Government food aid programs.
4. Have adequate, experienced staff for the assignment.

Description de taches

The auditor is required to observe the year-end physical count and:
1. The physical existence of the inventory.
2. The physical condition of the inventory.
3. The effectiveness and transparency of the physical count procedures.
4. The validity and completeness of receiving & issuing documents and inventory records.
5. The validity of count results and discrepancy adjustments.

CRS PIC Process & Requirements:

The following is some additional background information for the audit firm observing PIC processes. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list.
1. A complete, physical inventory count (PIC) must be conducted at fiscal year-end.
2. PICs should be scheduled and completed, with all discrepancy adjustments completed by September 30th.
3. All inventory operations must freeze, starting at least one day prior to the count, and remain frozen until the count is completed and discrepancies between theoretical and actual inventory are approved. If movement of goods is allowed due to management approved and compelling reasons, then sufficient care should be exercised by staff.
4. To the extent possible, the inventory count should be planned accordingly and executed at the same time with the other warehouses.
5. The PIC process must evaluate and confirm the quality and quantity of all items in the storage location, including the condition of all packaging.
6. A count team must be formed and consist of two or more staff from different departments who are not directly involved with inventory and storage facility management (e.g., from administration, programming, finance [excluding staff assigned to the supply chain cost accountant role]). The count team must be trained to conduct and document PICs.
7. CRS non-supply chain staff will perform the count, verifying the quantity, quality, and integrity of each stock-keeping unit (SKU) in storage. Members of the supply chain team can be consulted during the count but cannot participate in the counting process.
8. The Supply Chain Manager is responsible for scheduling the PIC and training the count team (as needed).
9. The Country Representative (CR) must approve all PIC results, including all inventory adjustments when there are discrepancies.
10. CRS stock on hand may be located in CRS-managed warehouses and/or external storage facilities managed by a third party.
11. Any items stored on behalf of third parties that do not qualify as CRS goods or stock on hand should be excluded from the count.
12. CRS countries using the Insight SCM module will set up and complete the physical inventory count process in the system. CRS countries not using the system, will perform the count manually.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

INSTRUCTIONS – Bidders are required to complete all sections of the below table.
Question Bidder Response

Bidder is certified and registered to operate by governing law of the Haitian Government.

Bidder must provide a copy of the legal documents allowing them to operate in Haiti. Yes / No Comments / Attachments

Bidder is qualified under the United States Government’s “Yellow Book” audit.

Bidder must attach the document that certifies qualification. Yes / No Comments/ Attachments

The bidder confirms they are not a prohibited party under applicable sanctions laws or anti-terrorism laws or provide goods under sanction by the United States of America or the European Union and accepts that CRS will undertake independent checks to validate this.
Yes / No Comments

The Bidder confirms it is fully qualified, licenses and registered to trade with Catholic Relief Services (including compliance with all relevant local Country legislation).

This includes the Bidder submitting the following requirements (where applicable):

- Legitimate business address
- Tax registration number & certificate
- Business registration certificate
- Trading license Yes / No Comments

Requirement Bidder Response / Attachments
Legitimate Business Address
Tax Registration Number & Certificate
Business Registration Certificate
Trading License

Instructions – Bidders are required to complete all sections of the below table.

Item Question Bidder Response
Bidder shares two (2) examples of their experience in providing services similar to those included within the scope of this tender.
Examples provided must be for similar projects within a similar environment / context to that in which Catholic Relief Services operates, and within the last two (2) years.

(Note – the Bidder must ensure that for any client references shared, the nominated client is happy to be contacted / visit by Catholic Relief Services)
Client Name Contact Details (Name & Email) Project Description
Bidder must Have at least three years prior experience in undertaking physical inventory for United States Government food aid programs. Bidder Response Attachment(s)

Bidder must Have adequate, experienced staff for the assignment.

Provide staff curriculum as attachments Bidder Response Attachment(s)

Dossier d’appel d’offres

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