(RFP) for the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of School’s Building Batch 2pourCatholic Relief Services| JobPaw.com

Dear Bidder,

Catholic Relief Services is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a qualified company to conduct the reconstruction and rehabilitation of various schools as tabulated below. The attached RFP contains all the necessary information for interested Bidders.
Lot No. Name of School Location Contact Person School Type

1 Ecole Saint Laurent Laurent /Cayes Pere Lima
4695-7814 2 floor – 6 classrooms with 1 library, 1 teacher’s office & 1 latrine block
2 Saint Thomas d'Aquin Aquin Pere bernard
3622-9071 Rehabilitation of existing school building with toilet block
3 Ecole presbytérale St Yves & Joachim 3eme section Saut baril /Nippe Pere Colbert
3725-1287 Rehabilitation of existing school building with new 4 cubicles latrine
4 Ecole presbytérale Barradère Barradère Père Noémie,- 4312-2292 Rehabilitation of existing school building, construction of new classrooms at 1st floor. Continue unfinish toilet

Description de taches

The Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Schools is funded by the Catholic Relief Services, and through this RFP, new school building will be constructed while some existing school building will be rehabilitated to return into its original function and performance prior to the earthquake event.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The complete set of bidding documents are available for download at www.jobpaw.com interested Bidders should contact CRS at ht_pap_procurement@crs.org if they face any technical difficulties when downloading the bidding documents.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Once you have downloaded the complete bidding documents, interested Bidders MUST send the following details to ht_pap_procurement@crs.org to register your interest in this Tender and to receive any responses to clarification questions and/or updates to tender modifications, bid addendum, deadlines, etc. Bidders who failed to confirm their interest will not be considered in the process.

1.Company Name of Bidder:
2.Valid Email Address:
3.Telephone Number:
4. Name of contact person:
CRS realizes that Bidders may have additional questions after reading this RFP. Interested Bidders can submit their questions to ht_pap_procurement@crs.org according to the instructions in the RFP. If necessary, CRS will provide answers to all relevant questions by email to all companies or organizations that expressed interest.

Autres remarques

This RFP does not obligate CRS to execute a contract, nor does it commit CRS to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposals. Furthermore, CRS reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of CRS.